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JustHere April 3, 2024 2:32 pm

BL reccs

with Puppy Seme × Overprotective Uke

example - The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palacs

JustHere March 26, 2024 10:38 am

For me its when I find out the guy is older. Ive dropped alot of books. I just think older woman x younger man is superior.

Why are people so obsessed with Older man ,x younger woman

    jhjjkhhbh March 26, 2024 11:05 am

    when the art is not pretty enough, specially with shojo mangas/manwhas ┗( T﹏T )┛

    JustHere March 26, 2024 11:47 am
    when the art is not pretty enough, specially with shojo mangas/manwhas ┗( T﹏T )┛ jhjjkhhbh

    I agree with this

    Shoto's waifu March 26, 2024 1:06 pm

    Older woman + mommy + dominant

    yes pls, any recs ??

JustHere March 25, 2024 7:09 pm

Its a Japanese BL where guy gives Bully a love potion his sister made,

JustHere March 22, 2024 6:30 am

I just this thought and wonder if anyone feels the same way. I usually dont like "friends to lovers" trope. Ive seen a few movies, series, read some books ect where I enjoyed the trope. I wont lie. but overall Im not in a hurry to look for this trope.

Personally I like stories where characters start out as strangers, and watching them build a foundation. When they already know each other, that doesnt happen.

I think in real life friends to lovers is great. but not in fiction

    YAOI__GIRL March 22, 2024 6:49 am

    Idk for me, it's the opposite. Friends to lovers would only ever work out in fiction and not real life.

    It's actually one of my fav troupes lol, but in real life, it sucks (speaking from experience)

    JustHere March 22, 2024 8:13 am
    Idk for me, it's the opposite. Friends to lovers would only ever work out in fiction and not real life.It's actually one of my fav troupes lol, but in real life, it sucks (speaking from experience) YAOI__GIRL

    Yeah sometimes it definitely doesnt work out and sometimes it does in real life.

    for me its more about the fact theres an established relationship between the characters..which I dont like. I like the concept of 2 strangers meeting and building on from there.

JustHere March 21, 2024 6:36 pm

Im so sick of the "best friends brother/brothers bestfriend trope"

Ugh and why is it always the older brother. if they gona keep righting this worn out trope at spice it up a bit, make it about a younger brothers friend.

I canr be the only one whos never had a crush on my brothers friend. I had a crush on my cousins friend and a crush on my brothers friends cousin

I hate this trope as much as the step siblings trope.

    verymuchbored March 21, 2024 8:36 pm

    the man with pretty lips is about a younger brothers bsf!!

    JustHere March 21, 2024 9:13 pm
    the man with pretty lips is about a younger brothers bsf!! verymuchbored

    Thank you

JustHere March 21, 2024 6:31 pm

Can anyone else relate. There's some toxic characters I like, because I find them interesting, but I dont like overly toxic relationship dynamics.

    CherryTree March 21, 2024 7:38 pm

    There is an old way of teaching , in native-american nation, the coyote called Coyote-dick, is .. a dick ! And this creature is legendary so it's given to experience via stories, the madness and the things that are out of line, because it's a type of wisdom where we learn what is bad only when we get a feel of it (in our guts). _ just like Dumbledore said, bad teachers also have their roles, and that is, teaching us what not to do! _ i personnally i like to see things that way, there is wisdom in wicked characters. So i don't mind the existence of those stories. _

    CherryTree March 21, 2024 7:54 pm

    You are not the only one ;-) i personnally really enjoy psychology! (Understanding the psychology of a character.) It's very satisfying intellectually ! (Understanding different kinds of brains, and that humans can or cannot feel empathy/remorse etc.) It's quite fascinating to realise what a neurotypical person feel vs neurodivergent types for example. It's interesting for me to see good representation also for ADHD and autism , it's less usual than sociopathy. I think people really enjoy Lost in the Cloud because we see resilience and healing as well as trauma, and we see the turning points that helps the ML to stay on track and not turn into a monster. We start to feel that '' his light might be bigger than his shadow '' and it's fascinating to see both shadow and light in one character! It gives hope to see it's possible to heal and outgrow our difficult past. _ i really enjoyed Semantic Error as well as Sangwoo is probably not neurotypical (and his boo has anger issues so ... It's not a matter of who is the '' most perfect '' it's about being human and finding how we can come together and make the other see our side and our limitations, and make it work!

JustHere March 20, 2024 11:40 pm

Fiction vs Reality

why do people get so pressed when you point out a lot of people cant separate the two??. Media has influence on people

    forg March 20, 2024 11:45 pm

    A lot of people really can't understand that fiction is fiction for a reason, or they believe that fiction could be reality when it likely can't

    Kriss March 21, 2024 12:55 am

    I find it funny how they only think this about negative influences. When ppl talk about positive influences that media has had on them/ppl, there’s never any argument. The human brain is weird. Any type of media we experience has the potential to impact/influence it. Just because you don’t realize it’s happening, doesn’t mean that it’s not.

    forg March 21, 2024 2:05 am
    I find it funny how they only think this about negative influences. When ppl talk about positive influences that media has had on them/ppl, there’s never any argument. The human brain is weird. Any type of me... Kriss

    It really is true. Media can be positive or negative, but people don't realize that media will affect you, even if you think it wont, from it being your opinions to your behavior, they could change with something you've read or watched

    scubbadubba March 21, 2024 2:09 am

    It's true to an extent, but the main reason people are getting pressed is because it's being used to shame them or prevent them from enjoying media that would not be considered wholesome. The whole "fiction vs reality" thing is mostly an argument for people who want to get rid of it like the older people with video games because they think it creates violent people.

JustHere March 12, 2024 9:15 pm

Historical Hetreo Manhwa

He marries his daughter in law after his son dies at war. Theres smut.

    Lucilias March 12, 2024 9:20 pm

    Sorry but what the

    JustHere March 12, 2024 9:21 pm
    Sorry but what the Lucilias

    I think that was normal back in the day.

    @shutup March 12, 2024 9:42 pm

    Reminds me of "An immoral night".

JustHere March 12, 2024 4:43 pm

Ive always wonder why are "firsr love" tropes so popular. whether its meeting for the firsr time,
re-encountering each other, on and off, Trauma bonds friends to Lovers ect.

writers always seem to.go back to the idea that first love lasts forever.

    CoCoBean March 12, 2024 5:10 pm

    Maybe cuz they never got over theirs. Characters are usually just a manifestation of the authors inner self and desires right? Maybe theyre living vicariously, through their characters?

    1117 March 12, 2024 5:42 pm

    at the end of the day it's all just fiction

    Grogg March 12, 2024 6:17 pm

    It’s totally possible that this popularity is caused by how religion and culture treat celibacy and virginity.

    Women’s dowry or bride price would go up if they were a virgin. This would, in turn, create a narrative where being a virgin is more valuable than having sex out of wedlock.
    But why does it matter?

    If they say that being a virgin is more valuable, then all of the perspectives surrounding that will change in your community and culture. First dates, first kiss, first sex, first anything becomes more meaningful.
    When you place that importance behind those experiences, the stuff you consume is going to change. Which is where the popularity(not origin) of first love comes from. “You’re my first, and my last.” Purity, possessiveness.

    BUT I MAY BE WRONG ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Jayjay March 12, 2024 6:45 pm
    Maybe cuz they never got over theirs. Characters are usually just a manifestation of the authors inner self and desires right? Maybe theyre living vicariously, through their characters? CoCoBean

    I hope this ain’t true for fckd up stories esp bl stories that are scary and messed up

    BeeHive March 12, 2024 7:52 pm

    People tend to put more significant to their first experience. Maybe because you have no other comparison when you experience your first and thus everything seems "special" and your dopamine is at their highest so your memory work better and thus you remember your first better.

    Also personally i think first love trope is cute because the characters are usually so awkward to the whole experience and it make them seems more adorable

    JustHere March 12, 2024 8:01 pm
    People tend to put more significant to their first experience. Maybe because you have no other comparison when you experience your first and thus everything seems "special" and your dopamine is at their highest... BeeHive

    On a first base meeting its okay. but I personally dont enjoy when they break up and get back together yesrs later, or they never dated and meet each other again ect.

    JustHere March 12, 2024 8:01 pm
    It’s totally possible that this popularity is caused by how religion and culture treat celibacy and virginity. Women’s dowry or bride price would go up if they were a virgin. This would, in turn, create a n... Grogg

    BeeHive March 12, 2024 8:15 pm
    On a first base meeting its okay. but I personally dont enjoy when they break up and get back together yesrs later, or they never dated and meet each other again ect. JustHere

    I think because there are large market for the right people at the wrong time. Also some people just love to read misunderstanding and second chance story. I mean looking at most popular bl here is a scum ml redemption story.

    JustHere March 12, 2024 9:10 pm
    I think because there are large market for the right people at the wrong time. Also some people just love to read misunderstanding and second chance story. I mean looking at most popular bl here is a scum ml re... BeeHive

    So true and its my least favorite thing to read.

    right person wrong time is such BS imo. The right person will be there regardless of the time.

    and second chances, for an ex. No thanks

JustHere March 11, 2024 11:13 pm

Guy has a crush on his "straight best friend" they have to pretend to be a married couple, because the an old couple wont let them stay at their propery.

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