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For everyone looking for the sauce, here ya go
Brown sauces:
Bordelaise sauce
Chateaubriand sauce
Charcutiere sauce
Chaudfroid sauce
Demi glace – Sauce in French cuisine
Gravy – Sauce made from the juices of meats
Mushroom gravy
Romesco sauce
Sauce Africaine
Sauce au Poivre
Sauce Robert
Butter sauces:
Seared ahi tuna in a beurre blanc sauce
Beurre blanc
Beurre manie
Beurre monté
Beurre noisette
Café de Paris – Butter-based sauce
Meuniere sauce
Emulsified sauces:
Remoulade seaweed sauce
Aioli – West Mediterranean sauce of garlic and oil
Béarnaise sauce – Sauce made of clarified butter and egg yolk
Garlic sauce – Sauce with garlic as a main ingredient
Hollandaise sauce – Sauce made of egg, butter, and lemon
Mayonnaise – Thick cold sauce
Remoulade – Mayonnaise-based cold sauce
Salad cream – Dressing similar to mayonnaise
Tartare sauce(w/ chilli)
Fish sauces:
Bagna càuda – Italian hot dish made from garlic and anchovies
Clam sauce – Pasta sauce
Garum – Historical fermented fish sauce
Green sauces:
See Green sauce – Sauce made from chopped herbs
Tomato sauces:
Tomato sauces
Ketchup – Sauce used as a condiment
Hot sauces:
Pepper sauces
Pique sauce
Mustard sauces
Mustard – Condiment made from mustard seeds
Chile pepper-tinged sauces
Phrik nam pla is a common hot sauce in Thai cuisine
Hot sauce – Chili pepper-based condiments include:
Buffalo Sauce
Chili sauce
Datil pepper sauce
Enchilada – Corn tortilla rolled around a filling and covered with a sauce sauce
Pique Sauce
Sriracha sauce
Tabasco sauce – American hot sauce brand
Meat-based sauces:
Neapolitan ragù sauce atop paccheri
Amatriciana sauce – Traditional Italian pasta sauce
Barese ragù
Bolognese – Italian pasta sauce of tomatoes and meat
Carbonara – Italian pasta dish
Cincinnati chili – Spiced meat sauce used as a topping for spaghetti
Neapolitan ragù – Italian meat sauce
Picadillo – Ground meat and tomato dish popular in Latin America and the Philippines
Ragù – Meat-based sauce in Italian cuisine
Pink sauces:
Pink sauce
Sauces made of chopped fresh ingredients:
Fresh-ground pesto sauce, prepared with a mortar and pestle
Chimichurri – Food sauce