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Whetu created a topic of Cute Winter Days

I'm really confused if this person is a guy, girl or deliberatly androgynous??

Like they were adressed as both 'he' and 'she'.
In Chinese it should be aparent which gender is meant with clear characters asigned to male (他) and female (她), so a slip up from a translator seems kind of unlikely.

Really want to read this but I have too many manga already on long term hiatus, don't want to suffer under another one ╥﹏╥
And it seems like its been 5 years?

But I'm kind of sad we didn't get to see the reunion after 2 years

Whetu created a topic of Jinx

I live for big fat redemption arcs and guess this story will turn to one too like in BJ Alex! Not gonna talk down how toxic and fucked up this all is, but I really don't hate the ML as much as I thought I would from the comments.

I hate the "conclusion" of some other BL where there was literally no redemption at all and the ML's just got away with all (and even more fucked up stuff) while not improving themselves one bit. But this author at least got it perfect with BJ Alex so I have high hopes for this story too and actually enjoy it with this thought in mind!

The whole "but I can change him" trope is super toxic in real life, but some people really enjoy media were the wish of someone doing a 180 is being fulfilled.

BUT, I'm only at chapter 25 so I can only talk about up to that chapter. I'm out of here too if it gets too hard to bear whatever happens between the two of them.