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1OvErDoSE01 July 21, 2018 6:52 am

I want to learn a new language. What language would you reccomend in terms of usefulness?
I've searched it up but I'm still having a hard time choosing. I'm Asian.. Do you think it would be weird for an Asian to not learn another Asian language but the language of a different race first?
I know I'm fretting over minor things but.. anyway, thanks to those who respond. I have to go to sleep now but I'll ask this before going to bed.

    okayreiji July 21, 2018 6:54 am

    It would be wise to learn like, Mandarin or Cantonese, because it’s very widely spoken, like English. There’s more chance of encountering someone that would speak these languages, rather than say Spanish, for example, I suppose. But if you know of a country you’d want to move to to live there, then maybe learn that country’s language.

    Pri6 July 21, 2018 6:55 am

    Asian here. Outside Asia, I think French is easy & useful. And inside Asia.... depends on where you're going!

    JustAYaoiFangirl July 21, 2018 7:43 am

    German cuz it sounds cool as hell or Russian.

    Anonymous July 21, 2018 7:51 am

    I don’t think I matters if your chosen language is Asian or not (english is my first language and I’m still learning Spanish even though I’m Asian) I would recommend Chinese or Spanish for convenience because they are the 1st and 2nd most widely spoken languages. However, if it’s just for fun, then Japanese or Korean because then you get to read raws!

    DragonDarling July 21, 2018 7:55 am

    You can choose to learn the most commonly used languages in the world or go with Romance languages as they are relatively easy to learn.

    All-deja-vu July 21, 2018 8:04 am
    You can choose to learn the most commonly used languages in the world or go with Romance languages as they are relatively easy to learn. DragonDarling

    "romance languages" xD how cute!

    All-deja-vu July 21, 2018 8:13 am

    My dear, If you're planning to pursue your fujoshi/fudanshi career, then, I encourage you to learn spanish. The fujodanshi hispanic community make me jealous everyday, (besides, spanish is the language the most used in occidental countries, after english)

    DragonDarling July 21, 2018 8:33 am
    "romance languages" xD how cute! All-deja-vu

    It is, isn't it?? (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Nral July 21, 2018 9:24 am

    Yeah, if this is for manga you should learn Spanish because they never license almost nothing in Spanish, and the laws aren't so hard like in korean or Chinese( I'm following Koisuru boukun ("aurora la maga" in fb)and super lovers in Spanish because they have wayyy more chapters always) so they don't have to drop projects for license matters
    But Chinese is A good option too because the Chinese raws are always waaay more faster, it's more difficult, I know, but if your family is Chinese it would turn out more easy
    And if you are Korean its much better, I know that Korean is easy to write but I don't know if it easy to learn
    You don't have to care at all what they gonna think about you, you're a free person ^-^

1OvErDoSE01 July 20, 2018 12:47 am

Is it necessary to label yourself? What are some pros and cons, if you can think of any?

    Night July 20, 2018 1:10 am

    This is just my opinion, but I don't really see the need to do so. I mean, you can form bonds of shared experience with people who identify the same or similarly and for some it may more clearly help express who they see themselves as, but, for me at least, there's never been a desire or need. Personally, I find it freeing - I don't stress about it, don't question it, just try to register whatever kind of reaction I get from the people around me, tell myself 'okay, cool' and go on with my life.

    Of course, as I mentioned, labeling yourself, in any way, not just sexually, can help bring you closer to those who have chosen to label themselves in a like fashion. It's why cliques form in practically any social environment. Thus, by not having your definitive label to address yourself as, you can be left on the outside of the group at times when others have found that they click in such a manner.

    I know I'm not the best of writers nor thinkers, but hopefully this helps somewhat.

    okayreiji July 20, 2018 1:13 am

    For some people, it gives them clarity. Like norm in society is to be straight, and if you’re a little gay boy/girl growing up and you find that you simply are not attracted to the opposite sex, then it can be very confusing, should you be in a place where no one talks about/accepts homosexuality. Then, it should be better for them to “label” themselves, until perhaps they’re older and feel as if labelling themselves as “gay” or whatever isn’t what they want. Also with trans people, I suppose labelling is what gives them all their dysphoria. They are labelled as “female” for example when they feel as if it’s wrong, they shouldn’t have boobs, etc... and trans people are very prone to suicide attempts, so that’s a con. Transgenderism is not sexuality related, I just realised, so this was useless, but I sPENT TIME ON THIS AND IM FINNA SCREAMING UENFJEUF

    Apollo July 20, 2018 1:21 am

    I don’t find it necessary to label yourself. I’m technically bisexual but I don’t care about telling others/“coming out” I actually find more cons when it comes to labeling yourself.
    Once people who are questioning their sexuality find out what they are, they immediately come out, even when they don’t feel the slightest bit confident enough to do so.
    coming out has now become a huge thing even when it shouldn’t be. People need to learn to accept themselves before even thinking about telling others.

    Anno July 20, 2018 4:19 am

    I personally hate it because of the assumptions that comes with itand the stereotypes also as a bisexual we tend get hate more fromthe gay community than from the straight community

1OvErDoSE01 July 9, 2018 8:08 pm

Um.. looking for a yaoi manga. Basically little kid is raped by pedo but when he grew up he raped the pedo I think that's what it was about not sure

1OvErDoSE01 July 1, 2018 6:55 am

Um.. I was just wondering but does anyone know if mangago will ever (eventually) fix the way we can show our profile pic on mobile, generally I'm on my phone and I can't go on a computer or laptop.
I want to adjust my profile pic so it doesn't just show the top left corner all the time.

    Anonymous July 1, 2018 6:57 am

    First world problems

    Anonymous July 1, 2018 7:10 am
    First world problems @Anonymous


    Blu July 1, 2018 7:54 am

    Use browser that has mouse/joystick features

    Nonni July 1, 2018 8:41 am

    My whole profile pic shows on my phone, maybe if you can borrow a computer to adjust it, then just use your phone after?

    afroluv July 2, 2018 1:46 am

    try reducing the file size to 2mb if it isn't already that small and then re upload to mangago... hope this helps

1OvErDoSE01 June 19, 2018 4:28 am

Does anyone know any yaoi with deep throating? Like in the Haikyu deep throat doujinshi.

1OvErDoSE01 June 13, 2018 2:30 am

Hm.. does anyone have any good manga reccomendations? It doesn't have to yaoi, but I'm looking for something like.. involving human amputation or something of the sort.. anything dark and twisted.. something like this ->

Just anything twisted or involving cut limbs.

1OvErDoSE01 June 8, 2018 5:04 am

It's summer. My last day of school was today. I don't want to waste time on my phone this summer. Any good ideas on what to do over the span of three months?

    NanaBB June 8, 2018 5:06 am

    ...hang out with yo friends and make some plans... that is, if you have any

    Ella June 8, 2018 5:07 am


    1OvErDoSE01 June 8, 2018 5:08 am
    ...hang out with yo friends and make some plans... that is, if you have any NanaBB

    my friends are going away for the summer T_T

    229 June 8, 2018 5:14 am

    Wear breezy clothing and take 3 hours walks, go to a good cafe, walk to places that you'll normally never walk to because you never felt bothered to. Go the library and read some books that you normally wouldn't read, find a new genre of books to take interest in. Get a sketchbook and draw in it when you have nothing else to do. Try some recipes online and cry becaude you failed folloeing the recipe.

    Maybe take a nap.

    NanaBB June 8, 2018 5:16 am
    my friends are going away for the summer T_T 1OvErDoSE01

    try..try to make some new friends...

    Pri IV June 8, 2018 5:56 am

    Umm.... give your phone to your mom...?( ̄∇ ̄") oh no you shouldn't. you won't get it back even after summer!!
    I have my phone broken and I'm super busy this summer. So I hardly have my screentime. It's really peaceful you know. I read books or go out alone, sit in a restaurant and watch people. it's fun.

    Lycieratia June 8, 2018 6:25 am

    Maybe you can do a little project?

    Like... build something? Maybe build yourself a bookshelf? Do some of those DIY projects? Or if you're an artist, draw some kind of amazing art and contribute to a fandom? Or if you're a writer, write some kind of long-ass story.

1OvErDoSE01 June 5, 2018 2:18 am

Realistic yaoi couples? Please recommend some if you know of any.

1OvErDoSE01 June 1, 2018 4:30 am

now this is just sad.

    Anonymous June 1, 2018 4:31 am

    This is what happens when someone has no social life. sad indeed

    Anonymous June 1, 2018 5:26 am
    This is what happens when someone has no social life. sad indeed @Anonymous


    ItMe June 1, 2018 8:53 am
    This is what happens when someone has no social life. sad indeed @Anonymous


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