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Burdada created a topic of The Boundary of Fragrance

I love this story so so much, it's the one I like the most of the ongoing ones, but WHY did the author had to go with the "we met when we were kids" cliche? And I'm almost certain they (at least) semi bonded when they were children and that's why both of them react differently to other's pheromones. I hope that's not the case but I'm almost certain it is...

Burdada created a topic of Gig of the Day

I really hope he snaps and beats the shit out of the bastard that threw him the cigarette's box and end up being a crazy uke with double personality or something like that hhahahahaha that would be so awesome

Burdada created a topic of Mad Dog

Everyone's fighting in the comments. Look, I really like the side story cause I like the characters BUT I don't thinks it's correct to justify rape by saying "it's the way he is/he was abused as a child" because that doesn't justify that he doesn't care about Hamin in the end, he's just being totally selfish with his desires. Let's put Mogil from Guardians of the Lamb as an example. He was SA as a kid, they even made CP with him, and in Dark Heaven it's shown that he's also a rapist and a POS. BUT when he's with Hari he treats her well, he never forced himself on her because he CARES about her. Sehyuk it's obsessed with Hamin and sees him as a way to satisfy his selfish desires, maybe he'll care more in the future, who knows, but it's not a nice relationship just because Hamin stays with him no matter what.
Bottom line, let people enjoy the side stories but don't get mad when people don't like them, it's just natural since it's not a nice story, it's a really fucked up one and people have the right to be upset, having a rough childhood and upbringing doesn't justify mistreating the ones you "love".

I came back and finished reading it, since I stopped 10 chapters from the end. It sucks, but not because she slept with the blonde, she's extremely controlling. The ML wants to be a PE teacher and you can see he really enjoys helping people train, so when an awesome opportunity came she made him decline it? WTF? And with the excuse that they'll see each other less? Is not about the money is about doing what you like, why can she have a career and he doesn't? That's not love. I really hated that, awful ending.

Burdada created a topic of Define The Relationship

I already read the novel so I know how it goes but I'm getting tired of Karlyle internal monologues, it's frustrating to read, can you just change the thinking bubbles for actual dialogue bubbles?

Burdada created a topic of Love and Roll

Whats with this author and ukes nipples, doesn't she has nipples of her own? That's not how nipples work, they always look like they're being pulled by an invisible thread hahahah

I read a lot of this furry stuff but I never get used to the kissing hahahahahaha

Burdada created a topic of The Bromance Book Club

I really loved this series but Thea's reaction makes no sense at all!!!! I'll be over the moon if my husband got help from romance books to improve our relationship, even more if he was a macho man like he is. ARGH I'M SO FRUSTRATED

Burdada created a topic of Guardians Of The Lamb

We all know she's acting, right guys?... Right? ┗( T﹏T )┛

Burdada created a topic of The Origin of Species

I keep reading this series because it's been so long but honestly sometimes I forget the omega is a genius hacker, he lost his character a long time ago, now it looks like a helpless stupid rabbit. And the nipples, why do they always look like they're being pulled by an invisible force? And don't get me started with the proportions. At least it's almost over...

The translations are so bad that people are forgetting THE KISS AND CLEAVAGE CENSORSHIP WTFFFFFFFFFF IS WRONG WITH THIS GROUP

Burdada created a topic of Guardians Of The Lamb

Dark Haven was dark in a raw sense, but I feel like Guardians of the Lamb is WAY darker. My heart hurts so badly for Hari, Gale and Mr. Ahn. They had such horrible upbringings and are carrying so much trauma. And I love the way Hari and Gale being the two messed up individuals that they are help each other heal. This manhwa brings me life.

Burdada created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

Ahhhhhhhh only 1 or 2 chapters until the time skip!!!! I CANNOT WAIT

Burdada created a topic of Fate Makes No Mistakes

The past arc took so long that I feel Hwan also erased MY memories of Eunjae, when he reappeared I thought "who's this?" Hahahhahhahaha

Burdada created a topic of Jinx

"I'm sure Mr. Joo is suffering even more..." WTF did I just read I JUST CAN'T WITH THIS KING OF THE PUSHOVERS UKEEEEEE. Really, I have no sympathy left for him, reading this manga is like seeing on of those pile up accidents on a highway where cars keep crashing and you can't stop looking.

Burdada created a topic of The Bromance Book Club

Leave his ass Thea you deserve moreeeeeeee! As chapters go by he makes everything worse, how can he be so stupiddddddddd god hahahahahaha

This type of manga is always so badly written and nonsensical but why can't I stop reading them hahahahahahahhaa

Burdada created a topic of Honey Trouble

Stoooooopppppp let me change places with Wooju and the we can continue ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

The plot is so bad, the FL is extremely stupid "oh no! I came to the exact place of a cutscene in the game and now the cutscene is happening!!!! How can this be!!! *Shocked pikachu face*"
And as a straight "omegaverse" we came here for some action and the closer to action we've been is from hoodlums trying to rape her in different occasions (╯°Д °)╯╧╧