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Sukirina February 24, 2021 9:07 am

Typically I can get around the illogical worlds that Mangas create. But this one I just can't. This entire Manga has been a comedy for me, I'm sorry lolz.

I would say more but ii don't feel like being attacked. If you're one for these types of stories by all means.

Sukirina August 25, 2020 2:02 am

Now I've read my fair share of Yaoi. One of my favorites is Killing Stalking. So I can look past force somethings.

But this story has absolutely no character development it is just going with some sort of narrative it already has planned.

He could've just simply taken the pendant the Seme wasn't holding it hostage it was legit in his pocket and he was tied up. Everything about the Seme annoys me honestly. There is no development in his background I guess he just enjoys casually raping people.

And idk but if I was a virgin I don't think I'll take my first experience by force so lightly especially if it's some dude I barely know and lives in the same area as me. Uke took it like it was his everyday routine.

Personally i think the author should work on character and story development everyone seems so cold and lifeless. I can't see actual people acting like this in real life.

My personal opinion on the story I see it is rated a 9.2. So don't kill me

    Arony August 25, 2020 6:01 am

    Nice then buy this on the official site comment there will help not whine on a pirate website..

    Arony August 25, 2020 6:06 am

    Also if you have so many suggestion on a PIRATE website not the OFFICIAL website then it won't help...stop whining and start showing ( ̄へ ̄) appreciation

    Sukirina August 25, 2020 6:55 am
    Also if you have so many suggestion on a PIRATE website not the OFFICIAL website then it won't help...stop whining and start showing ( ̄へ ̄) appreciation Arony

    Whine? I am stating my opinion on the story I read. This is the COMMENT section where of course you would typically leave a comment on what you read. Not a appreciation post just my personal opinion on a story I read. Don't take it personal.

    And if giving an opinion is whining then you to are also whining.

    Arony August 25, 2020 7:02 am
    Whine? I am stating my opinion on the story I read. This is the COMMENT section where of course you would typically leave a comment on what you read. Not a appreciation post just my personal opinion on a story ... Sukirina

    I'm not taking it persona just saying that for reading from a pirate website and not the OFFICIAL one your expectations are sure high 1st buy it then complain

    Sukirina August 25, 2020 7:14 am
    I'm not taking it persona just saying that for reading from a pirate website and not the OFFICIAL one your expectations are sure high 1st buy it then complain Arony

    What expectations? I've read amazing stories on here. Are my expectations supposed to be low because this is a Pirated Website? Because I'm going to need for yo I to clarify that.

    And you seem to be taking it personal. I understand this may be your favorite story. That's fine. Just make sure to go purchase it so you can show your appreciation. But all opinions aren't the same as yours.

    I gave my opinion once again. You can't dictate my opinion and how I should use it. That is not rules. So instead if paying attention to the critical response fill your day with joy and ignore it and move on to all of the other appreciation comments. And discuss what you appreciate.

    Arony August 25, 2020 7:53 am
    What expectations? I've read amazing stories on here. Are my expectations supposed to be low because this is a Pirated Website? Because I'm going to need for yo I to clarify that.And you seem to be taking it p... Sukirina

    It would be understandable that you paid money to read this and criticise cause you didn't like it and your money went in vain but nope you do it on a pirate website where people steal and upload and have high expectations of it.that's the problem but you won't get it

    DorianGrey August 25, 2020 9:45 am

    Haha, I have a similar opinion. I wouldn't say I need it to be realistic, since we're reading fiction... But the characters do seem to be pretty dumb, shallow, nothing I can think of would describe their behaviour, they're just going with whatever comes to mind first. Not s great plot... Not even great sex. Thumbs up. I applaud people with critical thinking.

Sukirina August 23, 2020 12:23 pm

I'm glad to see there is still threats against the little brother after dropping this manga so long ago. Lolz. I couldn't continue it because of him. This vol 1 ending was good, great would've been the little brother getting what he deserves

Sukirina February 15, 2020 6:45 am

Good read. The Alpha female and the male Omega was a mystery that I enjoyed. Lolz. And I'm sorry but that wedding dress/Tux was hideous..... Sorry...

Sukirina March 12, 2019 4:29 am

God I need to take this off my list. I come back after a update having a clue about nothing. Then read it and all of a sudden I remember how much I dislike this story.

I don't like the personality of both characters on a deep level. I despise the "forever gonna be a victim" Nemu. He should honestly seek therapy. And Maya should also seek therapy because of his dormant crazy side.

But seeing as Nemu is such a timid, insecure, unsure, SAD person who needs to just go get HELP already with a therapist; people in the comments constantly jumps to this weak azz character defense. Now if Nemu was a female people would be screaming for her to get out of the relationship and seek personal help. Instead everyone just put Maya in the wrong constantly and say how he should bend backwards for Nemu precious emotions. And how Nemu has every right to be such a insecure adult child. When in reality Nemu should just leave, and find someone else who doesn't constantly have him doubt himself. Such a toxic relationship, on both sides.

It's okay, give me all of your thumbs down. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    lovely-mako March 10, 2019 2:45 pm

    Thumbs up for you darling, this story Lost me long time ago.

    Mint March 11, 2019 11:33 am
    Thumbs up for you darling, this story Lost me long time ago. lovely-mako

    Then why are you here?

    lovely-mako March 11, 2019 11:08 pm

    Cause I saw this comment and I wanted to reply.

Sukirina December 6, 2018 11:17 am

I'm going to be honest and by the comments I can tell this is an unpopular opinion. But everything about this manga was absolutely sloppy. If I was 15 again I'd probably had enjoyed it. But thanks for the translation.

    Ι_read_everything!damn-it! December 6, 2018 7:42 pm

    Unpopular? And i thought we would win the elections....

    Peeves December 8, 2018 11:47 pm
    Unpopular? And i thought we would win the elections.... Ι_read_everything!damn-it!

    Sorry to disappoint you then.

    Ι_read_everything!damn-it! December 8, 2018 11:54 pm
    Sorry to disappoint you then. Peeves

    Well at least 15 people agreed... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    We are not alone!

    GeyOz December 10, 2018 5:49 am

    It was reaaaally sloppy but the first couple was okay I guess. There's honestly not enough prostitution yaoi ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Sukirina October 31, 2018 5:19 am

I want to drop this Manga so bad, but since I've stuck it out this long ii guess I'm just in it until something ii can't phantom happens. I've read TONS of bl manga and some with similar themes. But I just really don't like the main character all of his characteristics are unlikable and not relatable. So many decisions he make are just no legit reason behind it just purely impulse.

If this Manga would've ended when he left the hospital ii would've been more satisfied with that. Simply because I could understand his feelings more. But for this ex "alpha" ii don't understand his reasons with sleeping with some guy he barely knows and haven't seen in God knows how long. Just why...... It seems like unnecessary drama.

I think the baby and dad should just live happily ever after. Because obviously this guy is beyond selfish and only cares about himself. That's the thing with some Korean BL some characters and situations just seem a little over annoying. Korean Yuri are usually better character wise and they don't involve a lot of this drawn out drama. Don't get me wrong their is still a lot of amazing Korean BL but personally I think Japanese bl are better.

    UltraKitten October 31, 2018 5:46 am

    I normally don't have much problems with Korean BL (less rape turns into love stories to sift through..) but I totally agree with not liking this MC but i have invested so much time now i dont want to stop. I think Dojin deserves better, and a happy ending for me would not be with them together.

Sukirina August 21, 2018 5:04 pm

Wow I didn't know there would be a second volume. Beyond happy

Sukirina August 11, 2018 6:27 pm

Hands down one of the best Mangas. Iver 30 chapters and not one time have I felt thr need to maybe 'give up'. I wish updates were like daily lmao but thats just me being selfish.

Sukirina August 9, 2018 12:35 pm

I'm sorry but I'm most likely the last opinion that people will agree with. But Nemu needs to just go get professional help already. He is obviously emotionally hurting.

All of those insecurities are just eating at him that I don't see how he can even sustain a daily routine. I know everyone wants to blame Maya because he either doesn't give Nemu enough attention or he isn't hearing Nemu complaints about his insecurities enough. But honestly Nemu has to care enough about himself so he can be strong with relaying those feelings to him even if he changes subject he'll be able to STICK to what he is trying to convey, I think he needs help withshowing that emotion. If not then that's when he should take a step back from the relationship and just work on his mental health instead of wanting the person who is indirectly causing such feelings to stay giving you affection. Like honestly what is that going to solve? He is still going to be very much so insecure sadly.

I think he should focus more on his mental health and not a relationship to make him feel worthwhile. But of course this is Yaoi so in order for the story to continue there has to be drama. But if I knew someone like that in reality my advice would be for them to seek guidance not affirmation. Being secure with yourself will bring more happiness.

ETA- I'm not blaming Nemu for his insecurities I'm saying guidance will help him deal with those emotional feelings

    Sachiko August 9, 2018 7:44 am

    Wrong your opinion is the majority. Victim blaming usually is. The victim should not be the one taking responsibility for the problems the victimizer creates. That's such a common response. Ktbn.

    Sukirina August 9, 2018 10:43 am
    Wrong your opinion is the majority. Victim blaming usually is. The victim should not be the one taking responsibility for the problems the victimizer creates. That's such a common response. Ktbn. Sachiko

    I never BLAMED him for anything. My opinion is that instead of just simply pitying the victim I think the victim should seek help. That's why I feel as though my opinion is unpopular compared to everyone just saying Maya should just pay more attending to him. I think when one needs constant validation then their self worth and esteem is low (I'm not saying that to down or shame him). So instead of just shaming the other party I think the victim should seek help with their individual problem.

    The popular opinion is to just give sympathy and shame the the person who isn't in distress. Who is just indirectly causing harm (honestly when have we seen Maya point of view where he is purposely hurting him). I'm not shaming him and I'm not saying Maya is in the right. I'm saying ones mental health is more important. Not to just sit there and pity him, I think that does more harm then good.

    Once again I apologize if you took it the wrong way. I'm not saying Nemu NEEDS to stand his ground when it comes to conveying his insecurities. I was trying to say if he had help it'll be easier for him to get his concerns across to Maya. I'm definitely not saying he should sit there and take it or to just get over it. He obviously was hurt and is still hurting I think ignoring such issues just doesn't solve itself especially when you're always around the person who caused them because affection can only do so much.

    And honestly Maya seems to just be avoiding speaking to him about those emotional things maybe because he is afraid also. It's either that or he simply doesn't care about Nemu. Maybe relationship counselling will help them sort their emotional issues out because they both have it. But we're constantly looking at things from Nemu POV so not only do I care more about him then Maya I want for him to be happy on tbe inside and with himself.

    Sorry I wrote so much but I wanted to make sure I wasn't being misunderstood and pegged as someone who thinks victims are at fault for being victims. Not at all, I think victims deserve mental and emotional happiness.

    Sukirina August 9, 2018 10:54 am
    Wrong your opinion is the majority. Victim blaming usually is. The victim should not be the one taking responsibility for the problems the victimizer creates. That's such a common response. Ktbn. Sachiko

    In short I'm saying I do feel sorry for him like everyone else and Mayu should be more considerate but I want for him to love himself also and not have to have Maya as the only source of self love.

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