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maintenanceman did ( All 1 )

stay at home for several days

maintenanceman want to do ( All 1 )

want a boyfriend

maintenanceman's experience ( All 0 )

maintenanceman's answer ( All 2 )

since he has a girlfriend, I would give up. but, if you like him as much as you say you do, then there's always the option of waiting for them to break up. I would recommend you get over him by not seeing him, but since he's your coworker... well, unless you quit, I don't see that happening. Personally, I would find a fuck buddy or find one nigh......   reply
24 06,2019
1-3) I either don't relate to the question or find myself doing those mentioned. 4) I read yaoi because its another form of romance manga for me. I initially started with shoujo manga, but since I read everything available, I started looking into yaoi/ shounen ai as well as yuri/ shoujo ai.   1 reply
13 01,2019

maintenanceman's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do discord server

Just do it

1 hours
want to do discord server


2 hours
did made true friends

There's someone I care about.
We passed through thorns and horrors to keep our friendship and we survived.
They are now in my heart forever

2 hours