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H1rsch created a topic of In the Doghouse

Its getting sad; someone needs to step on him asap.

H1rsch created a topic of The Queen's Secret Lessons

MC knows her father throws people under the bus for his ambition and that shes not living up to his expectations. Calling him in, expecting he'd help her save that maid, was a supreme miscalculation.

She seriously needs some character development to be functional in a position that is never entirely unaffected by backstabbery.

But oddly enough Im not complaining. Its absolutely shameful that ML showing up here will turn the tide for her after she stood up for herself as best as anyone could ask her to.

H1rsch created a topic of Jinx

With his personality I was worried he'd beat the Doc half to death. Though we probably haven't seen the worst of it, when it comes to the fallout on this.

Man, i am really considering a break till there is a chapter where Dan actually doesn't have the next worst day of his life.

H1rsch created a topic of Another Lie

That was an... interesting choice by the author. Reminds me of Peter Jackson putting half of the Smaug fight into the beginning of the third Hobbit movie.

Creates a weirdass pacing because the cliffhanger is kinda that you dont get to see the cliffhanger.