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sun created a topic of My Secret Stalker

getting your home cleaned, meals cooked AND fucked to sleep is elite

sun created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

wait who is han sung again

sun created a topic of My Secret Stalker

this is so cute i love the art

sun created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

cucking and DP within the span of 4 chapters is wild

sun created a topic of High Clear

doing it so underrated and wish more manhuas had more than one panel of it at a time

sun created a topic of Majo no Inu

this is so amazing and i see people talking about a main couple?? omg

sun created a topic of Lucky Paradise
sun created a topic of Lucky Paradise
sun created a topic of 19 Days

do the other two know they're a thing

yall are crazy for thinking he's a yellow flag. he's just obsessed over jeongyun bc he's liked him for years and thought it was unrequited. you can tell JY is his whole world and it's the cutest thing. JY doesn't seem to mind the jealousy, i have a suspicion he finds it hot

also he isn't bat shit crazy like other things i've read. this one is so refreshing if yall have any recs like this i would appreciate it <3

the art is also so good, i like how chaehoons eyes are so dark blue they're almost black, makes him look even more severe when he's angry

21 LOL THE DUALITY OF MAN?? "didn't know he was packing like that" LMFAOOOO PLS

sun created a topic of Free in Dreams

the last i read they were together but the ML was going crazy from jealousy and becoming super possessive. it made me nervous so i decided to let it marinate until it was almost done and im glad i did bc the comments are making me wanna read again

sun created a topic of Waterside Night

honestly i feel like it would be okay if euihyun would be more insecure about the situation. cause at any point taeju could change his mind and make him start paying and turn the relationship back to what it was when it first started. also being financially dependent on someone else like that when you have a kid to take care of can be scary and trap you into said relationship. their relationship is toxic and this can be the grounds for a disaster happening. I know that EH trusts TJ because of the "redemption" arc he had and everything but i wouldn't blame him if there were lingering fear.

Esp with how terrible their relationship started and what EH had to go through (almost having to sell his body to other men) and basically starting as a prostitute that his debt collector fell for. Kind of a scary situation I do wish the redemption arc was twice as long

But ofc this is just a fictional novel and anything can happen.

sun created a topic of CUFFED!

i don't like eunsung at all, justice for my boy jihoo

sun created a topic of CUFFED!

jihoo is so cute everyone in this story is a cutie pie i love the art

sun asked a question

any cute non angsty manga or manhua that has smut? can be straight or BL and preferably longer than 5 chapters <3

sun created a topic of 1 to 10

i think he's keeping his past from him because he's either embarrassed/ashamed of it or he has a long history and doesn't wanna hurt MC. Either way it's wrong to avoid the topic bc it's only gonna make it worse. It's best to communicate or it'll cause 30 extra chapters of misunderstanding lmao
But i mean they're in college and the top is tall and good looking so ofc he's been around. Can't be mad at him for that

sun created a topic of Waterside Night

damn that was hot. i love seeing bottoms fucked stupid cause it's just so real fr. any recs that have that kind of thing?

also the story is growing on me. as long as I forget the first 50 chapters i'll start to like it <3

sun created a topic of 1 to 10

i'm a sucker for when there's actual small gestures of physical affection... like most of these stories they start dating and cuddle at most but i loveeee the rare ones when they get all touchy and cute (there's this one and Reunion is what I can remember rn)