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beyblade June 7, 2024 1:02 pm

I was rereading this manhwa, but this time reading the official version instead, which doesn’t include the twitter extras and end credit chibi scenes. Here’s the list of chapters that includes those if anyone is also planning to read the officials but don’t want to miss out on those scenes:

9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13-15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24-26, 28, 29, 29.5 (you should read Hello Again before reading 29.5 if you don’t want spoilers), 30, 34, 35, Season 1 Afterword, notice, 36-38, 40, 41-43, 45, 50, 50.1, 51, 67.5, twitter extras 1&2 (after ch 69 or side story 1 part 2)

I recommend having one tab with the officials and another with the fan translation so it’s easier to navigate between the two.

beyblade June 5, 2024 2:53 am

They survived the three year itch, witnessed the first snow, and had a significant past encounter.

Your honor, my clients are soulmates!!

beyblade May 31, 2024 8:27 am

Hello everyone, I am 히눈. I sincerely thank you for accompanying "Minority" to the end. It has been a year and a half since the serialization began. I still remember that when I wrote the postscript of the first season, I added a Q&A session to increase the fun. However, due to the deadline for serialization, I regret that I was unable to prepare separately. Therefore, this postscript will mainly share with you my thoughts and feelings during the serialization period and some congratulatory pictures, (even if you don’t read it, it’s not a big problem)

My debut work "Cream Boy" is a work with a relatively relaxed and lovely atmosphere. In comparison, the beginning of "Minority" is lingering with a dark and melancholy atmosphere. In fact, it has always been my dream to create a work of this style, so during the serialization period... I really enjoyed it very much. It can be said that... I was full of enthusiasm and extremely happy

Although the beginning of this work is relatively gloomy and dark, the ending is a happy ending. Many authors should like this ending method very much, but for readers who prefer the style of the first half, it should leave a lot of regrets

In fact, in my earliest conception, the two separated in high school and met again by chance during college, and everything would end at that moment. It is expected to be a semi-open ending that is not BE

But as the series unfolds, the story of Hee Chan and Jin Hyuk gradually becomes concrete. I have invested deep feelings in the characters and gradually immersed in them... So I think that no matter what, I must give them a warm and happy ending

I can't help but think, if we can't be happy, then what's the point of all the suffering we've endured? The two will eventually meet and grow together, not deliberately avoiding happiness, accepting everything calmly... This is also the only way for minors to grow into adults

As you all know, this story describes how two people whose hearts are twisted and broken meet, know each other, and fall in love, and step by step learn what is strong and weak, and finally find the meaning of growth

In my teenage years... I was as dark and depressed as Hee Chan and Jin Hyuk. Because I was already familiar with being deeply trapped in misfortune, I always avoided the path to happiness. I once found it difficult to accept the fact that I could become happy. After all, wanting to be happy is also a courageous thing. And I think that if you want to get this courage, you must first face your own weakness and find the meaning of growth. Only when you become strong first can you accept happiness calmly. I want to express this to everyone through the two protagonists. I sincerely hope that everyone can truly feel everything I want to convey

During the serialization period, I received many comments from readers. I heard that many readers cried because of the story of the two protagonists... I feel sad for everyone, but I also feel a subtle sense of comfort in my heart because reading works is to resonate with each other, right? (This is my personal opinion) Because everyone empathizes with the sadness of Hee Chan and Jin Hyuk, then have I also comforted the sadness hidden deep in the hearts of readers, hehe

I have also received a lot of comfort from everyone. Since I started working as a full-time online comic writer, I often feel lonely because I don’t meet others often and need to work alone. Sometimes it’s really hard to stick to it

However, thanks to the readers who deeply resonated with Hee Chan and Jin Hyuk, I was able to persevere to the end. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I plan to take a 1-month break and return with a side story

Finally, here are the congratulatory pictures sent by dear friends

beyblade May 24, 2024 10:21 pm

I think my initial comment got deleted cause it included a link (What’s the Filipino word for rock?). A user (Rose_flags) commented the hidden details in chapter 92 and it really made me view Ilay in a slightly different light. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still irredeemable. Their commentary also increased my hatred of a certain character.

I’ll just summarize what they noticed:
- Tay was w/o a shirt during call w/ uncle but later when Ilay is staring at a sleeping Tay, Tay was wearing a T-shirt (meaning Ilay was there when Tay made that call to his uncle)
- Tay’s clothes when sleeping are oversized; these are Ilay’s clothes. Another way for Ilay to possess Tay. But when Tay gets up, he changes into his own clothes; he couldn’t accept wearing Ilay’s clothes
- There is bandage on Tay’s forehead before the act. The bandage comes off during the act (chapter 91). And when Tay is asleep, there’s a new bandage, but he never realized it. If Tay did notice, he would have ripped it off like he took off Ilay’s clothes
- What do all these details mean?
Ilay saw Tay crying and calling his uncle, but didn’t try to stop him. Instead, he carefully put a new bandage on Tay’s forehead, changed the sheets, and cleaned him up. These are all acts to prove that Tay is his. Since Tay is his, he can wear Ilay’s clothes and eat Ilay’s food (breakfast chicken)

Ilay staring at Tay on the bed is for two reasons:

1. He’s relieved that he has formed a bond with Tay, even if it’s by brute force. He saw that Tay doesn’t hate that POS uncle who betrayed him and laughed off his pleading phone call because he is family. So now Ilay thinks he also has a chance.

2. He thinks it’s unfair that Tae wants to hold onto the bonds he made with his f*cking psychopathic uncle who laughs at him and his brother who never makes Tay’s life lucky, but can’t accept someone who actually wants him and would run across the world to find/capture him.

But since Ilay is aware of how BS his logic is, he keeps his needier and melancholic actions subtle so that Tay doesn’t notice them.

Also, this user commented that Tay is quick to adapt as a survival mechanism, so he buries heavier negative emotions that come out as sleep talking/sleep walking (like his call to his uncle, or when he was wronged as a kid)

    beyblade May 24, 2024 10:25 pm

    (Watch out, more spoilers… you’ve been warned)

    Another thing they commented - they actually commented a lot chapter analysis and i wish i can save them - is that Ilay hardly wears his gloves around Tay compared to other characters. This shows that Ilay never intended to kill Tay (subconsciously at least). When they were in prison, Ilay didn’t wear gloves around Tay. When they had skinship, he didn’t either. Since becoming instructor, he even put on the tedious task of disposing his gloves around Tay and wearing them again when Tay leaves or when he has to interact with others. This was because Tay said that he likes seeing his hands when Ilay was inaugurated as instructor. The user had images; y’all can only reread to catch the details lmao

    Also, Ilay’s POV (ch. 84) when he was killing the other instructor in reality vs killing Tay in his dream. With the other instructor, he was wearing gloves but with Tay, it was his bare hands. Once again proving he never intended to kill Tay. What angered Ilay wasn’t the humiliation/revenge Tay brought on him but rather that Tay had abandoned him in spite of their (weak) bond, and that Tay who can’t seem to hate anyone, said he hated Ilay. (Another user says Tay might be in the Autism spectrum b/c of his high empathy and saying his thoughts out loud)

    I was thinking of dropping this manhwa, but Rose_flags alone is keeping me wanting more. I think I might be too dumb for the subtleties in this manhwa but their analysis always clarifies things for me. I hope they’re ok with me posting this here, otherwise I’ll definitely delete it when prompted.

    Phel May 24, 2024 10:37 pm

    are you an ao3 user by any chance

    beyblade May 24, 2024 10:42 pm

    Oh forgot to mention more hidden detail (spoilers for ch.90-92)

    Ilay props Tay’s injured leg up when they do the deed. He leaves markings everywhere but that leg and is gentle with Tay (when he could have threatened to break his legs if Tay doesn’t cooperate), which confuses Tay because somehow Ilay thinks r*pe is ok but physical violence is not. Adding on, Tay flinches when Ilay reaches out his hand because he was expecting violence, but instead is confused by his kiss. And every time Tay says his name, Ilay replies with Tay. Does that excuse what he did? Heck no, but it does bring some insight into Ilay’s messed up mind.

    And I’m going to just copy-paste what Rose_flags said, cause I think they said it best:

    “The tragedy of Tay's life is how he just can't see people in black and white. The reason he can't hate Ilay for violating every possible boundary is because he always thought Ilay could do something like that.

    To Tay, hating Ilay Riegrow is like hating a storm, a sheer destructive force of nature. No one "hates" a storm even after it wrecks their house and ruins their life. The only reason he's disappointed is because even a storm has its own rules. Ilay was supposed to have malevolence for everyone. But he made an exception for Tay- and is still making an exception for Tay, seeing how he likes Tay saying his name, and is not doing the other horrific things he can definitely do to Tay if he wanted a good fuck.

    Tay's feelings are hurt because he can see that Ilay's "humanity" is still reserved only for him, but it doesn't make Ilay any less messed up. Poor Tay's self-esteem is so terrible that this fact doesn't even make him hate Ilay T____T

    It's twisted, because Ilay knows Tay can't understand his double standards and he doesn't understand it himself. The most he can do is justify it as "I'm just doing this because I consider you as "mine"."

    In a way, it's also a kind of reassurance for Tay although he will NOT see it that way... but Ilay doesn't have any better means of communicating why he's being careful around Tay's leg, or why he's not using outright threats to scare Tay, or why he's letting Tay scratch and grab at him instead of tying him up. (Crying) this is such a train wreck and ig I'm a masochist for wrecks”

    beyblade May 24, 2024 10:44 pm
    are you an ao3 user by any chance Phel

    i do frequent the site ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    KillsGon4 May 25, 2024 4:26 am
    (Watch out, more spoilers… you’ve been warned)Another thing they commented - they actually commented a lot chapter analysis and i wish i can save them - is that Ilay hardly wears his gloves around Tay compa... beyblade

    No bc as much as I hate that fking guy it's making sense like I noticed it too but I never put it together and I hate reading this but I really have this need to know what's happening and why so what you said the user said just clarified alot for me

    Bbb May 25, 2024 5:29 am
    Oh forgot to mention more hidden detail (spoilers for ch.90-92)Ilay props Tay’s injured leg up when they do the deed. He leaves markings everywhere but that leg and is gentle with Tay (when he could have thre... beyblade

    My guy , its so in touch with the novel what you said , novel has more inner dialogues and details to figure each character out but in manhua its not the case, it's exactly as you said is in the novel as well

    OPIUM. May 25, 2024 7:58 pm
    are you an ao3 user by any chance Phel


    IlLuca May 26, 2024 8:27 am
    My guy , its so in touch with the novel what you said , novel has more inner dialogues and details to figure each character out but in manhua its not the case, it's exactly as you said is in the novel as well Bbb

    this is so real! I have so many bookmarks of the novel cause Yuuji's way of writing is just so.. I can't even explain it

beyblade May 23, 2024 9:25 pm

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

beyblade May 21, 2024 7:32 pm

i usually try to steer clear from immortal x human tropes for obvious reasons. do any of the couples have a sad ending?

    hailuoyin May 21, 2024 8:29 pm

    everyone gets a happy ending ^.^

beyblade May 21, 2024 5:45 pm

Remember how Heechan was physically assaulted by the teacher for recking his car and missing textbooks? The teacher hit Heechan so hard to the point of bleeding (although that was partly manipulated by Heechan). Minjae was there the whole time, saw everything that happened, but only stepped in at the end when he knew things will work in his favor. Now, fast-forward —> a similar-ish situation where Andy and Heechan are arguing outside the hotel suite. At this point we know Minjae is already in love with Heechan. Do y’all think Minjae was eavesdropping on the whole conversation and found out about the sex tape? He only decided to step in when Heechan got hit. Maybe he wants Heechan to feel jealousy and sexual attraction towards men, specifically him? In the novel, there was a conversation before they saw drunk Andy where Heechan suggests that Minjae plays with a pink dildo to scare off Andy. Minjae says that doing so will only intensify Andy’s pursuit because if the person you like gets excited in front of you, wouldn’t you get excited too. and unlike Heechan who is dense af, Minjae can actually read people. So, he would have noticed the change in Heechan after he brought Andy back to his villa. that’s my theory.

beyblade May 11, 2024 10:49 pm

hi guys, does the non-con in ch. 25 and Hyowon’s manipulation ever get addressed or does the author gloss over this? thx

    Kianide May 13, 2024 7:07 pm

    From what I've read , no. And it icks me quite a bit since the characters don't recognise the that Hyowon is quite pushy several times , and MC is going along with it (which he says several times)

    beyblade May 13, 2024 10:17 pm
    From what I've read , no. And it icks me quite a bit since the characters don't recognise the that Hyowon is quite pushy several times , and MC is going along with it (which he says several times) Kianide

    thx for the reply. in that case, ig i’m dropping this.

    Kianide May 15, 2024 6:33 pm
    thx for the reply. in that case, ig i’m dropping this. beyblade

    If you can give it a try till the end , it's kinda worth the ick

    beyblade May 15, 2024 9:31 pm
    If you can give it a try till the end , it's kinda worth the ick Kianide

    if you say so. i’ll add it to my list but prob won’t read it anytime soon.

beyblade May 9, 2024 3:06 am

i think the fact that he’s getting better at sudoku, gained admissions to a competitive graduate program, and wanted to go to the sea in winter means that he’s slowly gaining his memories back. but either way, the big idea is that even with memory loss, Heejae never changed, and Taekyung falling for him again is proof of that… which leads to me to my suspicion that younger Heejae was also an idiot, but was able to masked it better b/c of his high IQ

beyblade May 5, 2024 1:04 am

did we ever find out what happened to the old man that was chasing Andrew in the woods?

    lalalala May 5, 2024 1:15 am

    Andrew probably shot him that's why that ugly dude tried to show luke the gun

    beyblade May 5, 2024 1:25 am
    Andrew probably shot him that's why that ugly dude tried to show luke the gun lalalala

    nah, Derek (that his name?) was referring to the water gun incident that happened between Andrew and his greasy stalker, which lead to media thinking Andrew had a sex kink. i think the old man incident was before the gun incident… unless i’m mixing up events

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