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bad-signal's experience ( All 0 )

bad-signal's answer ( All 3 )

I got clueless uke and I think the description fits well haha As long as we/I enjoy the time together i think it's good! Most compatible with: Opportunist Seme, Romantic Seme Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Don't Fuck With Me Seme   reply
01 01,2019
Biromantic, but I'm mostly attracted to girls haha Also I'm ace! I read about anything when it comes to manga tho, not just yaoi!   reply
20 08,2018
First anime was Tokyo mew mew! First manga... too I think! I read so much nowadays but when I was younger I really didn't read any manga! Kinda crazy how much I changed haha   reply
08 08,2018

bad-signal's question ( All 0 )