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haku created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

woah you’re so fast with the uploads, thank you babe we’ve been blessed with you(●'◡'●)

he went from “i’m the cutest” to looking in the mirror and being insecure about every part of his body and about his worth like KANA YOU FCKED UP REAL BAD HERE. i was disappointed in how fast they “resolved” the misunderstanding. he’s crying and running away, kana couldn’t care less because he wants to spend time with his new friend then BOOM SEX and all’s good. where’s the guilt, where’s the talk, where’s the angst in kanas pov? idk i wanted something more because i think it’s not enough for all the chapters of naho almost falling into depression….

haku created a topic of Profundis

if only not for the rape parts, if only they simply just mentioned it without showing it so much THIS STORY WOULD BE SO GOOOD, i mean without all the sex, whether consensual or not, it would be so absorbing and interesting but the way the author focuses on those disturbing parts instead of the plot makes it go down

haku created a topic of Silent Lover

what in the actual fck is this… i’m happy with him finally saying he doesn’t love him anymore but i can’t even imagine that asshole to be redeemed. he’s the worst villain ever, nothing will ever make people forgive him. what is the author thinking, are they thinking at all?


this motherfcker is so fcked up i hate him almost the same as that horse face from jinx

idk but i feel a big storm coming….

haku created a topic of Waterside Night

y’all can go fck yourselves with that „don’t like it don’t read it” shit. you know that you can like the story, the characters but still criticise their actions? that’s what the comment section is for. and what do y’all expect people to comment? omg i love the way he raped him in this chapter<3<3 oh and this time he manipulated him again, so cute!!!!! wtf?
imma say what you love saying, if you don’t like the comments dOn’T rEaD iT, jUsT dRoP iT blah blah blah

haku created a topic of Can't Think Straight
haku created a topic of Jinx

no shit sherlock. you feel like a fcking shit because you are a fcking shit

haku created a topic of Over Run


haku created a topic of Gig of the Day
haku created a topic of Waterside Night


haku created a topic of Kotaete My Drifter

so does it mean the blonde one murdered the guy in the street?
imo the ending is salty-happy but i feel like his eyes turned empty, as if he went crazy in order to save robert/lin…

haku created a topic of Paper Flower
haku created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

that POW was so pleasurable i don’t even mind the cliffhanger

haku created a topic of Wet Sand

ok man don’t you dare go near jo now. your horny ass belongs to tj and his to you so give poor jo a rest

haku created a topic of Thirst

why tf would y’all want a threesome here………get your horny asses outa here

i hate it when they make grown up adults behave like annoying kids and run away like a fcking princess