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Nini created a topic of Yours to Claim
Nini created a topic of Dr. Player


Nini created a topic of Cat in the Chrysalis

as soon as i scrolled down to the blonde guy i stopped and thought to myself “pls for the love of everything good, pls don’t tell me this chad looking ass dude is the ml
scrolls down to see he is indeed the ml
why he so ugly i’m sorry

Because of the incompetent Emperor, she possessed the female protagonist who died from overwork.

She tried to get rid of her empress status and get a job in the castle, earning a flat monthly salary.

But one day, her husband was ousted from the position of Emperor. And it was none other than his older brother, who had been missing for several years.

‘Finally, I’m divorcing him!’

So I called for a celebration inside my head.

“The Empress will remain the same.”

Wait. Why is my position not changing?

I thought we were finally getting a divorce, but another guy came in.

I’d rather be a servant than be the emperor’s woman. Then I will be a wicked employer who does both!

why are they all so surprised.. did they really expect her to work for free while he is openly lovey dovey with his MIStress???

Nini created a topic of Blue Project

it gets on my nerves that no one calls her cute
i thought she made her character pretty?
it’s such a weird thing to be bothered about but everyone calls the other kids good-looking and for some reason she’s forgettable even tho she’s supposedly cute??
i feel like irl even if you disliked a person you would admit they were cute if they were cute right

Nini created a topic of Reborn as the Enemy Prince

damn, planche making me feel some kind of way

Nini created a topic of Forbidden Odd Melody

martha is going to become annoying in the future huh, just hope she doesn’t do something stupid

when is my dream guy gonna show up too huh

Nini created a topic of The Villainess Becomes a Mom

so, i feel like seah’s soul is the og lulu and our lulu is the og seah

Nini created a topic of I Don't Trust My Twin Sister

i dropped this, it’s so sad because the artstyle is so pretty but the plot is kinda shit:/