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dgotmaback asked a question


dgotmaback created a topic of The One Under The Wing

god its so hard finding beefy bottom occult/omegaverse stories where the writing is actually good.....cause its really no reason for the last few chapters to happen

dgotmaback created a topic of After Killing You

the author hasnt shown anything that remotely justifies Eunsungs treatment of Hyunwoo...n u still have ppl saying Hyunwoo deserved everything....just admit a lot of u are sick freaks....

dgotmaback created a topic of Rain Advisory

"idg the plot" its just or dont....but its just tentacle porn

dgotmaback created a topic of Aren't You My Type

yall switch sides like crazy omg! a chapter ago it was fuck geon now hes ur sweet himbo bb girl???? dpmo omg

dgotmaback created a topic of After Killing You

was in the process of writing a 10 page MLA format essay on why Eunsung isnt this twink baby u all think he is and why Hyungwoo isnt that bad of a person but decided to delete it

dgotmaback created a topic of Oshi no Ko

lol for a sec thought aqua was acting out of character......RUBY RUN

dgotmaback created a topic of After Killing You

this story is just ridiculously bad to the point where sympathizing with either character makes u a "bad person with no morals" lol......

dgotmaback created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

james is "yona's"/ dad (yona in quotes because the romanization of his name from korean to english would be JONAH....which is another "j" non korean name...even in the alternative title its "jonah and chang-il"...) but unless the author just likes making characters with non korean names, i feel like thats the biggest giveaway...but idk

dgotmaback followed a goer

I mightve lied a few time s

01 04,2024
dgotmaback followed a goer

so much to read, how do y’all do it??
I never know what to read next 

plus i have a bad habit of starting new stories just to
forget them later and start reading another story :(
it’s a vicious cycle lol

i live for any type of misunderstandings, angst and 

01 04,2024
dgotmaback followed a list
01 04,2024
dgotmaback followed a goer

26 y/o. If I follow you maybe is because I liked one of your reading/want to read/already read list. Please don't mind me, I just don't want to loose the name.

30 03,2024
dgotmaback created a topic of Define The Relationship

i love when authors actually have the balls to include ABO tropes (that arent just rape, mating, pheromones n suppressants) give me ruts, give me nests, give me knotting, give me mpreg (AND ACTUALLY SHOW IT)....feels like a lot of authors just think of omega, alpha, heat and pheromones when they make omegaverse stories.... n as fun as it is, theres always so much more they can what do their pheromones smell like? warm? spicy? musky? fresh? the collar doesnt have to be just a choker...make it lacy or maybe metallic...maybe the omega has a bite mark on their neck and the omega marks their alphas ring finger every day idk.....separation anxiety? the alpha was on a business trip for a week...maybe the omega has nested in the alpha's closet....or maybe the omega has nests all around the house for that sole purpose.....GIVE ME sick of these omegaverse stories n the plot is just:

-poor fem twink omega ran out of suppressants..walking down the street and is attacked by a group of alphas...

-but oh look! the rich buff manly strong alpha controlled his instincts and saved omega!

-but wait! one night he rapes the omega and now the omega is pregnant

-poor, poor omega who is only 20 mind u, cannot afford to have the baby and goes to get an abortion...but the rich alpha (who knows that this omega is his fated pair is conspiring behind his back) saves the omega again!

-they live happily ever after.......

i love him with all my heart FUCK......hes literally my ideal bottom !!!!
-short hair
-cat like eyes/personality
-lowkey slutty
whats not to love <3333333333333

dgotmaback created a topic of 1 to 10

i hope san will be the bottom to doyoon's top

dgotmaback created a topic of Last Love of Youth


dgotmaback created a topic of After Killing You

yall gon be mad as hell when yall read the last chapter

dgotmaback created a topic of Aren't You My Type

its so funny how majority of the readers last chapter can read the most vile disgusting triggering story on here but be like "i cant read this i draw the line at catfishing and lying...dropping" like it was that bad fa u?