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Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 8:17 pm

is a cyberstalker impersonating the real TM.
They could be behind one of the other cyberstalker impersonating accounts that have admitted to being a pedo. They are self-projection. Look at the fact that they are the ones spamming the walls as TMSM. I am correcting their gaslighting on their targets and warning people.
IF they stop their spam on their targets this page would go back to "normal".

They are the ones causing the harassment. it is not a fight. They are harassing everyone. They are hiding behind their targets to harass everyone as they deflect and self-project.
Their gaslighting will not work on me. I know the truth.

Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 8:08 pm

This is a sockpuppet for the cyberstalkers that have been gaslighting the page for months and impersonating a few users.
She just called someone else a pedophile again and they have not talked to each other. He is not a pedophile.

At the beginning of the month she wrote the real Morning Diamonds about his name. She had two comments and he had three comments. He blocked her without DMing her.
She came back saying she was minor and he asked for pictures in DM. What happen is the impersonator of him emailed her to frame him. He is not a pedophile. He has defended many people on this page. He is a good person. A few days later they added grooming. They kept changing her age to: 13, 14 and 16.
Morning Diamonds has asked her to leave him alone March the 4th. She is still harassing us. After a point I avoided talking to her and she does not take the hint. She is stalking us

We are not talking to her and she keeps trying to engage with us. She is now trying to make 10 or more people the same person on misspelled words that is copied and pasted.
You know autocorrection is not that smart. Also, She keep self projecting her feelings on to us. We are not mad with the same gaslighting over weeks. We are disappointed in they and how bore they are to make baseless claims on their targets and then pretend they are the victims. They never been the victims. She is not a victim.

One of these pictures you will see them say I DMed her for pictures. I blocked her before she knew about me. I think it is bc they want me to be MD. They are obsessed with MD. I am not a pedophile. On that note two of the cyberstalkers impersonating their targets have claimed to be pedophiles. (who is BaileyBot too) admitted to being a pedophile admitted to being a pedophile
Both said it a few times on different topics.

Help! We have pedophiles cyberstalking us.

Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 3:50 pm

There are no jinx rape defenders. You interpret it as rape. It does not mean others are ignoring rape bc u c rape.

Why can't Jojo ignore people who don't want anything to do with her? Right, she is intention-seeking as she made that topic.

Jojo's targets don't want attention like her. Jojo is out of touch of reality. Jojo and her cyberstalkers will not stop. They would keep going with no attention.

Jojo Targets TM, MD, and their friends want to talk about the story and share facts. They want to talk to people and share ideas. They want how this page it is meant to be.

Jojo is deflecting her behaviors onto the people is calling "rape defenders"
I just see self-projecting and seeking intention from Jojo.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 3:34 pm

    Also, Jojo is gaslighting. She is assuming her targets are here. She likes to stalk TM. TM has not commented in a while. I can't tell you when the real MD responded. Didn't she believe the story was not rape either? Why is she calling them rape defenders? attention seeking.

    What she is gaslighting is her targets are wanting attention. TM and MD had said to stop and have rarely posted. I have backed off and has been making comments but no one knows their view and you can tell we don't want attention. We are countering the gaslighting from jojo's side and standing with the truth.

    Jojo is on the side that is seeking. It makes no sense to call this side attention-seeking. That is manipulation and gaslighting on Jojo's part.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 21, 2024 3:51 pm


    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 4:32 pm

    Jojo said "you know stupity has no limits so i was just even if you guys wanted to show them that they are wrong they will not change their minds... they want to be right so much everyone else must be wrong and going after them.'

    That does not fit her targets. It fits her and her friends. Jojo is trying to force her opinion on others with that.

    The side Jojo is on was showing they are wrong. They don't want to change their minds. They went after TM and his friends bc they couldn't admit they were wrong. They have created fake accounts impersonating them to go after them forcing their opinions on others.
    That is how much Jojo and her side want to be right. They will harass someone by impersonating them to even trying to frame one of them because they have to be right.

    Jojo is deflecting her side's behavior on her targets. TM and his friend never went after an opinion. They stood up to the attacks.
    Jojo is a gaslighter.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 21, 2024 4:33 pm

    "jojo August 14, 2023 5:09 pm
    so i started following you after i read thw whole thing and i couldnt agree more with you. i though i was being crazy when i was stating facts and their only reply was that i am delusional and defenting the abuser. you stated it perfectly !!!!

    We have thought one thing and she denied it. Then we started to think she was a mole.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 21, 2024 4:50 pm

    Oh.. I think it is funny she thinks I have a grudge.
    She wrote that and started to follow me. I followed her back but I don't think we actually talked. The first and only time I DMed her was when she started to cyber bully me.

    Her friend and her unfollowed me and then started to stalk and harass me and my friends. Did she even question how odd I was acting? Like me and her were best friends? What was happening I was going to do something and Tora talked me out of it. It wouldn't helped.

    I don't have a grudge. I am thankful she revealed her true colors before we became friends. I don't need a toxic fake person in my life.

    We did have a different POV of her in October because we thought she saw we were being harassed over lies to where she threw us under the bus to save herself. She denied it but of course, anyone would. However, she tried blackmailing MD over gaslighting and lies. She stalked me. She used the same gaslighting as the haters. We think she was just a mole. I see her for what she is and I will avoid her like the plague

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 21, 2024 4:54 pm

    Also, We never tried to change anyone's viewpoint. I am thankful they are showing they were trying to force us to change our viewpoint. This has never been a POV vs POV battle. This is about them trying to force others into their POV or force them off the page.
    They want to be in control and make this a fascist page. I am glad they are admitting they did this to force us into their POV. We stand with facts. They stand with opinions and cherrypicked lines.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:12 pm
    Also, We never tried to change anyone's viewpoint. I am thankful they are showing they were trying to force us to change our viewpoint. This has never been a POV vs POV battle. This is about them trying to fo... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    Hey TM. At first, I thought you were a new fake account for a second. Bahaha.

    "yea exactly and btw they did as i predicted just let them have a solo comverstion they really are so obvious and predictable!!!'

    We know she is self-projecting and gaslighting, does that mean she is having a solo conversation with herself as she is obvious and predictable?

    Same gaslighting tactics. This is them creating a false sense of power or influence by making it seem like one person has multiple accounts when no one cares. Literally,no one cares. It is a tactic used to intimidate or confuse their targets
    While making it seem like one person has multiple accounts, you have multiple accounts harassing "one" person. That is harassment. That is cyberstalking.

    I am sorry you are going through this. They are wrong to do this to you.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 7:56 pm
    Oh.. I think it is funny she thinks I have a grudge. She wrote that and started to follow me. I followed her back but I don't think we actually talked. The first and only time I DMed her was when she started t... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    I love how you say the opposite

    You don't sound triggered or a fan of hers.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 9:32 pm"jojo August 14, 2023 5:09 pmso i started following you after i read thw whole thing and i couldnt agree more with you. i though i was being crazy when i was stat... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    Cyberstalker impersonator TM who has only impersonated you with two names see who you explain this situation to. They seem obsessed with you.
    "Wtf he's obsessed. He messaged me on my main without knowing it's me spamming the whole situation down my throat. he's actively stalking and obsessing over every new user he sees"

Safety Advocate March 18, 2024 7:19 pm

Christ Hansen is a new account and one of the cyberstalkers. I have him listed as number 7.
Please ignore them and block them. They will only gaslight you with lies.

They are manipulating their targets into interacting with them online by create fake posts designed to shame and defame the victims. They have continue the harassing behavior even after being asked to stop many times. They don't have permission to talk to their targets. Conversation is over.

Please look at my albums. ( I will be adding to them)

Cyberstalker impersonator 1

Cyberstalker impersonator 2

Cyberstalker impersonator 3

Cyberstalker impersonator 4

Cyberstalker impersonator 5

Cyberstalker impersonator 6

Cyberstalker and sockpuppet 7

Cyberstalker and sockpuppet 8

    Safety Advocate March 18, 2024 7:32 pm

    I have two accounts. No one knows my real account but me. I am not Morning Diamonds who only has two accounts. He has been constantly that he has two and his first he can't log into.
    Aloha is not him or me.
    Tmsmyz is not him or me.
    Manhwaspicy is not him or me.
    Assertive tigitude is not him or me.

    Everytime they claim 6 or more people are the same person makes them look more ridiculous.

    As for the child-grooming and rape defender. "Although cyberstalking is a general term for online harassment, it can take many forms, including slander, defamation, false accusations, trolling and even outright threats."

    It is just false accusations to provoke a response. They are slandering their targets. They have gaslighted so much they are not even talking about their targets. It is a made up version. They are so desperate for Morning Diamonds attention they make me him with a self-projection of themselves.

    The cyberstalkers are deflecting them onto their targets.

    Safety Advocate March 18, 2024 7:45 pm

    Standard English above. They look dumb with that gaslighting.

    " Thanks to a user for bringing up old topics where you were exposed."

    Only in their dreams. They never exposed anyone. They had to frame someone to have something.

    They are desperate

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 7:54 pm

    They are desperate. They are so angry. Hahaha

    pigglypoof March 19, 2024 7:53 pm

    You literally impersonated a minor. You're no better than the trolls. Bffr

    Safety Advocate March 19, 2024 7:57 pm
    You literally impersonated a minor. You're no better than the trolls. Bffr pigglypoof

    Your opinion is mud, troll.
    I impersonated a sockpuppet of the cyberstalker who admitted to being pedophiles. They were claiming that account was a "minor" to set up the real one. We got them in lie after lie as you have been caught.

    You and them have no credibility

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 21, 2024 8:27 pm

    He started accusing others of pedo AFTER he got caught, so before he just groomed the minor for no reason? Well he even admitted to asking for a pic and knew she was underaged. he still claims it's not grooming since her saying shes' 16 doesn't prove she is full on pedo with no credibility

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 8:31 pm

    Block that gaslighting cyberstalker

    "He started accusing others of pedo AFTER he got caught,"

    I am not MD. I have said my gender. I am not accusing anyone. MD was not caught at anything. Y'all tried to frame him.

    Grooming y'all added later. It is a lie.
    He never admitted to your gaslighting. Her age was never said until after.
    Your gaslighting is not going to work. I know the truth.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 9:14 pm

    Hey Pigglypoof you would love this you hypocritical cyberstalker.

    Thanks for saying "everyone is anonymous. You're literally nobody on here"

    I can't impersonate a minor. a robot is a minor? Haha

    Aloha March 21, 2024 9:39 pm Pigglypoof you would love this you hypocritical cyberstalker. Thanks for saying "everyone is anonymous. You're literally nobody on here" I can't impersonate a minor... Safety Advocate

    I love how You exposed PP's hypocrisy. And PP is like you dedicated to him and he is in hall of fame.

    PP will never be in a hall of fame. They may never get something dedicated to them. They are the crappy who gaslight good people?? Who lies about the situation?

BaileyBot March 12, 2024 4:46 am

Below and above: Three topics, two different profiles.

The real one

The cyberstalker, who thinks they are a troll, impersonating the real one.
The cyberstalker is gaslighting you. They tried to set up the real one but they wrote the "minor". It is a sock puppet of theirs.

We have asked for peace. It was rejected bc it seems they did not like some of their tactics back at them. They are butthurt for what they are writing today. They only have themselves to blame. They are at fault. They could have talked with their targets at the beginning and all this could have been avoided.

BaileyBot March 6, 2024 9:33 pm

They are trying to set up the real ones.

There have been accounts clone others. They are so annoying. and

concocted a set up together. Bailey write the real Protector. Protector blocked her and did not DM her. Bailey comes in saying Protector emailed her asking for pictures and that she was minor. Then she starts calling him a pedo. Where did she say her age before that? How is that being a pedo when you don't know someone age?

Protector said he did not email her. He showed he did not. It was the cyberstalker copy of him that emailed her to set him up on this hideous lie.

She has been talking with the cyberstalkers. She did block the Real TM. She never question when the cyberstalker coping TM was able to respond to her topic She is behind this and an alt.

The real one never DM her. If she is a her. Bailey said she was 16, Now they are changing it to 14 and 13

Now they are trying to make it look like grooming was happen when the predator of Jinx was the one that only asked for a photo. It is in the albums.
They keep changing things. They are trying to set up the real one when it was their actions. This one this one is the predator here. He keeps going after the real one. He harasses, mock, and sets up the real one and says the real one is a fake victim. Bailey is the fake victim. The real protector is the victim here

BaileyBot March 6, 2024 5:06 pm

This is an clone of TM and a bully

This one emailed me for photos. 'I set up the real one.
I am 16.

BaileyBot March 6, 2024 4:57 pm

The comment below:

Is the impersonator of the real one. They did email me not the real one.

BaileyBot March 6, 2024 4:26 pm

For some reason my friends and I can not leave a few users alone. We don't agree with that they said and we must to go after them. We have been going after them for months. You know TM and MD that has shared and talked about the story. They have defend themselves from the trolls, haters, and cyberstalkers. We try to make them look like the perpetrators but they have never been. We are deflecting from our harmful behavior that causes this, we the trolls, haters, and cyberstalkers are the perpetrators.

I am setting up Protector aka MD with the impersonating cyberstalkers. We are setting Protector and his friends up. I had the real TM block and I never question how TM was writing me. I know it was the impersonator of TM who was trying to harm TM.
It was the impersonator that emailed me not the real one.

We are trying to damage TM, MD, and others reputation. We must attack them each time they post. We can't leave them alone. We cause this. They don't.

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