Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable.

I get that there are things that aren't everyone's cup of tea, but instead of trashing it and being super negative, a simple warming for others who may think the same way you do is fine. Stop with all the horrible comments about the author or people who enjoy this story.

There's a lot of fluff here to enjoy, even if the brief 'blink-and-you-miss-it' beast sex moment isn't your kink. Goodness people. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

LadyTbird created a topic of The White Wolf's Bride

Am I horrible for being more concerned about Maru than anyone else?
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

LadyTbird created a topic of Paid to Fondle

It's so dumb it's almost adorable...but it's still so dumb

Why can't the world just accept love in all its forms? (/TДT)/
They aren't hurting anyone but themselves just to fit into what society thinks is "normal"...well, fuck society.

LadyTbird created a topic of Thirst

Thank you to everyone in the comments, you are letting me know it isn't time yet for me to come back and start reading this again. I appreciate the heads up! My heart and soul are too fragile to handle the level of drama and shenanigans that seem to be happening here right now.
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

I need more wholesome couples with one of them like Q, big tiddies and cute as hell!

Their communication so far has been *chef's kiss* this better not lead to any misunderstandings down the road!

Dude, this cliffhanger left me in tears. I just hurt now for these two idiots that can't get their shit together.

LadyTbird created a topic of True End of Those Days

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
This better be one helluva of a cliffhanger!

I forgot, who is this Hime bitch? Can someone give me a refresher on why just looking at her gives me the creeps? Please and thank you!

How did he go from all that sucking to the sharp teeth and possibly biting it off?
ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ that escalated quickly haha

Okay, bird man is a fucking asshole. Even if all he's done is made our cinnamon roll think he's been raped, that's some fucked up shit. And he things Kazuma is the problem here?
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ bitch, it's you!

LadyTbird created a topic of Nothing but a number

This better clear up the misunderstanding or I'm gonna lose my shit
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ WTF are they doing...

Girl about to get her ass spanked! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
(Not literally, although she seems like the type to enjoy it)

For the new people to mangago: there has been someone (or multiple someones?) who tag yaoi stories with 'do no read' and a 1 star rating as soon as they pop up. It's been happening for years on this site.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ whoever it is obviously isn't reading the stories, they just don't like homosexual love and want to try to spoil it in any way for others.

They also obviously have way too much time on their hands and nothing better to do with said time. Total idiots. Those tags and low rating have never stopped most of us and won't start now haha (≧∀≦)

Sacrificing all for the art (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Hang in there Lyle!

In a world where their will is taken away by the whole 'fated pair' thing z I do appreciate getting the story from the alpha's perspective.
It does NOT excuse his choices or explain away the terrible things he's done, but it helps me see the frame of mind he's in. He is still a total asshole douche for doing the shit he's done, but I can see the events and thought processes that brought him to that point. I think it gives the story more depth.

LadyTbird created a topic of Paid to Fondle

I mean, let's all be real...we here for the tiddies

Too bad there aren't more men out there that could tell when their partner is enjoying the sex
(≧∀≦) Just sayin' would be a game changer haha