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2021-07-05 06:08 marked
Ima say it, the manhwa doesnt do Daiki justice. Here it seems like Daiki isnt in love with minjoon and is just a possesive person, but in the novel we see that Daiki truly loves and is in love with Minjoon(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
2021-06-30 04:38 marked
What we do for loveeeee…
sadly i got a phone :) but no one special to call :(
2021-06-28 21:47 marked
They're so gay for each other
Also why is hyejin(pink haired girl) so mean?
2021-06-27 17:54 marked
Feng had a semen sample and Yiyun had a semen sample. Feng switched their semen samples around. Rourou is Feng's biological son. Yiyun raised Rourou believeing Rourou was made with his semen sample, until Feng told him otherwise. They are now dating and raising Rourou together
Yiyun's semen sample was stolen. The thief thought they stole Feng's semen sample.
The grey haired aunt is blood related to the Feng family. She can't have children. She needs a heir that is blood related to the Feng family. She stole Yiyun's semen sample thinking it was Feng's and put it in a surrogate mother, that lady just gave birth to the baby named Bighead. The aunt thinks she now has a child that carries the Feng bloodline. But the baby is actually related to Yiyun and not Feng. Yiyun doesn't know that his semen sample is also a baby now.
Rourou is the biological son of Feng. Bighead is the biological son of Yiyun.
I hope that helps.
2021-06-15 10:53 marked
I'm curious about Seungeon's family.
The crazy guy said that Seungeon was physically abused by both his parents.
And SPOILER FOR CHAPTER 31, now we know that Seungeon's mum killed herself after he was born.
Looking at this, we can see his sister, his brother, his dad and a middle-aged woman who I thought was his mom but turns out she's not. Is she his step mother then? Could it be that his mum was his dad's mistress and she was sad because his dad wouldn't marry her so she took her own life? If he's the son of another woman it would also explain the age gap with his siblings. Another clue is that Seungeon said that he will inherit a trashy affiliated branch rather than the main company so it's clear that his family doesn't favour him in any way (that and the beatings prove it). So if he's an illegitimate child that would explain a lot of things about his upbringing.
2021-06-13 14:42 marked
pls the raw is finish and i just don’t understand the hand situations, can someone who knows explain or have a chat with me?
2021-06-05 20:56 marked
actually jooheon needs to get therapy and emotional help, his situation is just so painful and crazy, to the point where he has to put himself in a position he abhors because he wants a good future and present for his daughter.
damn... in a single week (ig), he got pregnant, father claimed no responsibility and said cruel cruel words and avoided contact, he had to drop out, even move, grandma passed away and he was alone throughout the pain, he couldn't tell his sister, he was struggling financially, and with the hospital saying that omegas needed alpha pheromones during pregnancy (according to this story) but he didn't even get that, alone for 2 months (with his sister's account) and he gave birth alone, a teenager with no family and somehow took care of himself during the time and his only family his sister didn't know he was a recessive omega, and for seven years he brought up the child with so much love, and even right now, with all his trauma, self-esteem issues, he still chose whats best for the child and sister at the expense of himself, and he's lowkey highkey being guilt-tripped.... wow

I hope he can really get help. From a therapist. Love can't heal all he went through. I know Lee Kang suffered, but he did have a lot of things which helped him through all that..
2021-06-05 14:10 marked
anyways happy pride month
2021-06-02 01:51 marked
I was so eager to read this coz I thought this was Alpha x Beta :((( but still the story is interesting.

So many misunderstanding between them especially Kang the idiot. How can he not heard clearly about who was pregnant, jealous blind him so deep
and then he thought Juheon didn't pick up his phone and Juheon didn't come out and see him when he went and visit to Juheon, when the truth is Juheon was not at home and he left his phone. Kang decided everything on his own delusion.
Poor Juheon he must have heartbroken and suffered a lot when the person he loves said abort the child even though both sides misunderstood with each other. He struggled alone in these 7 yrs.

Another misunderstanding was Juheon called Kang again when he gave birth to Taeyang but Kang couldn't answer coz he's in isolation room. Well....

And another thing is, I mean Kang knows he imprinted Omega and he suffered Chronic disease coz of that but for the rest of his life he only had sex with Juheon, so isn't it too obvious that, that omega he imprinted was Juheon and Juheon only since Juheon was only person he had sex ????? He thought Juheon was Beta even after they meet again after 7 yrs
(In general in omegaverse Alpha can imprint omega and alpha still can imprint other omegas too but seems like this one is exceptional)
And how can they exclude those sex parts why
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
2021-05-30 12:20 marked
I’m sorry but ji wook is low key playing seung eon.

Seung eon no matter how much you disagree with the way he does things he is doing his best to try and provide for ji wook and try to have him next to him. Now you might be like this person is crazy seung eon is selfish and manipulative etc

But I have to say you only think that way because you are judging him base on your own standards. Seung eon is the kind of person that has never received loved from his parents or siblings, he was abused by his parent (forgot if it was both of them or just the dad… either way the mum didn’t seem to do shit to stop the father even if she didn’t partake in it she is also responsible) for no reason even when he does well and he was born into the rich family.

First of all the idea that he is selfish .. sure okay I give you that he can come across as that. It’s most likely because of the fact that he was born into a rich family and so he has always financially had money which contribute to him having a more superior mindset since he can financially get the things he wants and so has access to a lot of things but I also don’t think that’s something he can be hold accountable for, since it’s not like he had any say in which family he was gone be born into or how much money he wanted to have.

Now many people might continue disagree and say his selfishness is not about his wealth but his attitude and vocabulary he uses to get his points across but I think a lot of people draw into the conclusion that he is selfish with the statements he has made towards money - like ji wook keeps on hating on him because of that reason - but here is the thing… for him money really doesn’t hold that much value… imagine he has never experienced the lack or has been surrounded by lack so he doesn’t have any understanding of how that can have anything to do with people’s pride or be of such significant.

For Seung eon it’s only natural to say that he will give ji wook money and say them in such insignificant manners that keep hurting ji wook’s pride because money doesn’t mean anything to him. He has it and because he wants to have ji wook around he is willing to give however much to have him next to him.

Seung eon was right in telling Ji wook that he is holding on to his pride meaninglessly. But then I can’t really judge someone’s pride … since to them it hold so much value and most of times when you try to talk about it people get defensive about it.

And also the reason why Seung eon does the things he does in such rushed and desperate way goes back to the idea that he has never felt love, he has never been loved or been viewed as good enough by his own family so now that hr had found someone he has fallen in love with he is trying everything he can irrationally to hold on to them… he even said that because of ji wook he was able to dream and have reason in his life that inheriting the company would be worthwhile if it means he can have ji wook next to him.

Seung eon also has shown that he can easily put aside his pride for ji wook the guy that can have everything with his wealth was willing to go and eat food from the side of the street even when he knew he was gone get indigestion after it… he comes lives with ji wook instead of his place because his level of comfort is not about the location but rather having the person he likes next to him.

I don’t want to sound like I’m romanticising Seung eon because by no mean is his perfect. But at least he has been true to his feelings from the start… he has shown that he can listen to ji wook when he was asked to and he was mature enough to give ji wook space when he asked for it.

Ji wook never really tried to understand Seung eon but instead hold him accountable for the fact that he is rich and has the things Ji wook is lacking when to Seung eon does things mean nothing in comparison to feelings of love and a being loved.

I have said this before and I say it again I think my issue with Ji wook is not that he doesn’t accept his difference with Seung eon cause at the end of the day it’s up to him to decide if he wants any part in this relationship or not but it’s the matter of fact that he holds on to his meaningless pride when it hurts both himself and Seung eon’s feelings. And also the fact that he send mix message to Seung eon … like boy stop playing with both of your hearts and allow yourself to feel loved.

His in ability to be truthful to his own feeling and his lack of willingness to understand Seung Ron’s character is some aspects that I do not like about his personality.

But despite all of that I like them both and I’m rooting for their development. It’s just that I think these issues were not resolved even until the end of the manhwa since base on chapter 1 Seung eon most likely did something he thinks was a good deed for ji wook’s sake while ji wook seems to still be holding on to his pride and actions like a victim.
2021-05-23 12:11 marked
some of you ask for more spoilers so stick wtih me. i have long ass fake nails typing is hard af and english is not my first or second language okay ^^

uke will left both seme and his ex behing and will go back war zone

ex and uke will farawell each other for a last time. ex will apologize about everything. ex willl end up alone.

seme will come to terms his feelings about uke after uke goes back war zone.

there is an arch that we learn semes pov so:
he actually pittied uke at first and he slept with him because he find this convenient for both sides and sees this ony way to reach him at first. (because uke still deeply in love with his ex)

after he started delevoping feelings for uke and freak out. he notices uke has feelings for him too

he is marriage is only for vanity and he never thought to divorce before till met uke. he was thinking to start a new life with uke overseas and bought an apartment at usa after he divorce. he also thought took uke to see good doctors there.

after many altercations with seme and his ex uke decides put his shit together. he lost his 10 years of love and suffers from seme. he tought that only thing people cant take from him his love for phtograpy he decides to go back war zone.

before uke left seme told him that he wont change his apartments pastcode. he will wait for him no matter how long it takes.

uke goes war zone again and met his old friend there. old friend consults him a lot about thing he have been throught.

meanwhile uke got sick again and needs to be in dangerous brain surgery.

after the surgery years pass and he was healing. his friend asked him lwho is the most impornant person in his life to see most. necause life is short etc.

he decides go back the apartment seme mentioned him years ago and put the pass code. wonder its same as before

meanwhile seme was waiting ukes come back. he suffered a lot throutht the years, he lost weight etc.

and he heard door is opened and sees uke

they reunited after years happy end.

also i heard there is short story about ukes ex what happened to him after uke left again war zone but i didnt read that i am sorry.

btw there is a diffirent plot here in manga about ex's bitch boyfriend let me explain:

in novel bitch boy plans to drag ex at the bar with the his bartender friend that night. ex suffers a lot from his lovers lost. he drags him and and rapes him. he gaslight him to he actually forces him to have sex. ex felt gilty and started date with bitch boy. meanwhile bbartender blackmails bitch boy to exposes the tea to ex so he slepts with bartebder whenever bartebder asks. bitch boy has connections to learn ukes place and what happened to him and he hides. he is so obsessed with uke for years and stalked him before.. many of you blamed ex he was ass but he was manuplayed by bitch boy.
2021-05-16 22:14 marked
So the uke doesn't like that the seme lied to him after he finally started trusting him - that too, given that he'd already forgiven him once before for his earlier misbehaviour, disrespect, and anger issues.

Y'all: uKe Is PrObLeMaTiC and isn't he just mad because he's jealous that the seme is smarter!!1?? Why won't he bow down and lick his hot and smexy emotionally-damanged feet? Why would he go on to trust the only guy (blond) who's been nice and caring? Isn't he reading this manhwa with us? Smh, uke should know he's the real bad guy! What an annoying IDIOT!!1!
2021-05-13 14:56 marked
I am so done. This is the most immature way I have seen someone break up with the MC. You’ve known each other since birth, since childhood. The MC was in a tragic accident that caused him to be in a coma for five years. And when the love of your life suddenly comes back you’re going to throw away 20+ years of a relationship instead of embracing your lover because you haven’t seen them for five years. That is literally the most ridiculous sentence I have ever written in my entire life. And reading it and watching it was just as ridiculous. I get that they are all emotionally scarred because the MC disappeared for five years, there’s bound to be some change right? But I just find it ridiculous that instead of dealing with the problem, talking it out, maybe coming to a solution, they throw it all away. It would have been so much easier if they have sat down properly first the MC with his ex lover, talked about things and how he’s moved on explain to him what actually happened and explained that he’s with someone new but that he’s willing to be there for him. And then don’t even get me started about the redhead dude, who is so freaking selfish to be keeping
his boyfriend from even having a friendship with the MC. Literally controlling and blaming the poor dude into not talking to him, saying things like “ you said you were done talking to him “, “you said you weren’t going to be in his life anymore”.
2021-05-06 05:05 marked
anyone else noticed how detailed the spicy scenes have gotten?? a lot more angles and especially close ups
2021-05-05 21:20 marked
I can't wait for the day to come when my Misaki will suck the life out of Usagi-san's cock
2021-05-05 21:20 marked
T^T I want to see what happened next. There's already ch 20 like the note said on ch19. WAHHHH the pain of waiting
2021-05-01 14:35 marked

This fcking manga, that made me fcking wait for fcking SEVEN+ YEARS, will always have a fcking spot in my fcking heart. FCK!

I have discovered this manga in 2014, read it and watched the anime from s1 to s3. AND I STILL WANT MORE.

This is like NARUTO but YAOI. It grew up with me. And fck me to hell, I'm getting emo over a fcking manga, but there were times when i was ao fcking stressed with school and relationships and life in general and I couldn't tell my family or friends.. so I've always turned to anime/manga or exo to release my stress and godfckingdamnit! I WILL ALWAYS WANT THIS TO NEVER END.

Imagine, a 30 days routine becomes a hobby, and I've been checking updates for this atleast once a week for 7+yrs! It BECAME A FCKING WAY OF LIFE! Shiiit!

Ps: usagi became slimmer through the years
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2021-04-23 23:40 marked
The short of it:

• KJC (Kim Jongchan) is planning to start his own line

• False rumors of him being arrogant and offending other departments are spreading around the company, which means that someone is deliberately spreading them to harm him.

• KJC is capable and very good at his job - too good. Plus, he's hard to control. The fact that half the company's income is depending on him is making the Oldies feel threatened.

• Now to the confusing part: Boss Oldie (I can't be bothered to remember names and positions I'm so sorry ) talks about rewriting KJC's security contract. The phrase 'Retirement from the same industry is prohibited after leaving the company' pops up. I have... no idea what that means exactly, but Boss Oldie tells Subordinate Oldies to increase it to three years. Which, apparently, is basically forbidding KJC from switching to another advertisement company

• To sum it up, Boss Oldie is going to try and tighten the reigns on KKC. He wants to have more control over KJC, because KJC's actions could threaten the company's power dynamics and shit. KJC won't be promoted, but he will not be able to move to another company either. He's basically trying to trap KJC in the company. It's not looking good for my man tbh

• Lastly, Boss Oldie says that he's going to pick from the new recruits and raise a kid worthy enough to be KJC's sucessor. To put it bluntly, he wants to find someone just as good as KJC but easier to control than KJC. I have a feeling that it'll probably be Seunghyun (MC) but that's drama for another day ( ̄∇ ̄")

Fck this office politics shit, I squeezed my tiny sixteen year old monkey brain dry for this I'm not promising this to be an exact summary, but this my best understanding of the situation ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2021-04-19 20:52 marked

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