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Tanpopo created a topic of Fight Club

it's usually like, okay for semes and alphas to act nonchalantly like that (at least expected), but not for ukes and omegas?.. personally i love this goofy boy, and i like worked-up semes who just become stupid for ukes, that's refreshing (⌒▽⌒)

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Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
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Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
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myyyyy woman i would let her do unspeakable things to me
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Tanpopo created a topic of Love in Orbit

i feel so bad for sohan. his father's not a decent human being and sohan chooses to keep him close even though it kills him internally, sihwa's a baby with daddy issues as well and sohan can't let go of him either but sihwa doesn't help the situation at all, others are cute but act rather indifferent and not much helpful tbh so he can't really rely on them. oh my poor boy he's having such a hard time and can't grow in this unhelpful environment at all ヽ(╥﹏╥)ノ

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Tanpopo created a topic of Waterside Night

don't wanna rain on other abo lovers' parade but ahegaos and dick-buldging will be the death of me

Tanpopo created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

Wooow I knew it well it should be addressed!!! Especially now because they can't just ignore that if they want to be together!!! Takamada is really messed up he needs therapy, and I just want to know WHAT could've happened to bring that desires to him. No justifying, just want to get him.
The art is gorgeous btw, and I almost cried when he grabbed the baby elephant