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BeepBopp November 7, 2023 2:03 am

I can't remember, was it ever mentionned what the teacher did or tried to do to Cirrus?

    Liz November 7, 2023 5:18 am

    It wasn't directly stated in the story, but my guess is that the teacher tried to molest/take advantage of him.

    Nobody November 7, 2023 5:05 pm

    The teacher tried to molest/sexually harass Cirrus. Fortunately Cirrus got away and after that “incident” avoided the teacher as if he were a plague.

BeepBopp November 5, 2023 4:43 am

The omega father is just so thrash for not even suggesting to take both brothers to his home... Like i understand the big brother isnt his son but the only reason big brother cant give a home to the lil one and the only reason omega dad is able to give a better home is because ALL THOSE YEARS the big bro had to take care of the lil one. NOT TO MENTION, the debt is their dad's, so technically its also little bro's debt. Therefore omega dad would normally be the one having to pay too since he's the guardian of the little bro.

It was so shitty the way he acted i was sure he had been paid to kidnal the little one... (Pretty obvious i was wrong though)

    Chimmygirl November 5, 2023 9:14 pm

    Who says he can afford both of them? I think he's just recently gotten stable after through tons of shitty exes in his life. Euihyun is an adult. Why should he have to put up with him when he's not even related to him? Also Euiyoung is still a minor and his Omega dad was not married to their Alpha dad so, the debt is still only in Euihyun's name.

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 2:43 am

    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.

    2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement than MC is because MC took care of the little brother all this time.

    3. Technically the debt falls onto BOTH of the brothers. And so since the omega is the legal guardian of one of em, it seems pretty logical the omega would normally be targeted by the debt collector.

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 2:43 am
    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement th... BeepBopp

    To let MC live with them***

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 2:48 am
    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement th... BeepBopp

    for my "2." So what i mean is he OWE the MC for taking care of HIS son all this time, and it's not that much to just let him live with him (he could literally sleep on the floor with a blanket, its really not that hard. And MC is an omega too (if he was an alpha it could be complicated.)

    Chimmygirl November 6, 2023 6:26 am
    1. I didnt say to pay for MC's expenses, only to let him with them.2. Yeah as i said myself, MC isn't the omega's responsability. BUT TO BEGIN WITH, the main reason why omega can afford a better envrionement th... BeepBopp

    The debt only goes to Euiyoung when Euihyun kicks the bucket as in the line of succesion the closest adult legal heir is the one who pays the debt.

    BeepBopp November 6, 2023 6:54 pm
    The debt only goes to Euiyoung when Euihyun kicks the bucket as in the line of succesion the closest adult legal heir is the one who pays the debt. Chimmygirl

    And from where do you get that info? This is a debt from the mafia (or the likes of it), not the bank. They are a criminal group...they dont follow the law

    Chimmygirl November 6, 2023 8:10 pm
    And from where do you get that info? This is a debt from the mafia (or the likes of it), not the bank. They are a criminal group...they dont follow the law BeepBopp

    They're predatory loan companies who do shady business. They still have documentation and paperwork to do and contractual liabilities to meet.

    BeepBopp November 7, 2023 1:46 am
    They're predatory loan companies who do shady business. They still have documentation and paperwork to do and contractual liabilities to meet. Chimmygirl

    So in those countries, it is the law that gives the right to these companies to terrorize the relatives of those who havent paid their debt? But only if the relative is major?

    Dang and here i thought it was all illegal xD! These places are scary!

    Chimmygirl November 7, 2023 2:47 pm
    So in those countries, it is the law that gives the right to these companies to terrorize the relatives of those who havent paid their debt? But only if the relative is major?Dang and here i thought it was all ... BeepBopp

    They can't terrorize anyone but those activities fall under the radar. On paper the companies are a front for clean activities. The contractual terms are unjust but they can't sue as they entered into them of their own accord.

    BeepBopp November 8, 2023 1:41 am
    They can't terrorize anyone but those activities fall under the radar. On paper the companies are a front for clean activities. The contractual terms are unjust but they can't sue as they entered into them of t... Chimmygirl

    Ok so the law says that when X person is in debt, the adults children of X are now legally responible for the debt as well.

    So the mafia and the likes uses this part of the law to go after the children of those who dont pay their debt.

    Did i get that right?

BeepBopp October 29, 2023 10:58 pm

The only way i'm able to give sense to Grey Hair's thinking is by interpretating as follow :

1. DoHyeok cant get it up anymore
2. He eavesdrops on DoHyeok being a bottom and getting hit/played around by Siwoo.
3. DoHyeok is a proud person
= DoHyeok likes to be dominated as a bottom but doesnt want to aknowledge it or something.

And therefore he planned the gangrape expecting DoHyeok to be mad at first, but to eventually like it. For him it SEEMS to be like "let's have fun, it's no biggie"

That is quite a stretch but otherwise... How else to explain him still wanting to hang out with DoHyeok after what he has done?

    Heu77 October 29, 2023 11:35 pm

    Many rapists just have no remorse.

    Marshmallow October 30, 2023 12:39 am

    that's a very fucked up way of thinking that i could only liken it to someone like him. he thinks everything is fun and games and couldn't be bothered to get his nose out of his ass. if he really did, then he would have noticed how dohyeok is very traumatised by his presence.

    Heu77 October 30, 2023 1:22 am
    that's a very fucked up way of thinking that i could only liken it to someone like him. he thinks everything is fun and games and couldn't be bothered to get his nose out of his ass. if he really did, then he w... Marshmallow


    Heu77 October 30, 2023 1:26 am
    that's a very fucked up way of thinking that i could only liken it to someone like him. he thinks everything is fun and games and couldn't be bothered to get his nose out of his ass. if he really did, then he w... Marshmallow


BeepBopp October 22, 2023 1:51 am

Ok how much ressources does Ilay have for MC to worry that much? Just dont into a small city and it should be fine.

Also no, going to his house is fucking stupid. Even if he dont come often, he still does and he could contact(or be contacted by) a family member and be told about the "new guest".

Also... Why is the author even trying to pretend that the rape was so horrible if it didnt even waver his feelings... Either make it matter or make it dont matter, dont do both.

BeepBopp October 1, 2023 11:33 pm

As we JUST sae in Van's flashbacks, Peter is a public representative of the health center. Therefore, it seems pretty far fetched that Luna wouldn't notice that the "Peter" Noah killed is a fake.......

BeepBopp September 30, 2023 3:51 am

Honestly, before this i thought the dad had gone insane (after the mom's death) which is why both Cirrus and stepmom pretended to be on good terms in front of him (as if he would go berserk on whoever breaks his delusions of a happy family)

But it really strongly doesnt feel like thats the case and now i cant understand why Cirrus and stepmom were always pretending in front of him. The father and stepmom could have just ignored Cirrus or just give him.his own apartment....

BeepBopp September 22, 2023 9:47 pm

Meh....we all know they are still gonna end up together.... and the MC isnt even treating him bad...

Also are we even gonna get any kind of explanation? Or did the seme actually fall in love from guilt lol? Because it was clearly shown that he didnt like the uke at all before AND it was pretty obvious he loved his childhood friend... .

Like....bruh..... it would be such a better story if uke would end up with someone else OR if atleast he would go into a serious relationship and like years later his relationship fails AND ONLY THEN he is willing to give it a try with seme again...

    Xiao September 23, 2023 4:46 am


    Hi.. I'm the novel reader (I read this very long time ago so I might not remember much the details or might confuse some details with other novel but I think what I will wrote was some gist of it ) ..he actually have some kind of emotional physiological issues ..he doesn't how to shows like or love .. the reason why he always ask our uke to flip his back when they did it or put pillow onto his face so seme won't see his face ,not because he is substituted. It was because he can't handle the overflowing love and trust that he see from uke gaze , from his eyes and expression..he felt guilty but he doesn't know how to respond properly (I forgot his About his mental issues) . And for that glasses bitch , remember that MC thought that seme always dress him up like that bitch and also the same brand of clothing. ACTUALLY ML kinda one of the sponsors of the brand so the brand actually give ML all the latest fashion for every season for free !! Even before the clothes got sell officially. And that bitch buy those type of brand everytime as soon it got on the market ( it kinda luxurious brand so not many can buy that but that bitch can) and also he will flaunt his outfit for our uke to see , to show him that he's the real thing and uke just a substitute...BUT HE ACTUALLY FKING DELUSIONAL BY HIMSELF LOL , ML DOESN'T EVEN LOVE HIM ..NOT EVEN A BIT , HE JUST REGARDS HIM AS A CLOSED FRIEND

    BeepBopp September 23, 2023 3:03 pm
    SPOILER ALERT !!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!Hi.. I'm the novel reader (I read this very long time ago so I might not remember much the details or might confuse some details with other novel but I think what I will... Xiao

    First thank you, but TO ME(only my opinion) that is just a poor attempt to try give an explanation.

    The clothes, okay. But they still were very similar physically and he even gave glasses to uke which made them look like clones...

    And okay lets say he has problem to show love AND cant look uke in the eyes when having sex. (Which is already pretty intense).

    1. He also ALWAYS hang out with his friends who made fun of uke and treated him like garbage in front of seme.
    2. When uke got hurt from being thrown to the ground he didnt care
    3. When his childhood friend arrived he didnt even look at uke once. He literally acted as if uke was now uselese and ignored him.
    4. When uke was sad from all that he didnt care
    5. He also threw in the garbage the wontong the uke made for him when he went to the restaurant with his childhood friend
    6. Oh and after all that, he told uke that they arent even in a relationship.

    At this point, it's just ridiculous TO ME to pretend that he loved the uke. It's like saying "i was in love with you ALL THIS TIME but i didnt have these feelings until now" like bruh i know this is the usual yaoi drama but this one is a bit too far fetched

    Xiao September 23, 2023 3:53 pm
    First thank you, but TO ME(only my opinion) that is just a poor attempt to try give an explanation.The clothes, okay. But they still were very similar physically and he even gave glasses to uke which made them ... BeepBopp

    All the points you list above is true...even when I read throughout the whole novel I still asking myself..THEN WHY TF DID YOU LET YOUR PIECE OF SHITS FRIEND STEP ON HIM ?!! HUMILIATED HIM?!! NEVER EVER BACK HIM UP ?? WHYY ??? ... But apparently the author just let it be like that without proper redemption whatsoever... Tbh I don't really like the ending .. I read many dog blood novel but this one is just so so ...the early kinda good but when we almost reach the end it's pretty stupid. tbh MC really deserve better love interest .. anyway my personal rating is 5.5/10 star ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    BeepBopp September 24, 2023 1:41 am
    All the points you list above is true...even when I read throughout the whole novel I still asking myself..THEN WHY TF DID YOU LET YOUR PIECE OF SHITS FRIEND STEP ON HIM ?!! HUMILIATED HIM?!! NEVER EVER BACK HI... Xiao

    Well the "i loved him.but i didnt know" is a cliché used quite often, i wish it would disappear xD

    It does seems that most BL are completely based off by other BLs which leads to these extreme cliché (that makes no sense most of the time) present in most stories. Meanwhile chojo have so much more interesting stories and characters.

    RenaLaw October 16, 2023 10:35 am
    All the points you list above is true...even when I read throughout the whole novel I still asking myself..THEN WHY TF DID YOU LET YOUR PIECE OF SHITS FRIEND STEP ON HIM ?!! HUMILIATED HIM?!! NEVER EVER BACK HI... Xiao

    Do you have any reccomendation on dog blood novel?

BeepBopp September 15, 2023 10:48 pm

It just hit me..... HE FORGOT CANDY!!! I HOPE NOTHING HALLENS TO HER ༼;´༎  ༎༽

BeepBopp September 15, 2023 10:37 pm

I feel like this was better as a 3 chapter porn thing..... not that the author is bad at making story, but the choice isnt to my taste xD

BeepBopp September 10, 2023 3:49 pm

Ok but after seeing all this... it just makes me even more pissed the Yama would "flirt" with 704 to mess with Geuseum. Like why? That's just thrash and makes no sense.

I guess the author wanted to add some tension and heat up the fanbase because Yama is hot but like consistency with the story shouldnt he forgotten so often in BLs..

    Pidapipo September 21, 2023 12:14 pm

    I think Yama also doesn’t like Geumsun in general. Even he himself said that it’s hard to understand and work with goblin. They worked together for the same goal but they don’t like each other. He just wants to annoy Geumsun.

    BeepBopp September 21, 2023 12:52 pm

    Yama literally gave life to Geusum...

    And like Geusum was used by Yama to beat Hwan, then he lost his loved one, then woken up from his slumber to go against Hwan AGAIN and meanwhile Yama think its time to mess around with his broken heart?

    I honestly think the author wanted to make yama interested in 704 but just changed idea/the story changed... and leaving plot holes behind

    Pidapipo September 21, 2023 2:35 pm
    Yama literally gave life to Geusum...And like Geusum was used by Yama to beat Hwan, then he lost his loved one, then woken up from his slumber to go against Hwan AGAIN and meanwhile Yama think its time to mess ... BeepBopp

    Remember that the theme of the story is fate. No one is above fate, and they don’t know the consequences of their actions until much later. Yama wants to catch Hwan. He knew about the prophecy, Hoseung family bloodline and treasure. He did what he thought that might help, hence gave life to Geumsun. I don’t think he intended to do it because he knew how things would play out. He’s also not a father figure to Geumsun.

    I guess what I want to say is, his character is built to be the charismatic mastermind but also not necessarily likeable. He’s purposeful, calculating and selfish. I don’t think his actions are unreasonable, instead, it shows us the dynamic and tension between Yama and Geumsun.

    Does Yama feel bad for Geumsun? Why would he? In fact, has he ever shown any remotely human-like emotions to any character? He did warn Geumsun not to be attached to Yoonwi, Geumsun did it anyway, Yama probably thought of him as a fool.

    You are free to hate him. I just disagree with the plot hole comment. I think his actions show exactly how he is as a character.

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