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Manga_Hoe June 11, 2019 3:32 pm

I am currently looking for a manga that is the story about two teens who are struggling against society. It is illegal where they live for two members of the same gender to have sex and if their relationship is found out they would be sent a rehabilitation center where they would be forced to sleep with women until their homosexuality is "cured" I have read it before but I can't seem to find it.. if anyone has an idea what it is or even a link I would be forever grateful to you... thanks in advance

Manga_Hoe May 28, 2019 1:29 am

that you know for 100% of a fact you will never get an answer for but for some reason keeps bugging you?

for my question: Was my personality and traits now the same in my past life?

    brickneyspearsBL May 28, 2019 3:42 am

    That’s a nice question.
    “When will I die?” Is mine.
    “What is life beyond death?”

    Zilla May 28, 2019 4:02 am

    What comes after death?
    That's my question. I'm kinda anxious about what happens afterwards, but many times during my life I've comes to terms with the fact that we're all going to die and that there's probably going to be nothing afterwards. We just die and nothing happens to us.

    CHOI YENA'S DUCK FACE May 28, 2019 4:06 am

    What if yaoi never existed?

Manga_Hoe April 28, 2019 12:14 am

Is the most Fucked up manga you have read on here.. I like things dark and sadistic if you would? Please share.. And links would be appreciated..

AtomBombBaby201 June 3, 2018 10:55 pm

Where is everyone from???

AtomBombBaby201 May 17, 2018 3:20 pm

I have thought about this until I have gotten migraines. So I will ask you or anyone who is willing to answer.

What is religion to you? How much does it mean to you if you are religious? Lastly what is your most unredeemable trait in the eye of today's meaning of religion?

    kedamono May 17, 2018 3:28 pm

    I used to kind of "hate" religious people, I'm such a pragmatic person. very facts-based, so I didn't understand how people would rely so much on something that doesn't even exist (or at least, there is not solid proof of it). But since May of last year, after I went through a pretty dark period of my life, I started too look for some answers and some comfort, and actually came to admire and somewhat envy people who believe in a god, because religious people have that last thing to believe in, even after they had lost all...religion is both such an intimate and inner and personal feeling and yet so powerful that can really bring people together, and I love it for that, really. I think the most important thing about religion is hope, really.

    Anonymous May 17, 2018 3:41 pm

    I am Orthodox Christian. I believe in God, i believe that there exists ”something” with some kind of power. But i am not a religious person, the kind who goes to church and worship god too much, last time when i went to o church it was with my class and our teacher 2 years ago. But sometimes, when something good or bad happens i take 10 seconds of my life to just say a ”Thank you” or ” Help” to however is up there. Idk what i am or what i think of religion after all
    Just that its good for people to believe or not, i dont have anything with anyone. But dont exagerate.

    Anonymous May 17, 2018 4:08 pm

    Religion is like an identity to me alto I'm no preacher at all ,
    God to me is everything , although I sin , I always come back to god cuz I know deep down that of is my only way of happiness and I am really not religious but I am well informed with the basics yet I am really close to god ,

    Being religious or not isn't about a preacher or something ,
    I find god my top 1 priority in my life that every action I take I consider him , I don't know what is that called ..
    It is like I always feel god is there and he won't disappoint me at all , whatever happens to me is by him so I feel comfort ...

    starsheer May 17, 2018 4:17 pm

    im a devout muslim...i very much in gods existence and believe that we r created 4 the purpose of worshipping him...but he gave us the right to enjoy what is given to us[hence yaoi ]...i also believe in the afterlife and judgement and it means a great deal to me to able to know the reason 4 my existence ....this knowledge set some rules for me to abide but everyone got there guiltypleasures lets ho[e that were forgiven ......peace

    starsheer May 17, 2018 4:19 pm

    that is hope ok...hopeeeee......lmao

    Anonymous May 17, 2018 4:37 pm

    A hindu. Being gay,bi or any other is not abnormal in our religion. Its actually accepted in our scriptures . However because of the british rule in India, they completely wiped out our rules and manipulated it. Now many people who are not educated (cause they are simply too poor) don't understand that gay, bi or whatever is actually normal in our religion.

    Dorky May 17, 2018 5:29 pm

    I have no religion. I'm not exactly an atheist because I don't want to make the claim that God or any religious all-powerful beings does not exist. There are many things in this universe that still cannot be explained, such as gravity, the origin of humans, the spiritual world, etc. And I have a theory that magic or the supernatural are just science that has not been understood by us yet. So I think to say that religion is not real in today modern world is presumptious and baseless. I think religion provides its people with a lot of strength and guidance. There is a saying that life doesn't have a guidebook or a How to live life for Dummy or something similar to talk about how clueless people are with navigating through their own lives. And I think religion is giving some people that clarity or reassurances they need in order to function in this irrational and sometimes unfair and cruel world. However, I think religion is so powerful that when it goes into the hand of a charming yet insidious speaker, it becomes a dangerous weapon used by that individual to control large groups of people to gain power and carry out his/her evil orders. Because just like with any texts, the religious text can be interpreted in many different ways. So I think it is important that people consider different interpretations and also different opinions from religious and non-religious people so that they can make the best well-informed decisions.

    AtomBombBaby201 May 17, 2018 11:47 pm

    Thank you, everyone for your answers it has given me a lot to think about.. I just don't think I am ready to put my faith in anything just yet. I have seen more harm than good when it comes to religion and my mind is scattered when it comes to that subject. I have been having a personal power struggle with the powers that be for a long time and I just can't seem to force myself to give in quite yet.. Nobody has all the answers and I understand that full well I just like to see how others feel about it and maybe their point of view could help me understand a little better..

    Dorky May 19, 2018 11:46 am
    Thank you, everyone for your answers it has given me a lot to think about.. I just don't think I am ready to put my faith in anything just yet. I have seen more harm than good when it comes to religion and my m... AtomBombBaby201

    I also want to say thank you for this question because it gives me an opportunity to review and further develop my opinions on this subject and to read all the wonderful and unique opinions of others. I don't know your struggle so I don't want to give an ill-informed advice but I think what you are doing, exploring different ideas but still sticking to your own beliefs is very much a good approach to any matters. Anyway, I hope everything works out.

    AtomBombBaby201 May 19, 2018 7:21 pm

    Your welcome and again Thank you...

    kasumi May 19, 2018 7:42 pm

    well, something you believe in. or something "they" made you believe in.
    to me it's nothing. I grew up in a religious family and I'm sick of ANY religion.
    it's my personal opinion but I believe that the only one who can choose what is wrong and what is not wrong is you, cause values and thoughts are different

    AtomBombBaby201 May 19, 2018 10:04 pm

    Okay let me give some insight on my issue. I was in foster for six years and before that I was mostly raised by whores and druggies. I went to church because my parents told me to as an excuse to get me out of the house to allow them to do as they pleased. It wasn't a decent church more like a cult and they tried to change me little by little I was 8 when I started going and that is also where I met my husband he was ten at the time, but anyway I caught on and went less and less but when I was put in foster care I never took church seriously that was until I went a different church. The pastor, when he would preach it felt as if God was actually speaking through him the whole atmosphere would change it was something I had never felt before but I was always told that you should never trust what people say no matter how strongly you wanted to believe them.He was the first person to break through to me that maybe there was some truth in the bible and maybe I could honestly trust him so I let myself believe he was a truly good God fearing man but then a few years later I get a call from his daughter who was my close friend and she told me she couldn't take it anymore and she was wanting to die. come to find out her father this "truly good God fearing man" had been molesting his daughter since an extremely young age. Now comes my issue I have been told to never put my faith in man but only to look for God. My thing is how can God use a man who does that to his own kid.. Yeah I know it is a dumbass reason but ever since then I have never been able to put my faith in anything when it comes to religion..

    Dorky May 20, 2018 3:23 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Dorky

    I just realized that I sound kind of pretentious in this comment. I want to make it clear that I'm only suggesting a different perspective to your situation. And I am a bit dubious by how helpful I can be for you because I have never been in a similar situation. So if you feel like I'm intruding or assuming too much then by all means you can tell me. I would hate to make you feel bad for sharing something so personal about yourself:)

    AtomBombBaby201 May 20, 2018 5:09 am
    I just realized that I sound kind of pretentious in this comment. I want to make it clear that I'm only suggesting a different perspective to your situation. And I am a bit dubious by how helpful I can be for y... Dorky

    You didn't make me feel bad at all. What I meant by it felt like god was speaking through him was that through his words you could feel a presence a strong one at that I can't really explain it.

    Dorky May 21, 2018 8:13 am
    You didn't make me feel bad at all. What I meant by it felt like god was speaking through him was that through his words you could feel a presence a strong one at that I can't really explain it. AtomBombBaby201

    Okay, I understand. Emotions aren't things easily explained. And I feel like the emotion you feel when hearing his speech was one that you could not compare to any similar experience you may have had in the past at all. I honestly don't know what to say to help because I feel like what I say won't help but rather will only act as fillers in our conversation. But I hope you will find a way to live your life as you want it despite the effect he has had on you.

    AtomBombBaby201 May 21, 2018 7:39 pm
    Okay, I understand. Emotions aren't things easily explained. And I feel like the emotion you feel when hearing his speech was one that you could not compare to any similar experience you may have had in the pas... Dorky

    I have been to lot of other churches and tried to find where I belong but the other ones felt dead and there was no sense of conviction it was almost like God had forsaken them no matter what happened, maybe it was the people acting like the church was a museum of saints instead of actually wanting to help I don't know. I never really got to know that pastor we never said more than two words to each other but I all knew was it so different. I tried to find God but no luck I even went back to the church after the guy got sent to prison but it wasn't the same the new pastor was too busy trying to right the guys mistakes that the sermons were half assed which was kinda what I thought it was going to be like but still it was like I kept feeling that if I felt God there then maybe the answers wouldn't be so lost to me but then I found that in the end I had completely given up and it didn't mean as much to as it did before. That guy wasn't important it just threw me off how he could preach and it was like feeling God move through the words like that was where I needed to be and what I needed to hear then just as I was about to fully put my faith into something I felt I could trust the thought of God using someone like that began to make me really sick and I lost all trust in him..

    AtomBombBaby201 May 21, 2018 7:40 pm
    Okay, I understand. Emotions aren't things easily explained. And I feel like the emotion you feel when hearing his speech was one that you could not compare to any similar experience you may have had in the pas... Dorky

    I hope that was easy to understand.

    Dorky May 22, 2018 3:28 pm
    I hope that was easy to understand. AtomBombBaby201

    It takes me a few rereading to understand. But I think that's because you are confused about what and why you are feeling what you are feeling. What I take away from reading is that you feel a distrust for God/or maybe for people who say that they believe and follow God's teaching. You want to find an answer which can explain to you why/how can a person who understand God's teaching so deeply can do something so ungodly to another human being. But it is difficult for you to find that answer since everywhere you look, it seems as though no one believes and understands God to the level that you are searching for (which if I were to guess, it could have something to do with how the first person who was able to connect you to God had broken your trust in such an insidious way). These are all from my point of view so feel free to fix me if I'm wrong:)

    AtomBombBaby201 May 22, 2018 5:25 pm

    That is exactly how it is.. I lost trust in God because I couldn't get over the fact that some one so close to me had been hurt by someone who was a supposed preacher, leading the blind and telling the congregation how they should live when he himself was putting his daughter through hell.. It makes second guess everything.. That is my problem

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