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marshmellow created a topic of Candy Man

very excruciating painful read lollll i powered thru all 50 chapters hoping that itll somehow get better and make my time worth it but it never did. this is something you read for very surface level entertainment, like putting blues clues on as background noise while you focus on something else.

1a) both characters arent likeable and are incredibly annoying. for kimin, i feel like if youre going to write him so possessive, violent, manipulative and forceful, then fully commit to that yandere trope. its frustrating to get this dark side of him dismissed everytime he acts out. would have loved it if he got more development with his character (a good example is "my perverted stalker") because hes beaten up multiple people (one for just being friendly with the mc), stalked mcs house, threatened his own life and mcs several times, invaded mcs privacy by logging in his acc & phone, so much shit that got brushed off as simple comedy or romance. it just feels like the author doesnt know how to treat/deal with him so they didnt altogether. to see why exactly kimin turned out this way wouldve helped so much. ill get more into that for a different point

1b) i already forgot his name but mc is so irritating too the way he has so many thoughts in his head and expresses absolutely zero of them and just runs away from everything or ignores it altogether. i did like how he used those fake tears to try and stabilize kimins mood swings and even used his experience with his gamer girl persona to sway kimins grandmother, and youd think hes more emotionally intelligent from how he acts, but then he starts saying hes insecure because kimin talks to a girl? what? when his mom told you that hes into men? and he introduced you to his parents? and especially in the beginning when he was mentally doing backflips to ignore how his online bf and kimin were the same person, it felt like some miraculous ladybug season 1 shit (ive never seen the show tho lmaoo) hes just so back and forth i cant stand it

2) what especially irked me was mc crying and running away and saying "we need space" because kimin forcefully introduced him to his parents, which was a really good start up for some emotional development for them both, but then went down the drain. mc NEVER expressed to kimin fully how he was wrong in that situation, never made him understand how he never considers mcs feelings and more so how he was rushing an important stage to their relationship. sure they had that fight, but there was no conclusion to it at all. i mean, kimin TOLD mc that they were moving in together and never asked his opinion, and mc was shocked but ultimately let it slide, like? so what was the whole purpose of that fight? for shits and giggles?

3) this irks me too because its mentioned so many times in the story and yet is never answered. what made kimin fall so deeply for mc, both irl and in game? sure we saw that slight hint of backstory and his pov for their first meetings, but nothing meaningful happened to the point where kimin would threaten his own life if theyd break up. and hell maybe it was love at first sight and he did just love mc for being kind to him (which is a shitty trope in itself) but even then id like to see kimins origins to see how he became such an obsessive person. more things is that i want to learn how he learned to fight, whys he so popular in school, why hasnt he been in a relationship before, anything that actually gives kimin personality, because right now he has the depth of a kiddie pool, both of them do.

i mean it was a fun read but that was basically it. its like the equivalent to watching a slime playing asmr video, sure it was full, but it got a repetitive, boring, and wasted my time.