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Boomchickawowwow March 11, 2024 2:37 pm

This is a…rough read—and I’m not even someone who gets overly emotionally invested in characters. None of the esper’s have ANY redeeming qualities (other than the fine azz cat dude, but he’s also trash so it’s a waste) and watching the MC suffer and struggle (when they know the thing he wants most is never gonna happen) is quite literally unbearable. We’re supposed to believe the horrors of Almuten are worse than the horrors of these f**ked up humans??!! I can understand that all the S-Class Espers have layers and layers of CPTSD from things they’ve seen and done, while also likely having psych profiles that rival the worst serial killers ever. But I find it hard to fathom that torturing the MC benefits them in any way. It’s like they do it because they can, and that’s the full extent of it. All they know how to do is perpetuate the same level of violence they’re supposedly trying to keep from taking over the world. I give the writer credit for making this a full-on hellscape of a story. The only thing that would make this more sadistic is if it was also an omegaverse and the MC was an omega with alpha expers.

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