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How many times now? The MC has been getting drugged / kidnapped / attacked / passed out / got sick so many times... Just so He Yang can look good ...

BeepBopp created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Uh..... What the fuck happened ? They had a big fight and SO MANY THINGS should have been brought up. But they skipped all that... And BAM kissing and back like nothing happened....

What about Cirrus's anxiety about Chan iL ?
What about Skylar who was avoiding Chan il for Cirrus?
What about Skylar saying he liked Chan il ? (It seemed to be to hurt Cirrus but cant they atleast adress it ???)

Feels like we skipped like 3 chapter (IF NOT A WHOLE DAM ARC).... Also why would Chan il let Skylar go to the nurse with Cirrus ??? Shouldnt he go with Skylar considering Cirrus had just attacked Skylar???

The story is so good but this part..... Unbelievable

"i dont kiss, i cover you eyes when intimate, my friends talk shit about you all day, i ignore you all the time, everybody says you are a replacement and i dont say otherwise, i dont give a shit when my friends physically hurt you and when you complain i remind you that i never said i would love you to begon with. Oh but iTs jUsT a mIsUnDeRstAndIng, i loved you all this time."

Literally, ML had 0 feelings towards MC until he believed MC was dead, that's the real plot.

BeepBopp asked a question

Whats the name of the manga where each island choose a warrior to fight in a tournament. They wear super funny armor and have to make the opponent cum to win the fight. They fight 1v1 and the last winner becomes the king.

When story start, the MC is a choosen warrior and he just came back from abroad and even brought his modern world boyfriend to this madness xD

BeepBopp created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Well technically, it could be his ? Or was it confirmed it's Taeyoon ? I did assume it was Taeyoon's because he was the one to help stabilize Jae in during pregnancy but maybe it didnt have to he the father.

BeepBopp asked a question

LF a shounen ai Manwha.

It starts with the MC being a known gay figure (he is kind of a diva) and I think he died or just gets reincarnated in the past as the son of sone kind of minister.

When he wakes up he has servants and he starts acting like the diva he is which gets his father to hit him.

He meets a young boy which we later learn is the king. He saved the boy (somewhat) from bandits, then the big brother show up. And later we learn they are in a relationship.and the big brother is completely inlove. (But based on the MC knowledge of history, the big bro would kill the king/the lil bro)

BeepBopp asked a question

LF a yaoi where at one point the teacher of the seme blackmail uke. (I think it was a art teacher at university). And eventually seme finds out. I think something along the lines of "maybe just the tip" is mentionned (from the teacher) meaning it hadnt gona all the way (but the uke did blow him).

I believe seme is light hair and uke black hair. Both university student or around that age. Not many chapter (probably 5 to 10).

I think there are side stories, it's kind of old style from what i remember.

BeepBopp created a topic of Divorce Me, Mr. Alpha

So.... Did the friend kiss the uke or not? What was the favor if not the kiss?

And why does the uke keep hanging out with someone that is openly after him...

"i clearly pushed him away for so many times" bitch it took him like one day to convince you to become his sugar baby RIGHT AFTER he made use of your body while you were drugged. This MC doesnt seem to remember his own story

BeepBopp created a topic of PASSION

Ok so MC gets raped then falls in love (usual bs whatever) but what about Ilay killing people and literally no one even caring a tiny bit? Maurier just mentionned that he killed a few of his assistants without any reasons since Tay left..... Like bruh

Also this "i hate him....but i might love gim.....i never want to see him again.....but i miss him...." And so on is just annoying.... .

Oh ok i see what',s going on now... Since the seme treated the uke like the lowest of all from start to end, now the only way to redeem him is to make the uke a damsel in distress every 10 @chapters so the seme can prove his love........ Literally every 10 chapters (he invested in the drama making the uke a popular actor, he funded the treatments for the grandmothers, saved uke when he was drugged(and then raped drugged uke instead of nursing him but it's not rape because it's part of his redemption arc. Right?)@, then uke passed out during photo shoot, then he yang took the blame for this rumour and soon he will probably save the uke from this kidnapper)

BeepBopp created a topic of Salty Lust

The Owen said had he surprise....and Nux said "if its alive or low value, change it"... Bruuuuuh

BeepBopp created a topic of Love in Orbit

Are there some cliff hangers at the end of season 1? Any loose ends?

BeepBopp created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I can't remember, was it ever mentionned what the teacher did or tried to do to Cirrus?

BeepBopp created a topic of Waterside Night

The omega father is just so thrash for not even suggesting to take both brothers to his home... Like i understand the big brother isnt his son but the only reason big brother cant give a home to the lil one and the only reason omega dad is able to give a better home is because ALL THOSE YEARS the big bro had to take care of the lil one. NOT TO MENTION, the debt is their dad's, so technically its also little bro's debt. Therefore omega dad would normally be the one having to pay too since he's the guardian of the little bro.

It was so shitty the way he acted i was sure he had been paid to kidnal the little one... (Pretty obvious i was wrong though)

BeepBopp created a topic of My Suha

The only way i'm able to give sense to Grey Hair's thinking is by interpretating as follow :

1. DoHyeok cant get it up anymore
2. He eavesdrops on DoHyeok being a bottom and getting hit/played around by Siwoo.
3. DoHyeok is a proud person
= DoHyeok likes to be dominated as a bottom but doesnt want to aknowledge it or something.

And therefore he planned the gangrape expecting DoHyeok to be mad at first, but to eventually like it. For him it SEEMS to be like "let's have fun, it's no biggie"

That is quite a stretch but otherwise... How else to explain him still wanting to hang out with DoHyeok after what he has done?

BeepBopp created a topic of PASSION

Ok how much ressources does Ilay have for MC to worry that much? Just dont into a small city and it should be fine.

Also no, going to his house is fucking stupid. Even if he dont come often, he still does and he could contact(or be contacted by) a family member and be told about the "new guest".

Also... Why is the author even trying to pretend that the rape was so horrible if it didnt even waver his feelings... Either make it matter or make it dont matter, dont do both.

BeepBopp created a topic of Liveta

As we JUST sae in Van's flashbacks, Peter is a public representative of the health center. Therefore, it seems pretty far fetched that Luna wouldn't notice that the "Peter" Noah killed is a fake.......

BeepBopp created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Honestly, before this i thought the dad had gone insane (after the mom's death) which is why both Cirrus and stepmom pretended to be on good terms in front of him (as if he would go berserk on whoever breaks his delusions of a happy family)

But it really strongly doesnt feel like thats the case and now i cant understand why Cirrus and stepmom were always pretending in front of him. The father and stepmom could have just ignored Cirrus or just give him.his own apartment....

Meh....we all know they are still gonna end up together.... and the MC isnt even treating him bad...

Also are we even gonna get any kind of explanation? Or did the seme actually fall in love from guilt lol? Because it was clearly shown that he didnt like the uke at all before AND it was pretty obvious he loved his childhood friend... .

Like....bruh..... it would be such a better story if uke would end up with someone else OR if atleast he would go into a serious relationship and like years later his relationship fails AND ONLY THEN he is willing to give it a try with seme again...