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Nelcy created a topic of Turning

This just had to end on a cliffhanger...idk what happened Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Hmm this where the love rival comes in? Kinda worried but i think it'll be okay!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Nelcy created a topic of Define The Relationship


Nelcy created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Ayee~ hottie (▰˘◡˘▰) he's so effortlessly hot istg hahshshshshsbhsh ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Nelcy created a topic of See You, My King

You're saying we've to read another chapter full of this insane bitch's face?! Ughhh..fine! Just two more weeks right? Until we get a chapter where he's completely gone for good? Okay!

Nelcy created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko

Ahhh..for how long do we gotta wait!

Wish there was better translation but this will do for now. I like it! Claude is so adorable!! I'm getting baby fever UwU

Y'all..i think the misunderstanding is going to be cleared in chapter 33. So wait just a while~
I didn't understand shit but it looked like they finally confessed to each other.

Cake verse looks way darker than omegaverse...tell me when they say "i want to eat you", they don't mean it literally. Please...Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Nelcy created a topic of Selena

You wanted to say it first?! It's not too late boy!!! Just say you like her too!!!! I wanna know what happens in the mext chapter someone tell me please

Nelcy created a topic of The Red Thread

Wait- it can't be! This already ended?? What?! It's shounen ai? But most of all..that felt so short..i want moreee

Nelcy created a topic of Juyeon’s Jinx


Nelcy created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

Kotaro you bastard. Don't be such a selfish pos, it's clearly visible why you don't want her to be with shinpei. Y'all i wonder who'll win if they fight now...the last time was because shinpei was injured. But now he's all healed.. I'm supporting shinpei ofcourse! Beat his ass ugh...

Nelcy created a topic of Off Track a trap..A TRAP! MC RETREAT!!

Nelcy created a topic of Define The Relationship

Karlyle just went to heaven and back lol

Nelcy created a topic of See You, My King


I'm really really really curious about lily's biological father after this... there's no denying that lily is special and now the dragon has confirmed her to be an arcmage... who are said to be missing and almost can't be found anywhere. Here the question arises, how did she get those powers? Who's her father? Ehere is he?

Nelcy created a topic of Yu-Gi-Oh dj - Gross Darkness

I did not come here for thr snake to be ripped apart...i hoped he'd turn into a human know....what the f did i just read???

Nelcy created a topic of Juyeon’s Jinx

Ughh..hangyul you bitch! I don't like him at all... (︶︿︶)=凸 only stayed for bby juyeon ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~