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hakucho September 22, 2023 10:43 pm

what the actual fck is wrong with this dude??? if anyone even the biggest lover of my life showed me unconsciously to another one while having sex he’d have his neck chopped the next minute. no relationship but he’s his possession? you’re the lost possession of a mental hospital dick that’s your only place to be.
heesung you were a red flag but even then i hope you get that pitiful boy out of that hell

hakucho September 21, 2023 8:22 am

so now we will be witnessing rape again i guess…. oh not that i’m surprised after all this

hakucho September 16, 2023 10:13 pm

riftan is getting on my nerves so much, i know he wants to protect and he’s afraid of anything happening to her but it’s too much like let the girl live free not like a prisoner. you’re there for her anyway. OR SPEAK YOUR MIND SIR

    Jojo September 16, 2023 11:16 pm

    Thank you ! That's what I'm thinking since the last few chapters with the princess. Like, can he let our girl live without the need of him to protect her.

    He's only shouting at her and treating her as a frail thing. Like, she's trying to build herself up, can't he at least try to support her instead of what he's doing

    Akirajhay012 September 16, 2023 11:59 pm

    Try to read Riftan Pov, it has 40+ as of now, you'll know why he acts like that.

    hakucho September 17, 2023 12:57 am
    Thank you ! That's what I'm thinking since the last few chapters with the princess. Like, can he let our girl live without the need of him to protect her.He's only shouting at her and treating her as a frail th... Jojo

    RIGHT?? i love them both but… ugh riiiiftaaaaan

    hakucho September 17, 2023 12:59 am
    Try to read Riftan Pov, it has 40+ as of now, you'll know why he acts like that. Akirajhay012

    ik i saw some ppl talk about it but can’t find it anywhere still… she doesn’t know why he acts like that and for someone who doesn’t know he acts “a little bit” crazy

    Akirajhay012 September 17, 2023 1:29 am
    ik i saw some ppl talk about it but can’t find it anywhere still… she doesn’t know why he acts like that and for someone who doesn’t know he acts “a little bit” crazy hakucho

    Its Because he's kind of obsessed with maxi since he's very young, like maxi is his extracy.

    This is the link yiu can read it here and also the novel for under the oak tree.

    hakucho September 17, 2023 10:27 am
    Its Because he's kind of obsessed with maxi since he's very young, like maxi is his extracy. This is the link yiu can read it here and also the novel for under the oak tree. Akirajhay012

    oh thank you so much dear!

hakucho September 15, 2023 1:35 am

both are whores worth each other but i’m curious how it will go lol

hakucho September 12, 2023 10:25 pm

this is so good i can’t and PIPPI

hakucho September 12, 2023 12:42 pm

kindly thank you for the uncensored version babes

hakucho September 7, 2023 2:48 pm

i thought y’all be hating on the mc but it’s the opposite and i’m kinda shocked. i mean.. if someone paid to kill and rape my lover and my child i wouldn’t be a saint as well. (yeah, i know he just paid them to scare him off but wtf do you think a group of men would do to an omega? he obviously knew what would happen, he just didn’t think he would die). i would treat him as the murderer and rapist, no difference if he just paid. he deserved to feel pain, ml deserved to get revenge on him, just in some other way, not the rape bc that’s disgusting. did ml do a bad thing? yes. is it shocking that he treated him this way? nah, ml just created his own villain story where i get the feeling like, well he’s bad but kinda right tho, his family was murdered. it was a total rollercoaster of feelings, i also felt bad for mc as he was experiencing the pain, never met his kids and was dying still thinking the man he loved hated him but then i remembered what he did and just… man you should’ve done better

    Sagiri Tomoe September 7, 2023 4:08 pm

    yeah there's no excuse for what the mc did but since he's born in a kind of family that dont really show how to love someone, its kinda hard to blame 100% on mc since he paid them just to scare since you said the mc know what a group of men will do to lover, i dont really agree bcs mc seems like the type that doesnt really think far in his action bcs all he wanted at the time is the ml attentiom

    hakucho September 7, 2023 9:27 pm
    yeah there's no excuse for what the mc did but since he's born in a kind of family that dont really show how to love someone, its kinda hard to blame 100% on mc since he paid them just to scare since you said t... Sagiri Tomoe

    i see your point but that doesn’t sound too convincing to me as well.. just bc you have your own demons and problems doesn’t mean you can bother other ppl with that and then expect them to treat you as less guilty. imagine if it was a story where the omega that died was the mc. then Arok would just be that typical crazy stalker that every reader wants gone bc he wants to destroy their happiness. and no sad background story of his life can excuse him. no means no which he didn’t understand and i can’t even give him any good points. he was obsessed to the point where he put the other omega in danger that’s why it’s hard for me to accept him… i’m too harsh i know but..well

    nemnem ryuuichi September 12, 2023 8:08 am

    The Mc is definitely not right what he did was wrong obviously but I still think intent matters and he never intended for someone to die even though it turned out that way so yeah he was never right however I see why the MC was upset because the ML did not just turn his confession down but used it to humiliate him and make fun of the MC any chance he got (still doesn’t justify arolock). Then we also have to look at how far Klopp went Bar taking his wealth leaving him poor and turning him into an omega against his will whilst putting him through excruciating pain. He without care raped him on multiple occasions allowing him to give birth to his children and denied him the chance to ever meet them or have a relationship with them ( not Eve caring about what the kids would say in the future or how they would feel. Like how do you tell them who their other biological parent is and how you treated that person ) lets not forget that the same thing Klopp blamed alock for was what he did intentionally, sending alock out in the street as an omega to fend for himself knowing he would get raped (which happened several times), knowing he could be pregnant (which he miscarried several times x5) just not letting him die like his partner. And Klopp did have people watching alock and was always aware of his situation. So I know alock was wrong in the beginning but Klopp was way more wrong and his action are not justifiable by his grief and anger. This revenge does not in the slightest equate the wrongs of alock. And alock still ends up dying in the end in an even worst way than this dead partner without having ever enjoyed or even lived a happy life. I don’t see any resolution or absolution for Klopp and frankly I think his kids should do what he did to alock to him in the future and then there would be justice.

    hakucho September 12, 2023 12:38 pm
    The Mc is definitely not right what he did was wrong obviously but I still think intent matters and he never intended for someone to die even though it turned out that way so yeah he was never right however I s... nemnem ryuuichi

    ofc i agree with you, what the ml did was too evil and i don’t think of him as a good character, i treat him as a villain. but on the other side i see comments treating the mc like a poor little being and that’s shocking for me. he destroyed a family out of jealousy and obsession, and some ppl seem to forget about it bc they wanted them to be a happy endgame since alock came to regret what he did and felt sorry. but the ml crushed that fantasy with his sadistic behaviour so they’re angry. he wanted alock to feel exactly what his lover felt and he did, but much more brutally. for me it was never a love story but a story about very toxic, broken ppl that shouldn’t be together at all, better if they’ve never met.

    Blissbeat September 13, 2023 12:10 pm
    ofc i agree with you, what the ml did was too evil and i don’t think of him as a good character, i treat him as a villain. but on the other side i see comments treating the mc like a poor little being and tha... hakucho

    You are right, it was better if they've never met..One thing I hate is in 3rd lifetime why kloff who retained his memories in 1st timelife still seaking for aeroc when his lovely wife raphael is still alive? Why can't he just built a new loving life with raphael? Not enough in 1st life, why he still want to get involved with a murderer of his wife & unborn child?

    hakucho September 13, 2023 1:24 pm
    You are right, it was better if they've never met..One thing I hate is in 3rd lifetime why kloff who retained his memories in 1st timelife still seaking for aeroc when his lovely wife raphael is still alive? W... Blissbeat

    omg whaat?? i thought that was the end, but there’s still more.. i mean at this point it makes no sense. he abused him to death and now wants to be with him when the one he revenged for is still alive? no no nooo

    levisword September 16, 2023 7:28 am

    That's why in rl there is place called jail instead of revenge. ML became his own demon, what he did to ml is even worse to what mc done to cause raphael death even he didn't mean to hurt him physically. and in real life if we get hurt by someone sometimes we want to revenge them at least just once. But if we harm them over and over again for years, are we real human? Can we find our peace of mind after we've done that? We will never get to move on and only wasting our life on endless revenge and sorrow. Klopp never felt peace and happy eventho he abuse, kick him out and humiliate mc for years. What punishment mc had is even the worse revenge i ever seen in stories so far. I think that's why many readers hate klop

    SMJ September 23, 2023 7:46 am
    That's why in rl there is place called jail instead of revenge. ML became his own demon, what he did to ml is even worse to what mc done to cause raphael death even he didn't mean to hurt him physically. and in... levisword

    And he did all this revenge for a cheating wife
    who was pregnant with another man's child

    levisword September 23, 2023 2:38 pm
    And he did all this revenge for a cheating wife who was pregnant with another man's child SMJ

    Omg what??? Did klopp know it?? I feel really bad for arrock. Klopp did revenge for nothing. I wish klopp suffers more (/TДT)/

    SMJ September 23, 2023 4:33 pm
    Omg what??? Did klopp know it?? I feel really bad for arrock. Klopp did revenge for nothing. I wish klopp suffers more (/TДT)/ levisword

    The English translation is not complete. I think it will only be revealed in third time line .

    Lin September 25, 2023 8:58 am

    For Klopp, Raphael's just a suitable candicate to get married. He loves/covets Arok from the first time they meet. But Arok is alpha and high-ranking noble man so he chooses an omega. He wanted Arok from the start but was in denial. He did marry Rafiel who looks like Arock. He purposely shows Raphael off to Arok just to taunt him. I think that what really pushes Arok off the edge.

    Lin September 25, 2023 9:02 am
    And he did all this revenge for a cheating wife who was pregnant with another man's child SMJ

    I think in the first life, Rafael did not cheat on him. It's his child. Krop did not love Rafael, at least not that kind of feeling towards Arok. He only chooses him because Rafael is omega and suitable one to marry, basically Krop in first life chooses stable life, an omega wife instead of scandalous relationship with Arok, an alpha at that time.

    SMJ September 25, 2023 11:49 am
    I think in the first life, Rafael did not cheat on him. It's his child. Krop did not love Rafael, at least not that kind of feeling towards Arok. He only chooses him because Rafael is omega and suitable one to ... Lin

    Ahh okay, sorry.
    I only got that info from online spoiler site. They said it's in extra chapters.

    Lin September 25, 2023 2:33 pm
    Ahh okay, sorry.I only got that info from online spoiler site. They said it's in extra chapters. SMJ

    It's okay, it happened

    Lirhia September 26, 2023 1:09 am
    For Klopp, Raphael's just a suitable candicate to get married. He loves/covets Arok from the first time they meet. But Arok is alpha and high-ranking noble man so he chooses an omega. He wanted Arok from the st... Lin

    This is on point. There were things in the novel that was not fully portrayed in the manhwa and the second tineline really showed how Kloff will do anything to get Aeroc as soon as he accepted that he wanted him. He even felt like dying whenever Aeroc rejected him.

    Lin September 26, 2023 5:26 am
    This is on point. There were things in the novel that was not fully portrayed in the manhwa and the second tineline really showed how Kloff will do anything to get Aeroc as soon as he accepted that he wanted hi... Lirhia

    They're fate mate. Aeroc can't end up with other people, only with Kloff. I hate that.

    Minatobro September 26, 2023 11:56 pm
    ofc i agree with you, what the ml did was too evil and i don’t think of him as a good character, i treat him as a villain. but on the other side i see comments treating the mc like a poor little being and tha... hakucho

    I think you’re getting it wrong. No one saw Aerlok as a poor little being who has done no wrong. They all know what Aerlok did was wrong but the question is was the punishment justifiable for the crime? You need to understand that intent to some extent does matter. He didn’t intend to have the omega killed and raped. Although it doesn’t change the outcome or his crime but it still matters. It’s like if a drive intentionally killed a passerby or that happened by accident. Although it doesn’t change the fact a person died it does change what punishment they deserve. The punishment Aerlok got was much bigger than his crime. Too much bigger. He is indeed a victim of Klopp and should be sympathised to an extent. Klopp didn’t just take revenge on Aerlok. He went beyond that. He became a bigger monster than the one he wanted revenge on.

hakucho September 7, 2023 3:02 am

what kind of shit is this i can’t even word it properly damn they really though this story is cute and worth publishing

hakucho September 3, 2023 3:59 pm

i’ll bet on my head that this shit was written/drawn by a man

hakucho August 30, 2023 10:47 pm

nah i don’t feel the love from hyesung, whenever he needs dojin it’s bc of his pheromones and he still treats him like shit. i don’t really remember what happened at the beginning, ppl say there was rape so good for him for treating him this way, but that’s not cute at all, that “love” of theirs. it feels so forced, i’d rather divorce and break the bond lol

    Nelcy September 2, 2023 4:06 pm

    Yeah exactly! If there was no byul(and soul bond)..they wouldn't be together right now. I still don't like hyesung much...its like he always acts on his Omega instincts. While dojin is obsessed with hyesung, i forgot what was it that made him fall for hyesung. Whatever..i love my little byul so i can forgive him a little. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    hakucho September 2, 2023 4:31 pm
    Yeah exactly! If there was no byul(and soul bond)..they wouldn't be together right now. I still don't like hyesung much...its like he always acts on his Omega instincts. While dojin is obsessed with hyesung, i ... Nelcy

    exactly if not for the cute little pie the story would have ended before it even started lol

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