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MeMeMe created a topic of Jinx

Doc Dan……..I need you to use your big boy words and get yourself an alibi. Or maybe use your head and think about the possibility of them switching the cans since it happened RIGHT after the opposing team came in. This weak character persona is getting old and yes I understand why jaekhyung is upset and does not trust Dan right now. THERES LITERALLY SO MUCH REASON TO SUSPECT HIM SINCE DAN IS NOT HELPING HIS CASE AT ALL “don’t you trust me” damn fking communicate so that he can try to understand you omfg

MeMeMe created a topic of Blue Sky Complex

That touma highschooler boy needs to give up. My goodness just let him be, he’s taken!!!!!!!!

MeMeMe created a topic of Blue Sky Complex

Omg right now I’m calling it that tutor is in love with doctor girl

MeMeMe created a topic of Double Trap

Honestly a masterpiece lol

MeMeMe created a topic of Cry Me a River

If y’all think jitae doesn’t love mieum i suggest you go read the previous chapters again, that man LOVES his hyung lol

MeMeMe created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung……………………I’m speechless. u asshole I can’t even vouch for you saying it’s prob trauma or abuse or sumthn, he’s just downright a douchebag. Never said anything like this for sucky semes before cause I rely on that character development but….KIM DAN IM BEGGING U JUST LEAVE HIM he’s literally just a self absorbed selfish dude who’s gonna be his own downfall

MeMeMe created a topic of Form of Sympathy

“Never read this again. So f-ing dumb. Do not waste your time. Horrible and shittiest character development. I don’t usually get this angry but I wasted so much of my time for such a sucky ending”

^lol this was a note to myself that I wrote when I thought it ended like 20 chapters ago lol. Judging by the comments, I’m so glad I didn’t come back and read it to see if it got better. Words cannot express how let down I felt when that one dude became full on crazy. DEUCES.

MeMeMe created a topic of Wolf In The House

Back in my day this couple was quite the controversy I am so glad the author is continuing their story, I am so so looking forward to it

MeMeMe created a topic of Love or Hate(Yeongha)

I loved this ending

It was always joowan from the beginning. There is no end in sight to that love, and it’s a deeply mutual feeling between haesoo and joowan that has greatly matured over time. This was painful to read at times, but at the end of it all, came to a great closing. Rooting for these two and knowing they’ll find everlasting love and happiness with eachother!

MeMeMe created a topic of Black or White

I always feel like something is missing. Shige has done and endured so much for shin. Everyone wants to protect shin, but what about shige? Shin says he wants to protect him but shin can’t even protect himself from all the people around him because he is so naive. There needs to be something that happens because I feel like they fight over something that happened to shin, they apologize and do the do because shin cries, and shige goes back to enduring and suffering just to stay by shins side. What really is the end result of everything? What’s the outcome? There’s something missing and I know shin says he loves shige but at this point, they need to take a break or something because it feels like shige is about to break. Imagine being forced into doing something and having everyone’s eyes on you and only judge you by your looks and always getting hated on because you’re an actor who can’t act BECAUSE YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO ACT IN THE FIRST PLACE. I hope we see change and progress in the future chapters, because all I’m seeing is a cycle of bandaids of love covering up deep cracks.