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sun created a topic of Afterglow

i always wonder if it's difficult for the artist to continuously draw the same tattoos on a character. this guys tattoos are massive and cover every inch of his upper body so i'm curious to see if it starts the same

sun created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

poor cirrus :( but on a positive note the art is so good <3! the micro expressions, the lighting, everythung

sun created a topic of Please, Candy!

they're perfect for each other lol

sun created a topic of Jinx

the way yall are at each others THROATS in the comment section is so funny lmaooo i've seen so many "kys" and verbal beat downs

sun created a topic of BJ alex
sun created a topic of Jinx

when i show up at the stupid delulu pushover contest but dan is there already :(

when i show up at the worst ML contest but JK is there

sun created a topic of Jinx

dan please grow some fucking balls. tired of him being a fucking pushover, you are pushing 30 acting like this dropping it

sun created a topic of Yours to Claim

cains name was the most obvious shit ever it was so corny. him being a dog made no sense and seemed out of place. also this shit dragged on for wayyyyy too long lol

sun created a topic of Instant Family

i feel like sejoons personality did a 180. i don't fw it

sun created a topic of Define The Relationship

this reminds me of the tiktok audio where it's a guy w a deep voice yappin and then he goes "now ass up baby girl" LMFAOO
but yesss omg

sun created a topic of Backlight

hehe he's wearing the Dwayne The Rock Johnson outfit... the one where he has hair and is smiling at the camera propped up HAHAHA

sun created a topic of Define The Relationship


the facial expressions lyle's dazed look, ash's crazy eyes GOD DAMN

sun created a topic of Define The Relationship
sun created a topic of Yours to Claim

i feel like cain being reincarnated was so out of place. it would have been better if they were like childhood friends... it would have been better like that and w yahwi and jooin just meeting in college.
maybe it feels out of place bc there's no other fantasy elements in this. idk. maybe i'm just a hater LOLL
i'm not too surprised tho cause "man like you'" or whatever the other manhua is called was weird like this too

sun created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

also i like how their friend still has that tan line! small details like that rlly show that the author/creator really is putting lots of thought effort and consideration into their work

sun created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

the "already feeling better" panel killed me his face looked like a horse
i want to know what they said to their friend!! and why their friend thought that

sun created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

is the amnesia necessary what does this add to the story? feels like it's being dragged out. one step forward two steps back.

maybe tae falling for hyo genuinely? but i think the first time he did it was because of their body chemistry that led to it. maybe the orb will contribute this time to feelings being developed since i don't think the next season will have smut as quick.

i get that tae being brought from the dead has a price but amnesia?? seriously, that's like the most overused trope

shoulda just killed tae and had hyo destroy the world, would be a better ending than whatever this was

sun created a topic of Someone Like You

this is really good omg... the angst is worrisome but it's a realistic amount. there's not a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings, just someone with not too many life problems trying to love someone else who was neglected, hated and abandoned many times his whole life. things aren't understood because their perspectives are different on life because of what they have been through and the monologue is perfect and realistic.

sun created a topic of Someone Like You

i really like the pacing. it's not drawn out and so far they both seem straight forward and act like actual adults

sun created a topic of Someone Like You

lol jeong han rlly does have a shitty temper LMFAOOO but i LOVE LOVE LOVE when the tops have an intolerable possessive personality like that tho. just means that they'll be so sweet and in love later on