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pop August 8, 2023 10:59 pm

I’m so confused I legit thought the ending is some April fools joke and kept waiting for the joke part..

pop July 9, 2023 9:41 am


pop July 21, 2021 12:10 pm

omg I had so much second hand embarrassment when reading this and seeing how obvious the mc was acting with the vibrator in his ass…. BUT DAMN I STILL LOVE IT ESP WHEN THE SEME FOUND OUT AND WHISPERED. MSKSKS I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER

pop July 16, 2021 2:25 am

the author is batshit crazy LOL. like all the other commenters have mentioned, she could have just asked the uploader to delete (like some of the other webtoon authors) without threatening to dox, release personal information like pictures and address of uploader. The uploader did a wrong yes but the author is much worse in her actions. I hope she sees the backlash her actions have done cause so many legal readers have dropped this now.

    pop July 16, 2021 2:31 am

    also ngl but the plot is really mediocre and the art was what made me even interested in this webtoon at the start. Initially thought the author was also the one drawing it but apparently not LOL

    M.T July 16, 2021 3:12 am
    also ngl but the plot is really mediocre and the art was what made me even interested in this webtoon at the start. Initially thought the author was also the one drawing it but apparently not LOL pop

    Same I thought it was C tier at best. If anything I was going to say was D tier but the only saving grace was the art which why to me it's C tier

    DONGYUNSFOUNTAIN July 16, 2021 4:42 am

    I agree, but if you're an author you would understand her feelings

pop July 13, 2021 1:27 am

y’all dont take the plot too seriously… personally felt this was pretty cute to read after having been through countless of overbearing MLs kind of smut. Perhaps cause MC’s reactions are cute (tho she is dense like the others). And ML is actually really caring and not as annoying as the usual overbearing president type of characters.

Idk, maybe I’m used to this plot of “omg he has showed countless of signs of being in love with me and even confessed to me but…. Does he love me?” LMAO. so I’m here more for the nice art and cute reactions.

    Succube December 3, 2023 7:20 pm

    Bro ate her out and she was like I'm just a younger sister to him!!

pop July 11, 2021 6:15 pm

YAYYYY IM SO HAPPY THAT THIS IS FINALLY HERE! That one shot got me so invested!!! And our boy looks so grown up here omg esp in the cover

pop July 2, 2021 3:24 pm

Man I’m pausing this until the series gets to the point where these people get their karma :”)))) I can’t take this

    SageSadie July 2, 2021 4:33 pm

    I really hope that at the end when The other male lead finally realized that he was wrong about niannian that the author doesn’t ship them together.

pop July 2, 2021 3:08 pm

damn okay at some point during the series, I was feeling really frustrated due to Param. But I’m glad he came to his senses and made a decision! Also really liked that he tried hard to show his feelings to Hwi after that. Was pleasantly surprised that Hwi wasn’t one of those cliche overbearing semes that continued being an asshole throughout the series, it was really nice to see him turn gentle. Got abit annoyed by Mr.Han/Taehyun but it’s good how he didn’t continue to push his feelings on Param (at least he could take no for an answer). But idk I feel like there are just some missing parts in the series. Like taehyun’s sex friend said he would regret leaving him one day so I thought he was gonna wreck shit up tbh LOL but I guess it was implying that Taehyun would feel upset? (Which he did but not cause of him so….). Ok this was a long review but overall cute series for a casual read and hot smut scenes!

    pop July 2, 2021 3:19 pm

    Also thanks to another person’s comment, a part that made me kinda disappointed and uncomfortable is when Hwi basically asked Param out (that night when Param got drunk due to a random dude). Maybe I’m mistaken but Hwi explicitly said he had feelings and mentioned twice about how Param should let him be his man and Param agreed by saying “you’re right”. So I was really surprised when Param actively agreed to have sex with Mr.Han right after that and denied that he and Hwi were a couple.

    ZelAn July 2, 2021 9:46 pm
    Also thanks to another person’s comment, a part that made me kinda disappointed and uncomfortable is when Hwi basically asked Param out (that night when Param got drunk due to a random dude). Maybe I’m mist... pop

    True. :/ This would’ve been way better if that didn’t happen or if Hwi never gave Param a chance cause that’s just messed up

    Ejaculatetoyaoi July 3, 2021 12:31 am

    Same, I was going to drop it but his character development was good and didnt take over 4 chapters thank goddess

    Ejaculatetoyaoi July 3, 2021 12:32 am
    Same, I was going to drop it but his character development was good and didnt take over 4 chapters thank goddess Ejaculatetoyaoi

    Goodness **

    pop July 3, 2021 4:18 pm
    True. :/ This would’ve been way better if that didn’t happen or if Hwi never gave Param a chance cause that’s just messed up ZelAn

    yup agreed!! At the most, I wished Param would have at least stopped it after a kiss or smth and then be like “Wait this isn’t the person I wanna be with”. Rather than actually going through with the whole sex and then be like damn I like hwi better LOL

    pop July 3, 2021 4:20 pm
    Same, I was going to drop it but his character development was good and didnt take over 4 chapters thank goddess Ejaculatetoyaoi

    Ya!! I was lowkey tempted to drop it too at that point but continued due to the art and his pretty quick character development (esp when he saw that “misunderstanding” scene with Hwi and the blonde trainer but decided he should still express his feelings instead of the usual cliche uke running away and ignoring the seme)

    aur July 4, 2021 10:49 am
    Also thanks to another person’s comment, a part that made me kinda disappointed and uncomfortable is when Hwi basically asked Param out (that night when Param got drunk due to a random dude). Maybe I’m mist... pop

    They weren't a couple. Param only just agreed to go on a date lol they weren't even clear on being in a relationship until the last few chapters hahah.

    But was definitely poorly timed on Param's to get his sexual infatuation with Han out of his system lmao

    He just wanted to have sex with Han. Once it happened, he realizes he didn't actually have feelings for Han. Which I'm honestly glad it did happen because if it continued with the what ifs and sexual attraction to Han, it would of definitely happened while they were already in a relationship.

    ZelAn July 4, 2021 11:37 am
    They weren't a couple. Param only just agreed to go on a date lol they weren't even clear on being in a relationship until the last few chapters hahah.But was definitely poorly timed on Param's to get his sexua... aur

    More like Param is a traitor. Someone asked him on a date, clearly obvious to Param hwi loves him but slept w someone else after just to figure out feelings?

    In my country, once you date someone, idc if exclusive or not yet, still a date, you can’t just play w their feelings, and so Param is a traitor. And did Hwi confess again? If not, then I’m assuming they were already a couple when hwi first asked Param out, if so, that’s cheating . Also Param felt so much regret and nervous/worried, you’d be less regretful if you weren’t in a relationship, he also stated he did something bad to Hwi. They were dating.

    And how do you figure out your feelings after sleeping w them? I’m sure Author really just wanted to have Param sleep w the manipulative Han. Makes no sense but then again it’s understandable that it’s fiction and it’s THIS TYPE of BL.

    Still, Hwi deserves someone better.

    ZelAn July 4, 2021 11:40 am
    They weren't a couple. Param only just agreed to go on a date lol they weren't even clear on being in a relationship until the last few chapters hahah.But was definitely poorly timed on Param's to get his sexua... aur

    Oof I’m half asleep, completely missed your “sexual infatuation w han” part, my bad. I do agree with you. I think he was sexually attracted to Han yes rather than being in LOVE.

    Love is a strong word. and I forgot most of what I read on here so do enlighten me if I wrote something wrong.

    aur July 4, 2021 6:12 pm
    More like Param is a traitor. Someone asked him on a date, clearly obvious to Param hwi loves him but slept w someone else after just to figure out feelings?In my country, once you date someone, idc if exclusiv... ZelAn

    Traitor? I'm guessing we're going to have two different views of dating and relationships because dating isn't the same being in a relationship.

    Hwi didn't confess. He asked him on a date. It wasn't until after Param asked for a second chance that I guess he confessed? Idk. But they were atleast more open with their feelings and then Hwi was like we're dating now lol

    Param had felt guilty not because they were dating but because he knows he would hurt Hwi's feelings. He knew Hwi atleast had feelings for him, not cause they were dating. You can regret hurting a person....and not be in a relationship with them? What's that logic?

    aur July 4, 2021 6:14 pm
    More like Param is a traitor. Someone asked him on a date, clearly obvious to Param hwi loves him but slept w someone else after just to figure out feelings?In my country, once you date someone, idc if exclusiv... ZelAn

    Added note, Hwi was well aware if Param's attraction and feelings towards it wasn't a surprise? I hated how he was under the assumption that Param would just choose him without having a conversation.

    Like I didn't feel bad. They were in a non exclusive sexual relationship that Hwi just happened to start developing feelinga for his partner and not communicate well.

    ZelAn July 4, 2021 6:53 pm
    Added note, Hwi was well aware if Param's attraction and feelings towards it wasn't a surprise? I hated how he was under the assumption that Param would just choose him without having a conversation. ... aur

    “ I'm guessing we're going to have two different views of dating and relationships because dating isn't the same being in a relationship.”

    It’s different for me in a different country and culture so dating is same as starting a relationship, that’s a stage where you’ve developed your love already.

    I don’t mean Param felt guilty cause they weren’t dating, I meant that he felt regret for not considering Hwi’s feelings knowing Hwi likes him.

    “He can regret hurting a person but not being in a relationship with them? What’s that logic?”

    It’s called considering someone’s feelings even if you aren’t in a relationship yet. It can be towards strangers you meet for the first time, or acquaintances, just people you know but not in a relationship with.

    “ I hated how he was under the assumption that Param would just choose him without having a conversation. ”
    Most likely cause Param barely communicate first lmao. Only after that incident did Param communicate.

    And I see okay makes sense. But seriously Param needs to work on his communication skills if he wants to continue w Hwi in a relationship and also consider Hwi’s feelings more now that they are exclusively dating.

    Once again Hwi still deserves someone better. Param has developed in a way but it was just because he took the chance to f Han, got a second chance from Hwi. That’s a mere progress in him as a whole.

    aur July 4, 2021 7:16 pm
    “ I'm guessing we're going to have two different views of dating and relationships because dating isn't the same being in a relationship.”It’s different for me in a different country and culture so dating... ZelAn

    Uhhh....Param and Hwi are literally doing just fine. Relationships are not perfect, my friend. I really don't know where the Hwi deserves better comes from. He got his feelings hurt once? Before they were in a relationship? But he also walked away before listening to what Param had to say so honestly he hurt his own feelings lmao and like damn they just started their relationship, they'll learn how to communicate. It's not easy. And yes, Param and Hwi could hurt in the future. It's going to happen.

    And if it doesn't work out, that's okay, too. It wouldn't be the end of the world if their relationship didn't work out. Then Hwi learns and moves on.

    ZelAn July 4, 2021 7:34 pm
    Uhhh....Param and Hwi are literally doing just fine. Relationships are not perfect, my friend. I really don't know where the Hwi deserves better comes from. He got his feelings hurt once? Before they were in a... aur

    “ Uhhh....Param and Hwi are literally doing just fine.
    I never said they weren’t? I’m speaking of their past. Of course they’re doing mic better now compared to the past. Hwi deserves someone who can communicate, that’s what. It’s not about him getting hurt or not, cause as YOU said, they weren’t in a relationship.

    Communication is a big role in a relationship, it’s not gonna work out properly if you don’t communicate. Hwi obviously walked away as its his choice, his feelings are also valid. Param was given the chance to speak when Hwi asked what’s up, waited, then left after he didn’t say anything. Param chose not to say anything at that moment.

    Hwi is doing okay in communication, Param is taking the risk by not communicating more. If it doesn’t work out on either part, either Hwi or Param moves on. You don’t learn that it doesn’t work out, you realize lol.

    aur July 4, 2021 8:12 pm
    “ Uhhh....Param and Hwi are literally doing just fine. ”I never said they weren’t? I’m speaking of their past. Of course they’re doing mic better now compared to the past. Hwi deserves someone who ca... ZelAn

    Hwi really didn't communicate his feelings well? He asked him out on a date but got scared and left lol

    Param was not given a chance to process his emotions and explain his feelings.

    And honestly, Param was very open and honest with feelings after they started their relationship. So I'm not seeing how Param 'is taking a risk of not communicating'. He went to go applogize. Explained his feelings. And asked for a second chance. That's communicating.

    Hwi wanted a clear answer, he wanted them to date. And Param said yes. That's being direct and communicating. They're doing an okay job at communicating

    You also need to learn how to communicate. It's not just something ingrained in you. So some poeple just don't know cause they've probably never seen positive examples. And thats okay.

    You can realize when a relationship is not working and move on.

    ZelAn July 4, 2021 8:35 pm
    Hwi really didn't communicate his feelings well? He asked him out on a date but got scared and left lolParam was not given a chance to process his emotions and explain his feelings.And honestly, Param was very ... aur

    That’s what I just said, one can REALIZE but you said LEARN so I said realize, there’s a difference lmao.

    “ You also need to learn how to communicate. It's not just something ingrained in you.”

    I am communicating though or are you saying that in general? And you’re right that it’s not just something ingrained in you. But Param is a grown ass man, he can learn that if he tries. Hwi is still better at communicating or sharing his thoughts compared to Param.

    I said once again, talking about the past, Param took the risk of not communicating well. Not the present day.

    Param should consider Hwi’s feelings more now that they are in a relationship, both should of course.

pop June 23, 2021 10:38 am

I’m glad everyone felt the same way about the ending…. lol ruined it. :/ But also, i feel so bad for the freckles cutie wtf. I was actually liking the dynamics between the other 2 but after hearing about the backstory… Just give freckles cutie to me

pop June 23, 2021 5:11 am

The translator’s memes are everything

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