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dgotmaback created a topic of Unfinished Business

"ill never let a family like that adopt mido" = jichan wants mido dead? he aint jump that nigga flew to conclusions

dgotmaback created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

there are 32 chapters about the present day....there are TWENTY TWO chapters about their past lives.........had the author NOT gone in depth about how taehyuk and hyo-un met, then u all would confused and upset callimg this a terrible read...ur all so used to porn without plot or 6-12 chapter manhwa's that rush the plot to put the MC and ML together....the story isnt called "dragon in the future." this much exposition is not bad and u all that are complaining need to read more ACTUAL stories...
u ppl that complain every chapter that u; "miss the present day," make reading this so miserable, because those that actually enjoy the story come into the comments expecting a comment sections where we can discuss but instead see these serial complainers....get a mfkn grip

dgotmaback created a topic of 2020

this artist is the horniest freak ive ever seen.....the mc's stomach is perfectly drawn.....

dgotmaback created a topic of Love Sick Dog

so both the kids; jooin and jooyoung's mothers passed away? very suspicious imo

dgotmaback created a topic of Ghost Gate
dgotmaback created a topic of Off-Track Crush

i love beefy crybabiesヽ(`Д´)ノ

i just want yall to know, maybe two months ago i bought all the raws (i dont know a lick of japanese) and wit context clues i came to the conclusion that kana is just a idc if there was really a redemption arc because he cleared up a misunderstanding....there wouldnt be a misunderstanding if he from the beginning told his friends that nao is his childhood bestie n shared his true if u really loved him u would not smile n kiki wit ur friends about us love interest's "plain average looks".....u would defend them....especially someone u LITERALLY knew longer than any of ur so called highschool friends....its just fake af....n imo nao deserved better

dgotmaback created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

im seriously on my last leg

dgotmaback created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

u niggas is not real readers it seems like

dgotmaback created a topic of Bloody Hellthy

if ur gonna use ios/safari website translator.....just use it for urself big me personally, if i stumble upon raws, ill use safari auto translator for myself........but this is beyond evil omg delete this shit bro.....

dgotmaback created a topic of Our Sunny Days

this is like the only story on this god forsaken site where everyone is in agreement with each other like were on big stupidly sweet family.....n then the uncle u dont like ( story, dont be shy were all reading one) says something u don't necessarily agree with then were all at each others throats again.....but i can definitely bask in this sweetness

dgotmaback created a topic of Semantic Error

ive got to kno bout jaeyoung's fawkin twin

dgotmaback created a topic of Our Sunny Days

the baby falling asleep to his heartbeat

between juheon n hyo-un (dawn of the dragon) i need someone this obsessed wit meeeeeeeeeeee