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One asscheek's feed

Its giving whiplash that the author is actually aknowledging the rape as what is is and Nakwon realizing the severity of it but is still pursuing a relationship with Mokhwa.. like huh??
Just don't include rape into the plot then bro what the hell it just feels unnecessary to the plot like he could have just beat him up instead or the author could've come up with literally anything else like how are you gonna make a rapist character and then start being like aww... but he regrets it now so its ok NO?? hes a fucked up person why are we trying to excuse his actions??
the aknowledgement feels pointless in the end cause i know they'll somehow end up together.
idk why in bl the always have to make a rape apologist plot bruhh,, like the plot is pretty good and the characters aren't flat and have personality, but it all gets ruined with the rape apologist mindset it's so annoying how often authors love to use it