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baphienaxxx's feed

baphienaxxx created a topic of Wet Sand

SORRY BUTTT, Taejoon HAS TO BE the endgame to Yeongwoo. They need to fix their issues together because look how they treated each other at the end of season 1 when Yeongwoo thought Taejoon died in the car accident. YEONGWOO FELT HIS HEART BROKEN, HE PANICKED, HE ALMOST FAINTED. Also, the way they been together for YEARS, Yeongwoo dumped his girl back then, and now we know Taejoon also dumped his girl (maybe fianceé). Like, I know they have this toxic codependency, but i think they have to fix it because they cannot live without each other. Imagine if they decide to go separate ways without healing that, they will at the end be thinking of each other even if they go to another solar system, get married and start a new life or some shit like that

The thing is, with Yeongwoo being this close to Joe now, i don't really think he will catch feelings at this point. Even with the cute things they been doing, Yeongwoo will not be catching true and sane feeling for Joe. From my point of view, Yeongwoo only likes Joe because of his kind heart and good sex, no other thing. Joe is not the kind of man that will see the worst side of you, the worst thing you can do, and will stay with you, take a bullet for you. Yeah, he is kind, compasive, brave, and all of that. But does he know how to face the underground? Does he know how to live with the demons of Yeongwoo? He doesn't. But Taejoon surely does.

Taejoon saw Yeongwoo at his lowest, and he is still there watching over him. They belong to each other at this point. That's my final comment about this. Hope Yeongwoo and Taejoon end up together and find peace far away from that underground life. (︶︿︶)