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soona created a topic of The Third Ending

Honestly I loved it, and when I thought it coulnd't get any better, near the end, they even incorporated real queer couple struggles instead of having them constantly in a bubble. (anxiety of outside looks, showing affection in public) etc..

But I have to say the last chapters made me unlike yoonseul...he 's crazy ???like his behavior was so nonsensical and scary to me genuinely i now know this kind of love is not for me lol it would make me run away.
To be fair I still think he's well written and I liked that he's self aware and that most of his anger is from being upset at his own behavior and reaction....

..But still how dense and stupid and privileged and uncultured about your boyfriend's sexuality are u to not understand why he would freak out in public ?? Specially when you yourself in high school said disguting things to him for liking a boy ???
I do believe a rl queer couple would have understand that fast bcz it's unfortunately something many deal with.

soona like the answer
Fellow queer here, I'd say its due to the heteronormitive nature of most stories, mainly caused by the fact that they're written by straight women. With that e first point, a lot of the time the bottom in stories are written as a female who just happen to have male genetalia. For the second, you know how straight people assume it's either top or bo......
soona created a topic of Koi Wa Etude!

The brown haired guy is a pushover and the actor is very unlikable (for the 3 chapters I've read) even outside of the blackmail so yeah it's a no for me I can't even finish it.

(I'm sorry but brown haired being like "omg he is so caring of others and diligent in his work kyaaa" just bcz sora is learning his script which is his job, while kakeru had to stand in an 1 hour long waiting line just to get him his favourite dish + take his class notes for him is fucking ridiculous , that boy is a victim for real he suffers cognitive dissonance)

soona asked question about travel to a different country

Okay so as a part of my contract i have the opportunity to volunteer for 3 month in Asia with an ngo in 3 months (im thinking of Japan,Malaysia,Indonesia or Phillipines) which is gonna be an amazing experience to add in my resumé to apply for a master degree in fall 2024. But I come from a traditional family (where girls don't usually leave the h......

I love how even after 2 volume we still dont know their gender to really higlight how gender really just don't matter sometimes . Some ppl may think its clumsy or for comedic relief but to me its obvious the author is just making a point about how we should stop center gender in all our actions/interaction cuz who care yk?

soona created a topic of Faker

But i feel like everyone just forget that (or maybe didn't realize) that Abe is a major asshole too. Haruki was very young and didn't even recognize the admiration respect he felt as a crush. He didn't even initiated anything in the flashbacks, Abe (his mentor/superior at the time) kissed him first and same when they had sex for the first time. Sure hiroki was not a kid and should've put a stop to that but abe took advantage of his crush and admiration to me.