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raven followed question about question

What's worse? Walking in on someone, who you regularly hang out with, naked. Or Someone you regularly hang out with walking in on you naked? I kinda feel like the latter is worse imo because I don't know what they would be thinking and that would make me anxious as all hell, I couldn't wash away that fear and insecurity.

26 days
raven want to do

1655 people did   /   1216 want to do

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raven followed question about turn into a guy

I'm sick and tired of all these trans men wishing they were "cis"... Haven't you taken biology?? It's common knowledge that all men start out as women at the chromosomal level! Stop trying to be "a real boy". All men are trans so you're just as valid as any other male!! Gosh, people these days...

05 05,2024
raven followed question about question

Hello guys, UNO here again. I came across a totally fair question by some user here and thought of making this post. I always see almost the same answers but I wanted to share something from a different prospective, in particular a historical and social one. So let me share my knowledge with you on why ......

06 04,2024
raven followed question about have an unpopular opinion

What are your thoughts about pedophilia? İ want to learn other peoples thoughts (i'm not pedophile)

04 04,2024
raven followed question about question

I really want 'Debut or die' to get an animated adaptation. Especially since it's about idols, cause with an animated adaptation you can actually hear them sing and see them dance, and it would be a better experience than just reading the manwha.

01 04,2024
raven did

169 people did   /   11 want to do

raven followed question about question

My stomach churns whenever I think about non zero sum literally I thought it was a revenge story and I couldn’t even get through half of it… it actually makes me sick I don’t think I’ve witnessed evil like the mcs crush

25 03,2024
raven followed question about question

What do you do that actually gives u no spots

20 03,2024
raven followed question about chat about anything

me when I rant on mangago questions…. I hate that whenever my dad and I fight, I’ll rant to my momma abt it. And every single time I do she’s ALWAYS like “oh well that’s js how ur dad is” “don’t be upset you should’ve done ____ instead” and literally not see my fucking point but when my dad is rantingg to HER she’ll be like �......

18 03,2024
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raven want to do

25 people did   /   4 want to do

raven followed question about love myself

pretend in the comments, we all live in same house. i saw this trend on insta and tiktok and it piqued my interest!

29 11,2023

hey who is baal the demon in this whole mix? is it the shadow power of the mc?

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Just a few drawings I made for a trend (Yeah it's traditional clothing lol)