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Yikes created a topic of Myungtae, You Little Rascal!

If this chapter alone occurred in a vacuum where time and space didn’t exist, it would be fine. They communicated somewhat, and misunderstandings were squashed and nothing too bad happened.

But like I’ve seen the other chapters and this shit be tarnished there’s no coming back from that womp womp

Agent Kwon Taekjoo is dispatched to Russia with two tasks. First, he must find “Anastasia,&rdq...

  • Author: Boy Season
  • Genres: Action / Drama / Yaoi / Webtoons

The top tier potential in like just the first couple chapters has me dying

Yikes created a topic of Night Fragments

I’m sorry but that’s literally the dumbest situation ever. There’s so many ways to explain why his mouth is open when he’s by himself- he’s yawning, he’s coughing, he’s talking aloud WHICH IS NORMAL ANYWAY AND ALL OF US DO IT, he’s calling somebody with AirPods- ALL OF WHICH WOULD BE ASSUMED BEFORE QUESTIONING SANITY
This is about to make me frustrated fr

Yikes created a topic of Lovers, Cats, and the Killer

Is he about to die?? AGAIN????

Bro u saw her ONE TIME WITH HIM. HE LITERALLY KISSES U EVERYDAY. The mental gymnastics are too powerful with this one

Yikes created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Doppelganger? More like doppelGONER

Not my best work but I’m running out of puns

I LOVE this author, but the ml is creepy and frustrating in this one. Good mc but can’t deal with the other dude

Yikes created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Doppelganger? More like STOPelganger AMIRIGHT??? AHAHAHAHA
but fr whose man’s is this

Yikes created a topic of Myungtae, You Little Rascal!

This is actually a plane crash in real time- we started so high, now I check in and we’re in the ocean wtf happened

Idk man like I’ve ignored this type of stuff for most BL but I was just hoping this manhwa would be different. It’s not that hard to write an uke actually consenting is it? Not surprised just a little disappointed

Yikes created a topic of The Moon-Painting Alchemist

I am so ready for the revenge arc.ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Yikes created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Doppelganger? More like DONTppelganger AHAHAHAHAHA
but fr someone stop this man he’s crazy

Yikes created a topic of 18.44-


Legit just minami getting cucked for like 4 chapters that’s crazy

Yikes created a topic of Perfect Buddy

NOOOO NOT HIM AT THE END WITH THE ROSES don’t make me cry like this cmon

Yikes created a topic of The Moon-Painting Alchemist

Omg this is so good. LETS GOOO

Yikes add manga to list Best BL Must-Reads/Rereads

Driving School Love Story of a Complicated Shoujo Manga Artist and a Popular Instructor Who’s Tim...

  • Author: kingyobachi deme
  • Genres: Romance / Shounen Ai
Yikes created a topic of Your Acting is Burdensome

Oh so maybe he wasn’t actually drunk, his eyes are getting blurry randomly and that’s why he crashed. Still shouldn’t be driving, but it makes more sense

Yikes created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

Ever since I noticed they drew noses with that weird looking brown shape I can’t stop noticing it. It’s actually driving me insane