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the kumada brothers at it again. they both should just never speak to shirase bc their brains wildin'

mariea created a topic of The World Without You

YALL that was so fucking good i wasnt expecting it to be so fuckin good holy shit... they love each other so much.... they grew for each other... they learned to love themselves and each other... i related too hard with the escapsim... you wish and wish for something fake until it becomes real in your head... god it was so real... remember guys delulu is not the solulu...

mariea created a topic of Vanilla Taste

thank god i dropped this tbh. im only mad that i couldnt get this shit out of my mind during one of my exams two years ago... what a waste of my fuckin time and exam points

mariea asked a question

been into height difference lately like 'gochisousama ga kikoenai' ( or 'sugar dog life' (
but im not really into feminine, weak, shy, looks-like-a-prebubescent-child ukes like in 'shiba-kun to shepherd-san' ( (nothing personal)
dw if you dont know if ive read some reccs before ill just reread it. ty~

the "worst man" in question: asks for consent, appreciates yuutos cooking, not homophobic, hoesnt and straightforward, DOESNT cheat, DOESNT mislead, NEVER lied, stood up to his homophobic friends... please tell me ONE bad thing about this guy

mariea created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

another chilling episode in my soft cuddly dokidoki kawaii romance.
1. the way the black just cuts off rather than a fade after That Event. even though it faded in. if it was a film, it would probably have that high-pitched EEEEE noise before cutting off..... (whatever this feeling is, it was perfectly portrayed in the manhwa) i also like how its showing yeonwoos perspective (lof him looking down at his shoes afterwards idk why
2. yeonwoo looking at junhyuk as if hes the light...
3. yeonwoos dilemma in telling junhyuk.
4. im also understanding why junhyuk acts so overprotective of yeonwoo in the present. how he wanted to push yeonwoo away because he was tired of caring for him, and the moment he did that, he really experienced hell while he was oblivious to the whole thing. he probably feels nothing but guilt and is trying to make up for it by constantly being by his side now. especially because he was aware that yeonwoo did not have friends or anyone to rely on during that time.

if anyone else has any thoughts,, please consider discussing! id love to hear other thoughts