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BeepBopp asked a question

I'm looking for a yaoi, all i remember is that at the begining, the morning following the uke and seme having sex for the first time. Seme came to the uke (who was awake and still in the bed i think) and he threw money at him. At first.the uke was offended but it was later known that the seme wanted to give him a ring but didnt have one so he threw money instead xD

BeepBopp created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

It just hit me..... HE FORGOT CANDY!!! I HOPE NOTHING HALLENS TO HER ༼;´༎  ༎༽

BeepBopp created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

I feel like this was better as a 3 chapter porn thing..... not that the author is bad at making story, but the choice isnt to my taste xD

BeepBopp created a topic of Fate Makes No Mistakes

Ok but after seeing all this... it just makes me even more pissed the Yama would "flirt" with 704 to mess with Geuseum. Like why? That's just thrash and makes no sense.

I guess the author wanted to add some tension and heat up the fanbase because Yama is hot but like consistency with the story shouldnt he forgotten so often in BLs..

BeepBopp created a topic of Rix Vanus

I skipped a lot of chapters so can someone explain to me...Isn't Nuah complete now? As a divine beast i mean. And if thats the case, should Rix be brainwashrd to do everything Nuah wants?

When Baram as far as approsched Rix, Rix in a trance and about to kiss him...Or was this just a one-time thing?

I dropped this long ago but i want spoilers

Jigeon's lil bro, the one the uke liked at first. Did he actually love the MC ? And if thats really the case... how come he said he loved the other girl? And what happens to him (since uke choose jigeon).

That guy was betrayed by his brother and that woman he saw as a sister, and he also lost the one he loved? Seems pretty sad.

BeepBopp created a topic of Divorce Me, Mr. Alpha

What happened to the brother???

So to went his frustration he wanted to dominate another alpha. But like was a the top and still ended up being "the bitch"? Did he want to bottom? Was he raped by the other alpha?

I am confused

BeepBopp created a topic of Divorce Me, Mr. Alpha

So like, did the brother actually penetrate the uke?

During the act it really did feel like it was thr case

BUT THEN the ML kicked his brother and he still had his pants on.

Also i feel like ML would be less forgiven of his brother if the rape did go through.

What are your thoughts? Anything i have missed?

BeepBopp created a topic of Salty Lust

Im guessing the 2nd Owen got back the yellow "scarf"? But when and how? The 1st Owen beat him up for it not long ago!

BeepBopp created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

Did i miss something? Or did Chowon story left open ended about his family?