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Not_yo_cheese's feed

I'm sorry but I just had to say this, if you just read this manga and think the aunt is an ass and that she should have been more understanding and mature. Well then can I just say you should ALSO be more understanding and mature? This is the same as in real life trauma, depression and guilt isn't easy to get rid of, you need help to get rid of it which clearly she did not get. Just because someone has reached adulthood doesn't automatically mean they're sage's of wisdom that know everything, just like how children need an adults help when it comes to emotional and physical pain. Adults ALSO need other adults to help them, what she needed was therapy and help that I didn't see her getting. And before you say maybe it was off screen you don't have a mental breakdown and no contact of reconcile with your nephew years later if she did, not only does she need to deal with her mental state she has to take care of a newborn baby, a child that activates her trauma, and a grown man that can't/doesn't help with any of it. Y'all know how they talked about taking action with not just omega kids AND alphas? That's literally like a metaphor for what I'm saying rn the omegas being the children in this scenario and the alphas being the adults, you can't just focus on helping one cause you think the other doesn't need help. All I'm saying is just cause you say someone should be more understanding and mature doesn't mean that you shouldn't also be understanding and mature of their situation, ofc no child should experience this but as the other mature person (us the reader or third person) we should try to understand the different perspective's of the situation