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Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to so hot,
Tanpopo created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

is it just me being afraid that the next chapters'll be about takamada being too affected by meeting his mom and doing something to yuu, but yuu'll be understanding, but it still might become a turning point in their relationship, and not a point forward?...
i hope it won't be like that, i just hope that this issue of his would be addressed nevertheless but in a productive manner... well we'll see

Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to so hot,
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo created a topic of Can't Think Straight

re-reading while waiting for next chapters and finding it so hilarious that jaehyuk is like straight-straight can't stand looking at a dick (well that changed quite quickly) but doesn't mind fingering a guy's ass at all lol

Tanpopo add 1 photos to so hot,
Tanpopo followed a list

I'm specifically making this list dedicated to semes who are:
- Sufferers of Down Bad syndrome 
- generally huge simps (borderline crazy for their ukes, obsessed even). 
- gentle and loving from the get-go. 
- their affections are not driven by hidden agenda, etc. 
- All the semes listed here fell for the uke first. 
- I guess it's a fluffy list too. <3 

Fair warning that these shall only include the ones that i personally enjoyed. 

*The mangas listed are in no particular order of preference*

06 05,2024