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xeijam like topic of Solo For Two

Sasya deserves all the hate he's getting from Karel but Karel was also stupid enough to love such an unstable person and was too blind to see that. But I hate Sasya more cause he did nadda thing for Karel and ditched him. I can't help it. I hate how he knows what he's done but continues to act to love him and though he shows obvious guilt, it's not enough. It's only like a sprinkle of salt compared to what Skar has suffered. His guilt is shown so obviously by the author just so we know that he knows what he's done and can't hate him for it

xeijam created a topic of Jinx

"dogs are so weird, no matter how much you hurt them, they'll always love you"

xeijam created a topic of Jinx

he should js be drunk all the time

xeijam created a topic of Solo For Two

this manwha is so amazing to me. it's like you can never really tell who's right or wrong because you sympathize and understand every character's feelings. im excited to see how they'll heal and create new memories w eachother \(^^)/

xeijam asked a question
xeijam created a topic of Half of Me


xeijam created a topic of Black Mirror

damn they just went insane

xeijam created a topic of Jinx
xeijam created a topic of Jinx

jaekyung needs to get his ass whooped

xeijam created a topic of Full volume

dude i just realised that the boyfriend of beom's coach is the one that wrote the fanfic of snow tiger. thats why the coach talked about his boyfriend's weird writing and how he lives in a swanky mansion.

xeijam created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

broo his eyes were locked on her when she ws dancing

xeijam created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

seon woo has mr jeong around his little finger ahaha

xeijam created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

fucking dumbass why did you let him go with you

xeijam created a topic of Punch Drunk Love
xeijam created a topic of The Horizon