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NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

Agia deserves EVERYTHING. He’s been manipulated his whole life and basically emotionally, mentally and physically tortured all to fulfill a s**cide basically. He’s scared and only wants to fulfill the prophecy so he’s no longer in pain and he doesn’t end up as the person did in the basement he saw…he deserves Ken so much and I’m confused how people are saying Agia doesn’t love him they confessed and openly show it so well. I really hope they have a happy ending

Edit: Another thing is it doesn’t make sense for vercike to be end game because we’re 68 chapters in and he’s specifically saying Cain. For them to end up together he would have to completely ignore Ken’s entire being and force him to become a past version of himself which is also toxic. In the flashbacks Cain clearly had a romantic relationship with Agio meaning from the beginning they were soulmates until some misunderstanding struck and caused tragedy through Vercikes death which for all we know maybe ver. Did something really bad and he has no memory. But I DIGRESS. I want Ken and Agio to be happy because they’ve suffered alright.

Edit 2: wow thank you for so many likes everyone ;v;

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Everyone needs to back tf off my boy before I legit burn that building down!!!!

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Wet Sand

Legit hate TJ AND IAN, they both know it’s toxic, they both know they’re hurting Jo even saying it out loud that they’re assholes for fucking and they just say LOL we can talk in person about it. Like what. Ian hasnt even remotely shown feelings for Jo either and his “feelings” for TJ are all either triggered responses or because he can’t say no to getting laid lmao. I should take my own advice and stop reading until the final chapter

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Hyakujitsu no Bara

Quite literally wtf is the order of these chapters they make no sense and every chapter is either the past and or present back forth. Straight up makes no damn sense and after years of waiting I thought it was finally completed only for it to still not make sense and be incomplete lmao. I give up on this fr.

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Excited it’s back after so long but the art change :((( they look so different now and more cutesy, old style was so unique this one just reminds me of other

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Jinx

Every chapter I read everyone is pissed off. Do people really not get that personality traits exist. Pretty sure not everyone in the world reacts the same way to situations so constantly complaining about him crying about shit people WOULD cry about is lol.

NekoNekoAkii like topic of Jinx

Everyone saying reality check like they’re not going to end up together lol. Has no one read bj Alex, was the exact same plot but no one bitched there

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Jinx

Everyone saying reality check like they’re not going to end up together lol. Has no one read bj Alex, was the exact same plot but no one bitched there