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KGC's experience ( All 0 )

KGC's answer ( All 10 )

I have the incredible power of ADHD, Many of us can pick up on subtle information that will spoil the ending or plot twists for us. As long as the writer/artist is decided on the final ML then I tend to know who the final one is and then I don't care about the triangle of love since I know who they are with in the end. I dislike it when they don'......   1 reply
18 days
I love obsessive partners in Fiction. No Idea why, I just like it. But In REAL LIFE, Consent is Key. There a difference if its a non-consenting kink between multiple accepting parties or real non-consensual actions. Real Nonconsensual actions is disgusting IRL, and shouldn't be treated super lightly in fiction IMO. I personally only try to read......   reply
18 days
Actively Tried for a Bit. as well as engaged in various self-destructive habits. Much more normal now, Instead of suicidal actions I tend to just go into catatonic depression. Although I do have issues if I see sharp objects I'll sometimes grab them without thinking about the injury that it will/may cause or even look forward to the injury at low......   2 reply
20 days
I adoree this I would love to be a nonbinary demon! I would either use a staff or a bow, but it didn't fit well with the wings.   reply
10 01,2021
about lgbt
Was outed by a friend because they were about to be outed as bisexual, so they outed me instead. ended up getting avoided and girls kept saying "Watch out she's gonna look at your ass" when we were on the stairs. I straight up said, "As if I would want to look at something so flat, It's practically 2d." :) Don't try me. I don't wanna date homop......   1 reply
24 12,2020

KGC's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do question

Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

2 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world (i tell her this everyday)

5 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

i love my girlfeidn

8 hours