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rainydays followed question about question

I need some recommendations for sites where I can read and download books for free about from the zee, even for movies, series(all series from western to Asian) anime, any cool pirate site really

11 hours

i really like this so far but i have to agree that the tn notes started to piss me off at some point lmao. you can simp for a cold blooded, obsessive psycho gay guy, but draw the line at a rape victim blackmailing someone to get rid of the evidence of her rape/revenge on her rapist? like yeah yuuna isn’t exactly a good person either but the hate for her is disproportionate compared to the things ameri has done. it feels like yall are more mad at her for being a girl interfering in your fantasized gay relationship than as a shitty person in general, and that is such a 2015 misogynistic fujo-core thing to do.

rainydays add 1 photos to .......pardon?

that’s uncalled for. literally she didn’t do anything to be called a bitch unprovoked??

ritsu haters are 100% valid (i agree with y’all so much, he is hypocritical to the nines) but for some reason, despite that, this is one of my favorite mangas ever i guess a combination of nostalgia and my guilty pleasure for second chances plays a role but reading this never gets old for me. wish we got to see more of yuuma and meguru though!!

they are the same flavor of stupid, they are perfect for each other

rainydays created a topic of Fight Club

minchan is such a loser

rainydays created a topic of Majo no Inu

iida pissed me the fuck off in majo to neko, he was so annoying but sighhhhh, i think im in love with him

rainydays answered question about question my absolute favorite bl manga ever. read it. you will not regret.
rainydays asked a question

recc some cute idol manhwa, i recently read my bias appeared and liked it a lot.

apparently the creator has been going through some health issues but if things go as planned, season 2 should be out by october.

the neighbors are so cute i hope we get to see more of them

rainydays created a topic of Love in Orbit

free sihwa he ain’t deserve that sohan better get his stuff together cause i can’t stand one more chapter with that dad

saw this on mgadex im so excited to read the rest of this

rainydays answered question about question
there were aspects of who’s your daddy? that I enjoyed but sorry, maetel was the definition of human trash and not enough people were shitting on him when the manhwa was still ongoing.
rainydays answered question about dating
he’s so majestic
rainydays answered question about question
this is the reason i dropped dear door lmao, but at the end of the day, it’s what gives them the most views and revenue so i don’t really think it’ll stop any time soon.
rainydays created a topic of Paid to Fondle

the middle eastern oil magnate stereotype is fucking killing me

yall i am kind of dense is ch10 insinuating that the blonde coworker gave some guy rikos number and stuff and now the guy that the blonde rejected is harassing riko thinking that it’s the other woman?

rainydays answered question about read 1000 manga or more
novel-wise, probably native son and mysterious skin. native son was a great book but has some pretty dark themes to it, and mysterious skin was deeply upsetting as i went into it blind and it discussed a topic i am very sensitive to (csa). manga-wise, probably feeding lamb by nishin masumi or metamorphosis, for obvious reasons.