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Nelcy created a topic of See You, My King

I hate this feeling of helplessness that I'm feeling rn. You got us good blanket guy. I hate you. You're fucking disgusting

Where are the rest of the chapters??? Who's the author? I need to find out

Where are the rest of the chapters??? Who's the author? I need to find out

Nelcy created a topic of Free in Dreams

Y'all need therapy i swear.
Siyun's clothes buttons fighting for their dear life lmao. He became a dilf

Nelcy created a topic of Free in Dreams

Let me in..LET ME INNNNNNN!!!!!!

I wanna rip Oscar to shreds and feed them to wolfs. My hatred for him is so extreme that even though I've never k*lled anyone, i wouldn't hesitate for a sec before k*lling him!
Or should i injury him and then tie him up to slowly rot away...? It'd be quite a sight to see his distorted face when he sees maggots wiggling in his body..

The emperor is so pathetic..ew brother obvious did you have to be for a child to notice it?! F*cking disgusting

Nelcy created a topic of Sutenaide My Hero

Hmm...the only thing i that the alpha is bottom and the omega is top. It's new and refreshing lol. I've never seen it before so yeah.. everything f*cked up!

Nelcy created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

Ahhhh.what was this chapter??? This is so cute please just date already...*me agressively punching my bed* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
WHY ARE YOU BOTH SO CUTE?!? I just know she took her time choosing an outfit, that's why she was late s little..and him ..ahhhh

Nelcy created a topic of Obsidian Bride

I'm starting to get annoyed by the mention of pink diamond...ugh. where tf are you Marianne?!?

Nelcy created a topic of Regas

So he has teleportation power too?? And abel didn't even make a sound before fainting lmao.. XD

I like how most of us feel like something is about to happen...all your problems are gone? Fr? If it's not external then it can only be internal...

Nelcy created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Yoojin: "NO, DON'T "
yoojin what do you want lol

Nelcy created a topic of Captive in Dreamland

The story os interesting a...but the intimate scenes are a bit...idk what to say. Y'all know what i mean right? Even while they kiss... it's just his tongue hanging out like a dogs.. their lips don't even touch. Kinda annoying but oh well...seems like a new artist.

Nelcy created a topic of Regas

Y'all i checked. he doesn't turn into just any twink, he has blonde hair and green eyes...the current king's preferred regas and the Duke seems to have the same preference... interesting. What's the reason?? And he's just like any regas you'd see rn..they all look young right? Like 13-14 yr olds keeping company a middle aged man. Ugh..the men in the palace have disgusting taste! Why someone so young?? Can't find someone your age?? Huh? Well the story is too good to be dropping over mc reduced to a twink. And i saw in novelupdates, a group has picked up the novel...the chapters are still behind the manhwa so it'll take time to catch up or even surpass the manhwa. Y'all I'd recommend you go read it. They show in detail why the prince was killing small animals and his behaviour.. it's really sad

Nelcy already read


  • Author: TR
  • Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi

Cheating f*ckers don't deserve a happy ending, but death sentence

Ahhh...i don't know....i don't knowwwww...this made my mood sour. Like honey, baby..take off your rose tinted glasses and see who your bf is..even if he might not be red, he's still an orange flag in my opinion. Why would you say "You can do whatever you want with me"?? Whyyy?? Ughh...i couldn't feel any affection from their love making. It was simply him (and mc too? Maybe?) satisfying his desires...ahhhhh...I DON'T KNOW!
One little misunderstanding from their highschool days took years for them to solve. I don't even wanna imagine what'll happen once there's one more while they're in a relationship...ahhhhhhh ┗( TīšT )┛