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NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

Bro it’s getting twisted. Cain literally did the right thing because he saw Ver as his son. I bet ver went crazy after seeing he couldn’t have Cain in a sexual way and agio tried to stop the fight out of pure instinct to protect Cain who he literally called his beloved. I bet this caused the main conflict ugh plus if jealousy is involved between Ver and Agio is could not have been pretty. Literally just give Ken back to Agia I am deprivedddddddd

Jiho is sooooo lucky Inwoo has a heart of gold through all his trauma, the fact that he confronted him instantly and didn’t blame him shows just how good of a person he is even when he was almost set up… ;;

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Afterglow

Nah I needed more drama, like MC being saved from a kidnapping by the enemies or something wild. ;;

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Limited Run

Ending felt so rushed and side stories were unrelated. Most disappointing end to such a good story ugh

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

Ngl I just straight scrolled past this whole chapter. Agia when

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Stay the fuck back bro I’m warning you.

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

I’m sorry but anyone besides Agia wanting to have sex with Ken automatically gives me the ICK can they please send him back already. Versicke is deadass their kid from past life and Ian was his step bro, they need to stay backkkkkkkkk

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I had a feeling he would go to the cop, what Seongrok needs to do is negotiate total immunity from prosecution and confess to everything because then everyone goes down except him

I literally read this all today then immediately went and bought the official acrylic stand merch for it lmao. Inwoo is a quite literally a open book, he literally said he needs love and he believes he’s broken, so why would you hide such massive news from him and secretly set him up with the source of his TRAUMA. Please god the next chapters are going to hurt I cannot rn.

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I knew Seongrok would fucking blame himself. Seongrok calling himself an accident is so heart wrenching because he should know that if he had never held je-oh captive that blonde guy who died would still be r*ping him and he would have died as a prostitute. He cant blame himself when they BOTH had rough upbringings and ended up in the worst scenarios on the wrong side of manipulative games but finding each other was not a mistake!!!!! Through everything they both literally just want to be free and be in love. Je-oh also never cried this entire time after all the assaults he’s been through and finally being told it’s ok to cry literally gave him relief that he’s finally not alone even when the situation is terrible. I cannot TAKE THIS. I’m gonna go bald from stress my guy, please stop the actual pain.

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of His Little Amber

I’m gonna rip my hair out I love them

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Heeseong is so fucking mad that Seongrok fell in love with Je-oh so fast. She had years with him while Je-oh had months if not a year at most to literally have Seongrok deeper in love than he ever was with her. Also crush that r*pist dick— I was hoping he’d get there in time to prevent it because this is going to make Je-oh spiral from his trauma. I feel like Seongrok is going to blame himself for his pain because he was gone and what’s worse is that Je-oh just took that without crying. I hate it here this is actually painful. It’s a story of two people being abused and used but at least they now have each other. :(

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Gig of the Day

Bro he is so kinky I’m gonna need him to relax because I was like this the entire chapter ◉o◉

Bro I am fking foaming at the mouth rn

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

Bro he just wants his lover back, why are they going against him when he literally wants to take down the biggest threat I’m??? Rosy just wants to protect the vampire lady I get that but why say no when Versicke is the main issue/// Just let them be happy or I’m gonna have a emotional breakdown my guy ;;;;

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Jinx

“I also wanted the grey hoodie to be a part of Dan's identity. I wonder what he'll be wearing in Season Two?”

Oh my god is he going to be stylish and cute//// I hope jaekyung is going to be so caught off guard and finally see our Dan’s CHARM ;; wahhhh

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

If anyone is confused about the plot I wrote my understanding in hopes of helping.

SeongRok and Jeoh work as pimps now because the only way to get any form of power is to become what they hate, to get anything in life they need money and that’s why Jeoh was influenced so much when the original pimp handed him the wad of cash for teaching the new guy how to become a prostitute. Clearly it’s not going well because no one respects jeoh and everyone knows he’s with Seong rok and the old pimp warns jeoh to watch his back because the moment they see an opening they will treat jeoh like how he use to be treated; which is as a prostitute (seen rn as once he let his guard down they’re literally about to r*pe him). Also Jeoh is actually becoming more sensitive to people’s emotions as shown with him feeling guilty for making the new kid basically go through all the trauma Jeoh went through. You can see he’s pulled between two emotions of either being ruthless to get what he wants or being sympathetic and helping someone not have to experience the pain he went through when he had no one to help him. As for the lady (I forgot her name) her goal was to marry the head of the police because he’s her ultimate power source to get away with anything she wants; now that she’s found out seong rok is actually in love with Jeoh she swore him as her enemy and her goal is to kill them both to get rid of all evidence of her involvement with the murders from season one. She also wants them dead because her original goal was to marry the chief of police for power and status; then either get rid of him or have seong rok be her side man so she can have kids and the life she wants with him only. That’s basically the watered down summary I might have missed some things but I hope it made sense

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Jinx

Oopsie seems like Jaekyung is not used to being tossed aside first. And even through all that Dan is still a sweetheart both wishing him a smooth recovery and apologizing for a mistake that was pure sabotage. Dan is so pure, he just wants someone to love and support him and even through all that in his mind while writing his letter he imagined Jaekyung with a shining light behind him. I can’t wait for this mf to KNEEL AND BEG for his love back//// give me a sweet redemption arc because this man needs to suffer preferably through some jealousy ;)

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

“Death, having lost the moon, will manifest as a spirit and go looking for him...”
So legit, death’s purpose is to make sure the moon is safe. They are literally each other’s BALANCE and one without the other brings chaos. In other words, Agia can’t live without Ken now that he knows he’s his other half/////// stopppppp I’m crying