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itsredhoneyrose created a topic of Our Sunny Days

This author def knows how to write a masterpiece

When you try to be the mad one but the target is the wildest patient on the asylum

itsredhoneyrose created a topic of Instant Family

Hot damn, that was wild.

Better be a Mame and Saya spin-off in the future

I'm usually on the uke's side but Fukami gets on my nerves. It's okay to not be able to fall in love. What's not okay is to act like you're jealous and that you have feelings for someone if you're not willing to date them for real. I know we all make stupid decisions because of troubled emotions, but he's acting like Kaji is the bad guy here when in fact he's the one getting the short end of the stick

This fella gets worse everytime he opens his mouth

This manga is made of joy and heart healing properties

Someone's gonna bomb their test lol

"Some tasty ass" I'M DECEASED LMAO

It's the first time that I'm not mad at the homophobic dad because Tak indeed deserved that beating

itsredhoneyrose created a topic of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

It's been almost 20 years. 20. Fucking. Years.

Yeah, not buying this stupid redemption arc. Tak can go fuck himself

I feel kinda bad for the uke bc seme clearly is just using the opportunity to get in his pants but at the same time he's not being subtle about it so

How can all plots with disabled main characters be so more deep and enjoyable than the others

How can Tak be such a piece of shit when his big bro is funny and sweet

itsredhoneyrose created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

I want the uke to break this mf in half so bad!! It would be so good to see the uke saving himself for a change