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Dew created a topic of Only Need to Love Once

I don't know why I just found this right now but I'm thankful I did.
I am actually still confused about my sexuality but there's this one girl in my class that I really admire. Sure she was pretty and smart but you know, I'm having a lot of trouble whether I truly like her or I just admired her but that doesn't stop me for fantasizing about the two of us (IDK if that's weird). I thought that once the school year ended, my feelings for her will also end but it didn't. It would help if we were assigned in different class this new school year but unfortunately, our school decided to have a block section (having the same section as last year) so I'm stuck with her still being my classmate. My relationship with her doesn't progress at all because we're not really close and although I tried to be friendly with her, I couldn't keep up because I am naturally quiet and introverted. So I'm just stuck from just admiring her from afar. I just wanted to share this here because hopefully I won't regret not confessing to her.