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Vantae's experience ( All 0 )

Vantae's answer ( All 4 )

When I think of death, I can't stop crying because it frightens me. I know it's ridiculous because everyone dies one day but dying alone terrifies me, I would have liked to have someone around me who comforts me while I die, to be told that my existence has not been useless, that I have served something, I don't want to die in regret. But I know it......   3 reply
04 07,2019
Stop worrying about how others look at you, it doesn't matter who you are, no one is perfect so love yourself. Go out more often, enjoy life because it's short.   reply
04 07,2019
16 06,2019
I'm pan   reply
16 06,2019
I have been harassed 3 times in almost all the classes I have been in, since I stopped school (I am 18 years old) because I have a social phobia, I almost never leave my home because I am afraid of people. I was sexually abused during my childhood and from the age of 14 to my current age. I am currently living with my abuser who is my stepfather   2 reply
07 06,2019

Vantae's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do going to concerts

I wanna see Ateez so bad

2 hours
did going to concerts

when i think of how much money ive spent on tickets in 23/24, a tear trickles out </3

7 hours
did ate with chopsticks

TBH I didn't find eating with chopsticks very hard when I was little I'd try to pick things up with a pair of sticks or pens and so on

8 hours