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Sabby April 15, 2020 3:03 am

I feel like the seme is suddenly realizing that he messed up. He left puppy-kun without waiting for an explanation and broke off the relationship, and I think when the seme went over to his house he expected that puppy-kun would just immediately give in to him when he pushed. Except this time puppy-kun wouldn't listen to his explanation.

I'm glad puppy-kun kept insisting that he go. I want the ass hole seme to realize that he needs to be better. Puppy-kun is too sweet to be treated like crap.

    Evelyn~ April 15, 2020 7:34 am

    right ?? im honestly so proud of puppy-kun & how he kept insisting he could go ! the only thing about puppy-kun is that i hope he learn more about how dangerous social media is & how his situation couldve been wayy worst:(

Sabby April 12, 2020 6:17 am

I'm not sure why so many people are hating on Ingyu. He's naive and childish, but this is also the first time he's ever had any sort of freedom. His sisters are horrible to him (and it seems like he's grown up with a lifetime of verbal abuse because he refuses to have sex with chained up demons).

He also has no friends, no one who cares about him. Taegyu resents having to protect him and doesn't seem to care about him in the slightest. Taegyu jumped at the first chance he saw to drag Ingyu back to Devildom and wash his hands of being Ingyu's protector.

How can people blame Ingyu for desperately craving love, affection, and freedom? It's something he has literally never gotten before. Was he supposed to just sit quietly and let Taegyu drag him back, knowing he would end up being locked up and ridiculed by his sisters again? Knowing that he would probably never get the chance to be free again?

Please just give little Ingyu some slack. He deserves to finally be loved.

    wisteriatree April 16, 2020 5:53 am

    You are absolutely right. April 16, 2020 6:12 am

    Nah man, i dont hate Ingyu. He deserve what he want, it just the sex too much burn mah eyes

    yuyuuki April 16, 2020 6:21 am

    thank you!! it's like everyone forgot ingyu was treated like shit by everyone including family, of course he's desperate to be with someone he enjoys being with.

    Sofia April 16, 2020 10:20 pm

    I didn't even know people disliked him so much. I literally love him though? C'mon he's a cinammon roll!

Sabby March 27, 2020 3:25 am

Simon is a little b*tch, and Owen is baby. I want good things for him.

    Azuka serpent March 27, 2020 12:11 pm

    They need to get together already. Simon's a hoe ( ̄へ ̄)

Sabby February 7, 2020 7:07 pm

The first uke is baby and must be protected at all costs. (I mean both ukes are adorable, don't get me wrong, I just adore the first one so much)

Sabby January 28, 2020 11:47 pm

Spoiler! Spoiler! Just so you all can understand the theme of this story (it's a bit dark)... Spoilers, so don't click the plus sign if you don't want spoilers.
The uke was physically and psychologically abused by his dad. Seems like it was pretty horrible.

Since then he has been abused by pretty much all of his sex partners it seems, some of whom have put him in the hospital. There's some pretty serious dubious consent.

Uke gets horribly beaten by his roommate/sex friend with the help of the seme's roommate/sex friend.

And most the side characters seem certifiably insane (except the two girls who are cute).

Absolutely no hate to the translator, just want people to be aware that this isn't a fluffy manhwa so far in the raws (I think up to ch. 54 is out) so be aware of that when you start reading. Seme does end up genuinely caring about the uke though, which is nice.

    Gabby_pop✨ January 28, 2020 11:54 pm

    Does the seme end up hurting him? Thanks for this btw

    Sabby January 29, 2020 12:41 am
    Does the seme end up hurting him? Thanks for this btw Gabby_pop✨

    Another more specific spoiler

    Sort of. My Korean isn't great, so I didn't understand all the dialogue. But from what I got, the first time they do it, the seme is being very aggressive and is choking the uke. Uke hits him over the head with a clock and makes seme bleed. Seme then ties up the ukes hands and proceeds to have sex with the uke many times and is pretty rough. I didn't fully understand the dialogue, but the consent seemed pretty dubious.

    That was the only time the seme seemed to hurt the uke though. He slowly begins to genuinely care for the uke and is pretty protective of him in the later chapters that are currently out. He is devastated when the uke gets beaten up by the roommates/sex friends.

    Gabby_pop✨ January 29, 2020 12:49 am
    Another more specific spoiler....................Sort of. My Korean isn't great, so I didn't understand all the dialogue. But from what I got, the first time they do it, the seme is being very aggressive and is... Sabby

    Crap, that really breaks my heart. Thanks for letting me know

    Sabby January 29, 2020 1:10 am
    Crap, that really breaks my heart. Thanks for letting me know Gabby_pop✨

    Yeah, I feel really bad for the uke. He has been through a lot of bad stuff. But he always tries to act feisty and upbeat

    blueninja89 January 29, 2020 9:53 pm

    wow this is way more depressing than it appeared.

    Gabby_pop✨ January 30, 2020 5:18 am
    Yeah, I feel really bad for the uke. He has been through a lot of bad stuff. But he always tries to act feisty and upbeat Sabby

    Awee, man. That made me sad but imma still read it for the character development

    Gabby_pop✨ January 30, 2020 5:18 am
    wow this is way more depressing than it appeared. blueninja89

    Right? I seriously didn’t expect that

Sabby January 12, 2020 9:41 pm

I can only cry and imagine what this scene would look like without the light sabers. Holy hell this chapter was amazingly hot... Please quickly fall in love so we can get more scenes like this!

Sabby November 27, 2019 8:37 pm

The bunny finally stands up for himself, and instead of the seme being somewhat chagrined or apologetic, he just gets pissed off and abuses the bunny even more?

I don't think the seme is redeemable in my eyes. He drugged and finger raped the uke (and yes, it was rape. The bunny was scared and didn't want it, and the seme literally poured the drug down his throat, raped him, then left him exposed and passed out). Then he ignores the bunny, gets unjustifiably pissed off when the bunny finally stands up for himself, drugs and rapes him again (still rape, the bunny still doesn't want it even if it started feeling good at the end), then once again leaves him alone in a separate building.

Yeah sure, it appears the seme re-dressed him and laid him out properly the second time, but he still left him alone and passed out in that room.

I honestly don't really care what the seme's deal is or what is prompting him to act like that. His baggage, no matter what it is, doesn't give him an excuse to abuse Kaede.

(And it's incredibly creepy how all the wolf clan are just cheerfully going about as if nothing is happening. They literally bought Kaede from his family, brought him to a place where he knew no one, and forced him into rituals and customs that are horribly invasive all while offering no support or comfort whatsoever).

Idk if I can keep reading this and keep watching Kaede be abused.

    Cestelle November 27, 2019 8:53 pm

    Facts tbh but I still wanna see where this all goes.

    Mece November 27, 2019 9:01 pm

    The writer is gonna have so much work to do in order to make up for this if they want the seme to be redeemed.

    Anonymous November 27, 2019 10:14 pm

    I'm intrigued and gonna keep reading probably but agreed with all you've said. Kaede is an incredible cutie, unlike everything else. It makes me feel like his cuteness and the pretty art style is like covering up how messed up it all is. Like dropping you a box in the prettiest warping but inside it's all nasty worms. The contrast may just been what keeps me too curious to not come back but still...

    Anon November 27, 2019 10:54 pm


    Wait for the later chapters then you'll understand why he's acting like that. Ren is not the typical jerk seme well he's not a jerk purposely, he has an understanding situation which lead him to be 'unresponsive', 'mean' and etc.

    Yuya November 28, 2019 12:36 am

    It's not rape it's Kaitaka; a necessary preparation for different species to become mates, the fingering is to help prepare him for the real thing (mating) and the aphrodisiacs are to help relieve him of the pain. The seme is doing this because he is married to the uke and the whole process is a necessary requirement of that, sure he's an ass (attitude-wise) but who wouldn't be after being forced to marry some stranger.

    Anon November 28, 2019 2:45 am
    spoilerWait for the later chapters then you'll understand why he's acting like that. Ren is not the typical jerk seme well he's not a jerk purposely, he has an understanding situation which lead him to be 'unre... @Anon


    sometimes i can't english

    kamisama November 28, 2019 6:45 am
    spoilerWait for the later chapters then you'll understand why he's acting like that. Ren is not the typical jerk seme well he's not a jerk purposely, he has an understanding situation which lead him to be 'unre... @Anon

    So basically he went through some shit and now he's an ass. Excuses, excuses... doesn't change the fact that he was an absolute dick #-.-)

    Mece November 28, 2019 7:19 am
    It's not rape it's Kaitaka; a necessary preparation for different species to become mates, the fingering is to help prepare him for the real thing (mating) and the aphrodisiacs are to help relieve him of the pa... @Yuya

    It's sexual assault. The uke was force fed drugs and had fingers shoved up his ass. All without consent. He wasn't even given time to really understand what was happening. And he can not leave. It is more accurate to say that he was sold off rather than to call it a marriage.

    Honestly if the seme had givin the uke a minute he probably could have come to terms with what was going on. It is understandable that the seme wouldn't be happy about a forced marriage. Or about the forced sexual contact, even with him being the one penetrating someone else. But in this case, while he still doesn't have full control, the seme has a hell of a lot more control and power than the uke.

    His lack of empathy is a major flaw. Made worse by his lack of care after the deed is done.

    Anonymous November 28, 2019 9:46 am
    It's not rape it's Kaitaka; a necessary preparation for different species to become mates, the fingering is to help prepare him for the real thing (mating) and the aphrodisiacs are to help relieve him of the pa... @Yuya

    that's just names and plot stuff the author came up with to explain it Doesn't change it's a violent act, invasive and sexual in nature and Kaede was not down for it

    Sabby November 29, 2019 11:08 pm
    It's sexual assault. The uke was force fed drugs and had fingers shoved up his ass. All without consent. He wasn't even given time to really understand what was happening. And he can not leave. It is more accur... Mece

    Lack of empathy, that's exactly the term I've been looking for! You are absolutely right, the seme has far more control over the situation than the uke, and what really bothers me is that all of this could have been avoided. If anyone, the seme or literally anyone in the wolf tribe, had bothered to explain the whole kataika thing, explained why it's important and why they do it, explained the drugged alcohol, and then given the uke time to come to terms with it, all Kaede's pain and suffering could have been avoided. Maybe it would still be embarrassing, but at least the uke would have been prepared.

    Instead, the seme shows absolutely no empathy for the confused and scared uke, and forces strange, unfamiliar, and incredibly invasive customs on him. And like you said, coupled with the fact that he received absolutely no care afterwards, and that the uke literally cannot leave, it's all just horrible and sad...

    Kaede is super tough and stood up for himself a little (sweet bby), but he didn't deserve any of this.

    Sabby November 29, 2019 11:08 pm
    So basically he went through some shit and now he's an ass. Excuses, excuses... doesn't change the fact that he was an absolute dick #-.-) kamisama


Sabby November 26, 2019 5:09 pm

Just to let people know, in Korea many cars have very dark tint on the windows so you can't see inside. So to do this in a car, people really wouldn't be able to see inside!

    Camila505 November 26, 2019 7:39 pm

    Yeah but what about when it bounces lol, to see something like that would be so funny

Sabby November 25, 2019 11:56 pm

I feel like the relationships in this manhwa have just kind of... disappeared? I mean it's tagged as romance but the recent chapters have all been nothing but a complex political machinations. I still love it, but I'm finding it a little difficult to follow all the different plots and scheming from all the different characters.

I also miss the romance and the spicy scenes. Everything we've been getting is just small snapshots of the relationships. I would like more of the romance to come back please... Maybe I'm just not smart enough, but I'm struggling to keep track of the all the political stuff happening.

Sabby February 26, 2019 2:32 pm

So I've worked as a teacher in Korea for two years and let me tell you, if I ever so much as catch a glimpse of a bully treating another student badly, they would get a twenty minute lecture, I would tell their homeroom teacher, the principal, and have his parents called. I have ZERO tolerance for bullying in my classes, so whenever I read stories like this in my brain I'm just like "WHERE IS THE FRIGGIN TEACHER????"

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