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PolarBear October 7, 2023 9:59 am

Ngl I wanted them to keep being separate people. This is fine too, I guess.

PolarBear October 7, 2023 9:54 am

So Hyo-un changes his form in the next chapter? Noooo... I wanted him to stay a shota the whole time... (/TДT)/ C'mon Taehuyk, what are you doing!? Missed opportunity fr.
Even if there is no actual grooming, who tf cares. It's fiction.

    LikeKnives October 7, 2023 1:22 pm

    You’re a creep

    ppyippie October 7, 2023 4:18 pm

    ur weird

    Purky October 7, 2023 5:18 pm

    Woah. Youre an actual creep. Fucking pedo frfrs

    Lanos October 7, 2023 6:16 pm

    Your actually disgusting.

    Lightsaber October 8, 2023 2:12 am

    Ban this dude fr

    cinnabonbon October 8, 2023 2:53 am


    PolarBear October 8, 2023 4:32 am
    Ban this dude fr Lightsaber

    Why lmao

    PolarBear October 8, 2023 4:33 am
    Woah. Youre an actual creep. Fucking pedo frfrs Purky

    You need to be +18 to read smut, kid. Get out.

    PolarBear October 8, 2023 4:33 am

    No u

    Adrian October 8, 2023 7:19 am

    why are you trolling

    PolarBear October 8, 2023 7:45 am
    why are you trolling Adrian

    What do you mean?? I'm being 100% honest.

    nakyums butt October 8, 2023 4:24 pm


    potato soup October 8, 2023 5:01 pm


    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 9, 2023 6:53 am

    nigga what

    chlorine October 9, 2023 11:02 am


    potato soup October 9, 2023 6:56 pm


    chlorine October 10, 2023 7:12 am
    *pedos potato soup

    Shota's peak die mad retard

    PolarBear October 10, 2023 8:08 am

    FINALLY! Another fellow person of culture (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Purky October 10, 2023 4:49 pm


    PolarBear October 11, 2023 2:54 am
    *pedos Purky

    Didn't no one teach you to not engage in content that upsets you? Shoo. Away with you.

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 12, 2023 2:07 am
    Didn't no one teach you to not engage in content that upsets you? Shoo. Away with you. PolarBear

    bitch be fucking for real why do you wanna see porn with little kids u gotta be max 11-9

    PolarBear October 12, 2023 2:22 pm

    Because little Hyo-un was made to breed Taehyuk, thats why.
    Now "our local yaoi queen" is gonna get mad over little kids in fictional porn on a porn website. Lol, lmao even.

    Gigi October 12, 2023 11:37 pm


    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 13, 2023 6:00 am
    Because little Hyo-un was made to breed Taehyuk, thats why. Now "our local yaoi queen" is gonna get mad over little kids in fictional porn on a porn website. Lol, lmao even. PolarBear

    I made that username in 2020 and Im too lazy to change it deal with it

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 13, 2023 6:01 am
    Because little Hyo-un was made to breed Taehyuk, thats why. Now "our local yaoi queen" is gonna get mad over little kids in fictional porn on a porn website. Lol, lmao even. PolarBear

    wdyem why are you defending little children and porn your disgusting as fuck for that imagine ur family members or even ur friends seeing u say this ur mad weird theres a reason why child porn is literally illegal in every fucking country

    PolarBear October 14, 2023 7:06 am
    wdyem why are you defending little children and porn your disgusting as fuck for that imagine ur family members or even ur friends seeing u say this ur mad weird theres a reason why child porn is literally ille... YourLocalYaoiQueen

    This isn't csem, this is fiction. This whole website has shota and loli manga, so if anything, you need to get out. You're out here trying to act like a moral beacon (on a porn website no less) with that username, lmao clearly you're too young if you don't even know its origins.

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 14, 2023 4:34 pm

    why the fuck do u keep talking about my username when i literally just said I had 4 years ago and stop saying this website is a porn website it has all types of genres and every type of story its not meant specifically for porn, ppl just choose this website to read BL a lot becuz they dont wanna pay or smth thats why u see it everywhere and there is no child porn in this website they even had to take out boku no pico cuz it included sexualization of minors when u grow ur gonna hate urself for saying this TRUST im not a minor either and I have no problems with sexual things but when u have kids when u grow up and they find out u sexualized and defended fucking porn of little children and said “its just fiction!” do u know how u sound?

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 14, 2023 4:39 pm
    This isn't csem, this is fiction. This whole website has shota and loli manga, so if anything, you need to get out. You're out here trying to act like a moral beacon (on a porn website no less) with that usern... PolarBear

    you sound like a pedophile defending child porn cuz its “fiction” is smth a pedo would say smth someone who jerks off too a 5 yr old little girl in a bikini in anime style that shit is fucking disgusting and you CANT tell me that its not smth that pedos have sound COUNTLESS of times your a fucking freak go jump off a bridge and think about how weird you are to defend sexualization of minors even if its fiction cuz THEIR STILL DEPICTED TO BE A CHILD AND ARE DRAWN AS A CHILD AND LOOK LIKE A CHILD yet you still wanna see a fictional child get fucked by a grown fictional adult? go fuck yourself bitch

    PolarBear October 14, 2023 7:51 pm
    you sound like a pedophile defending child porn cuz its “fiction” is smth a pedo would say smth someone who jerks off too a 5 yr old little girl in a bikini in anime style that shit is fucking disgusting an... YourLocalYaoiQueen

    It's incredibly telling how delusional you are by equating fiction with reality. There is no CSEM material on this website, there is, however, a lot of shota and loli, which is not CSEM in any shape or form.
    If I keep mentioning your username it's because of the irony of it all. Using a term with so much "problematic" and taboo origins, yet acting like this. It's clown behavior, lmao.
    I'm calling this a porn website because it hosts +18 material, dumbass. Boku No Pico is animated shota, and is so infamous that of course it would get mass reported and deleted, as opposed to the whole lot of other lolisho material in this website, which there is plenty of. The fact that I even have to clarify all this is absurd and clearly tells me you're too young to understand.
    You can dislike these kinds of depictions and tropes all you want, but throwing serious accusations of pedophilia (over fictional characters no less) like this is not okay in the slightest. Grow up and get out.

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 14, 2023 8:08 pm
    It's incredibly telling how delusional you are by equating fiction with reality. There is no CSEM material on this website, there is, however, a lot of shota and loli, which is not CSEM in any shape or form. If... PolarBear

    my username doesnt have any irony to it cuz all it is gay fictional porn usually based in asia why are you comparing fictional homosexual to fictional cp and stop talking about csem smth doenst have to affect somebody to me morally wrong it doesnt matter if it doesnt affect a real human being it still applies that you like watching little children get fucked pedophilia is being attracted to minors while being over the age of a minor ppl get attracted to fictional characters all the time meaning if you get attracted to a little child while being 18+… your a pedo and im telling you to stop mentioning my username cuz if its been 4 yrs I obviously dont live in that mindset anymore stop acting slow asf anyways it doesnt matter if its fictional like I said is the character still a child? yes, is the mental state of the character still a child? yes, does the character most definitely 100% still look like a child? yup, your saying that its ok if a grown ass 40 yr old jerks off to characters like klee from genshin, anya from spy x family, nezuko from demon slayer and sofia from sofia the first like what

    PolarBear October 14, 2023 10:32 pm
    my username doesnt have any irony to it cuz all it is gay fictional porn usually based in asia why are you comparing fictional homosexual to fictional cp and stop talking about csem smth doenst have to affect s... YourLocalYaoiQueen

    So we agree it's fictional? Lmao.
    I'm not comparing yaoi to "fictional cp". I'm telling you, YaoiQueen, that the literal first yaoi manga ever had depictions of sexuality between underage characters. If you really "don't have that mindset" (whatever that means) and practiced what you preached, you would have gotten another username by now to stop asociating with the so called "problematic" media you like to point fingers at and accuse of being something it's not, yet here you are acting like a clown.
    All these characters you mentioned are just that. Fictional characters. There is nothing wrong with liking them as they are not real in any way. If I want to watch Nezuko railing her brother, that's my prerogative. I don't even know the other ones you mentioned, but idgaf if people sexualize them, too.
    Seek professional help, because these fictional drawigs are not going to thank you for "saving" them, lmao.

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 15, 2023 6:27 am
    So we agree it's fictional? Lmao. I'm not comparing yaoi to "fictional cp". I'm telling you, YaoiQueen, that the literal first yaoi manga ever had depictions of sexuality between underage characters. If you rea... PolarBear

    why are we saying that “we agree its fictional” like I was trying to say it wasnt fictional in the first place im literally saying that even if its fictional your still jerking off to a little girl that looks like a little girl and I just said that I didnt change my username yet cuz im too lazy too and im uncreative tbh to make a new one and im not going too just cuz user @PolarBear (aka top tier pedo) wants me too and theres nothing wrong with my username its just its rlly cringy asf and when I mean I dont live by that mindset I mean I dont obsess over yaoi and the first bl has to do with little kids and sexuality and theres nothing wrong with romance between minors (obviously not between minors and adults) it was just a normal homosexual heartwarming angsty romance story between two minors nothing sexual and how are you going to live with the mindset that arguing with grown adults that sexualizing a child is wrong as long as it protects someone and not because its genuinely morally wrong to do that in the first place like im starting to think that you genuinely think that pedophilia in general is okay cuz no where in this sentences did you ever hint that like cmon give me a reason why pedophilia in general is wrong cuz I dont think you know cuz how the actual living everlasting fuck do you think sexualizing a child is wrong only if it affects someone. thats just you saying that you think its perfectly okay but not saying that for the sake of ppl that went thru stuff like that

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 15, 2023 6:35 am
    So we agree it's fictional? Lmao. I'm not comparing yaoi to "fictional cp". I'm telling you, YaoiQueen, that the literal first yaoi manga ever had depictions of sexuality between underage characters. If you rea... PolarBear

    speaking of survivors do you think that ppl who got sexually assaulted by an adult as a minor, ppl who saw grown ass adults sexualize them online, and so on would be perfectly okay with you saying that sexualizing kids is okay? how do you expect ppl to be in the same room as you and comfortable with you if they saw you say this especially minors? how would your friends would look at you? it has nothing to do with affecting someone to be wrong it has to do with you all you “its fictional!” yet either way you sexualized a child with everything that a child has it doesnt affect 2 parties cuz the child is fictional yet you still jerked off too a child it has nothing to do with the child itself it has to do with you doing all that clearly obvious disgusting stuff that I know you went like “is this okay?” at least once I know you smell you like rotten eggs and onions over there smelling like a hair ball sack that hasnt been washed in weeks you vitamin d reject pls take care of urself I could just tell from these few sentences

    PolarBear October 15, 2023 8:56 am
    speaking of survivors do you think that ppl who got sexually assaulted by an adult as a minor, ppl who saw grown ass adults sexualize them online, and so on would be perfectly okay with you saying that sexualiz... YourLocalYaoiQueen

    Bruh. I'd say I'm baffled, yet I'm not the least bit surprised about your more-than-lacking reading comprehension skills.
    Fictional depictions of underage sex does not equal to actual irl pedophilia. I do not condone these types of behaviors irl in any way, shape or form. Thats why I keep telling you this is all fictional, YaoiQueen. These drawings are not real and won't be harmed by my silly comments. No one is sexualizing any real children and/or victims of CSA, so it is irrelevant to bring them up.
    Your attempt at kinkshaming is piss poor, and it reads like catholic guilt over cult-like mindsets like yours. I'm too old give a single shit about what other people think about my fetishes, lmao.
    Also, saying Kaze to Ki no Uta is just heartwarming wholesome underage gay romance with some angst is just so hilarious. You're a riot, but please educate yourself, you absolute buffoon.

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 15, 2023 7:09 pm
    Bruh. I'd say I'm baffled, yet I'm not the least bit surprised about your more-than-lacking reading comprehension skills. Fictional depictions of underage sex does not equal to actual irl pedophilia. I do not c... PolarBear

    nigga what, saying its weird to sexualize children is not kinkshaming, honestly any normal functional human being of society would think its weird but anyways why do you keep bringing up the fact that the characters are fictional like their not still not kids you keep saying that like that takes away the fact they still look like (and are) kids your admitting the fact that little kids are your fucking sexual kinks “but their not just any type of kids, their fictional” but are you still sexualizing kids regardless if their fictional or not? according to the fact their still depicted to be kids, yeah and maybe the characters wont thank me for protecting them (which I rlly dont care about. I dont do the right things in life so somebody could recognize them I do it cuz its just morally and obviously right) but im sure anybody within a 6 mile radius of your stink ass would

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 15, 2023 7:27 pm
    Bruh. I'd say I'm baffled, yet I'm not the least bit surprised about your more-than-lacking reading comprehension skills. Fictional depictions of underage sex does not equal to actual irl pedophilia. I do not c... PolarBear

    and maybe Kaze to Ki no Uta is not a wholesome story but the main couple definitely is, its not like the story includes a sexual relationship between an adult and child so it’s unnecessary to the conversation. besides that fact, fictional depictions of sex does not equal to irl pedophilia but either way its still pedophilia, there is no definition of pedophilia that includes to be only irl its literally just its just “when an adult had sexual feelings towards children” if a grown 40 yr old man searches up an anime character thats a child like you cant even mistake it you can tell their in elementary age and he jerks off he’s still a pedo “ omg for the last time its not real!” it doesnt have to affect a real person to be wrong that only means it doesnt affect 2 parties just only 1 meaning that the person that sexualized a child committed an act of pedophilia not to a real person but still. a child.

    PolarBear October 16, 2023 6:39 am
    and maybe Kaze to Ki no Uta is not a wholesome story but the main couple definitely is, its not like the story includes a sexual relationship between an adult and child so it’s unnecessary to the conversation... YourLocalYaoiQueen

    Then it just means you're a prude who cannot handle these kinds of tropes, lmao. I keep mentioning this is fictional because that's the entire point, doofus.
    You have not understood a single thing I've said and it is incredibly telling just how ridiculous you are.

    chlorine October 16, 2023 8:35 am

    omg you guys are really arguing on mangago of all places i'm crying

    PolarBear October 16, 2023 9:56 am
    omg you guys are really arguing on mangago of all places i'm crying chlorine


    ฬɪᴅᴏwꜱฬᴀɪʟ October 25, 2023 7:58 pm
    So we agree it's fictional? Lmao. I'm not comparing yaoi to "fictional cp". I'm telling you, YaoiQueen, that the literal first yaoi manga ever had depictions of sexuality between underage characters. If you rea... PolarBear


    toilet terrorist October 25, 2023 8:23 pm


    pilot October 25, 2023 8:27 pm
    omg you guys are really arguing on mangago of all places i'm crying chlorine

    Where you want people to argue? tf

    Shiro Neko October 25, 2023 8:49 pm
    Ikr PolarBear

    The comment section always filled with the new kids (and actually karens that got trained to act like social justice warriors) judging some unrealistic big eyes characters who should live the same way in the real life society like lmao, porn fictions and art are not meant to be eductional or real lol.

    Nah bro October 25, 2023 8:54 pm

    You're gross wtf

    Mikaela October 25, 2023 9:01 pm

    This is the 4528th reason I don't like humans. Bye.

    toilet terrorist October 25, 2023 9:33 pm
    The comment section always filled with the new kids (and actually karens that got trained to act like social justice warriors) judging some unrealistic big eyes characters who should live the same way in the re... Shiro Neko

    Justice warrior for saying illustrated pornographic imagery of children is wrong and unethical?? You need to get your morals checked lmao

    cocopuffs October 25, 2023 9:52 pm
    You need to be +18 to read smut, kid. Get out. PolarBear

    Imagine saying smut is for 18+ but read gross content of ppl who are below the age of 18..

    toilet terrorist October 25, 2023 10:09 pm
    Imagine saying smut is for 18+ but read gross content of ppl who are below the age of 18.. cocopuffs

    below the age of 13 even

    Shiro Neko October 26, 2023 3:27 am
    Justice warrior for saying illustrated pornographic imagery of children is wrong and unethical?? You need to get your morals checked lmao toilet terrorist

    Yeah me when I was at the age of 13, got a crush on a handsome adult 2D character and I see nothing wrong about having fantasies about marrying such a cool man at that age. Although I know that fact that it is impossible but... that's what fictions are for. For things that are impossible irl and nonexistent ideal 2D characters (and they don't hurt me). I don't know what countries you live in, but I don't see news about pedos "that" often here, like most adults have morals, teaching children understand that they shouldn't interact with strangers, staying outside alone, and they should report when such incident happens. Humans in real life are just far more complicated and dangerous and 2Ds are often more idealized and happier.

    SomethingIDK October 26, 2023 4:09 am

    I hate fuckers like u who try to hide behind that wack ass excuse that something is fiction. Bro do u hear urself? U fr just confessed u preferred he stay a child??? The fuck u mean missed opportunity fr?? Have some discretion dude. ur liable for ur own opinions and urs just happens to be a pedo one. Saying something is fake doesn’t make ur opinion on it any more ambiguous. it’s an apparent show of ur conscious

    YourLocalYaoiQueen October 26, 2023 4:19 am
    Yeah me when I was at the age of 13, got a crush on a handsome adult 2D character and I see nothing wrong about having fantasies about marrying such a cool man at that age. Although I know that fact that it is ... Shiro Neko

    bro how u gon conpare a child being attracted to an adult (even tho ur a child at that time your brain isnt even fully developed until the age of 25 no one is gonna blame u for having a crush on a adult cuz literally everyone did at one point) to a literally grown ass adult saying that they want a child to fuck a grown adult? thats smth a pedo mom would say or smth that shit is disgusting

    PolarBear October 26, 2023 5:20 am
    Imagine saying smut is for 18+ but read gross content of ppl who are below the age of 18.. cocopuffs

    You're genuinely stupid if you think these two things have even the slightest correlation.

    PolarBear October 26, 2023 5:29 am
    I hate fuckers like u who try to hide behind that wack ass excuse that something is fiction. Bro do u hear urself? U fr just confessed u preferred he stay a child??? The fuck u mean missed opportunity fr?? Have... SomethingIDK

    Missed opportunity frfr. Hyo-un should have tapped that premium Goryo era Taehyussy (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    picklesbois November 5, 2023 3:58 am


    picklesbois November 5, 2023 4:01 am
    FINALLY! Another fellow person of culture (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ PolarBear

    person of child pornography oh em gee no way do u also think kids r hot 2 no way we can be p3do besties!1!!1!!!1!! >_<

    no bc what the actual fuck is wrong with you.. culture???? what culture is there in FUCKING KIDS ? there’s nothing to be proud of in liking children actually go shoot urself ur embarrassing ur not quirky for finding CHILLDREENNN HOT ^_^

    potato soup November 5, 2023 5:29 am

    okay be happy as disgusting criminal then ^^

    PolarBear November 6, 2023 11:50 am

    Lmao at you for inviting me to kill myself and then blocking me. So brave of you to do that.
    But watch this:
    I love shotaヾ(☆▽☆) they're so hot! Little Hyo-un sure has a monster dick!

    1NS0M_1.9 November 11, 2023 8:48 pm

    Kys pedo

    scared November 11, 2023 9:36 pm

    help are you being fr?…

    Mimimimimimimo November 11, 2023 11:51 pm

    I mean what's the point of even arguing at this point. Bro really bunkers down and died on the hill that pedophilia is justified in fiction, ignoring the fact that some people do actually get influenced by what they read. Imagine a 13 year old girl reading this shit, while dating a 23 year old man thinking it's okay... she's hot and if she gets older it would be a missed opportunity. Like really think before you post fam, how does this post portray me, how does it effect me and how would it effect other people dude. Simp over loli children characters to your hearts content but keep it to yourself especially when you wouldn't do it in real life but it's your guilty pleasure. Idk if y'all can see previous comments of mine but I did once say I was in a weird relationship as a teen, what I want to say now is the man I was with, and tried so desperately to please was a fucken pedophilia in college when I literally graduated middleschool. I understand shota is a genre that often at time justifies why they look like children but are not really AT TIMES but at the end of the day an adult with sense will not be into shota because they would seek a comic representative for their desires, aka a relationship with two adult. I'm more concerned with a past me seeing something like this and thinking my relationship with that groomer was justified because if it's okay in media why is it not okay in real life. And if polarbear want to die on this hill, let them die on it, at the end of the day it doesn't seem like they care to even want to recognize shota is a version of cp. (︶︿︶)=凸

    peenie November 13, 2023 12:36 am

    flabbergasted at this disgusting shameless person holy shit people astound me (⊙…⊙ )

    PolarBear November 14, 2023 3:30 am
    flabbergasted at this disgusting shameless person holy shit people astound me (⊙…⊙ ) peenie

    You really went and looked up all my comments just to post the most braindead replies, huh. Okay, senpai has noticed you, here's your medal

    DegradeMe November 18, 2023 9:37 am

    weird ass bitch go outside..

    PolarBear November 19, 2023 4:16 am
    weird ass bitch go outside.. DegradeMe

    Sure, DegradeMe. You really want to start flinging rocks from your glass house? ╮( ̄× ̄)╭

    DegradeMe November 19, 2023 11:24 am
    Sure, DegradeMe. You really want to start flinging rocks from your glass house? ╮( ̄× ̄)╭ PolarBear

    Trust me I'll break your glass hut before I shatter my glass house ur weird go seek help.

    PolarBear November 22, 2023 6:55 am

    Thats not even how the saying goes, lmao. Medicate yourself, Degradee, bc getting this upset over what a total stranger says on a porn site is not healthy at all. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ January 13, 2024 3:36 pm

    lol, wouldn’t be surprised if this person was an actual pedo

    PolarBear January 14, 2024 10:01 am
    lol, wouldn’t be surprised if this person was an actual pedo

    No u

    Bebek January 26, 2024 11:01 am

    You must've never have pedos around you when you were so young to stiffle a cry, so weak to voice your confusion, so felt dirty to function. How lucky

    PolarBear February 3, 2024 10:24 am
    You must've never have pedos around you when you were so young to stiffle a cry, so weak to voice your confusion, so felt dirty to function. How lucky Bebek

    Please use another translator and try again! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    REETRAT May 14, 2024 2:32 am

    Damn, I wouldn't tell you to kys like everyone else is because that's fucked up. But you definitely need God and Jesus!

PolarBear September 29, 2023 8:42 am

Love it when the ML meets the MC as a child! Shota Hyo-un is so pretty, I hope we get to see him in that form in the current times. Would be an extra special treat to see him top Taehyuk like that♡

    toilet terrorist September 29, 2023 9:53 am

    this is actually nasty hes like a 6 year old

    Iliketoreadstuff September 29, 2023 9:56 am

    Get serious help

    BabyDaddySnatcher September 29, 2023 10:41 am

    What… do not have fücking kids please

    PusheenVibes September 29, 2023 10:48 am

    Dude…kill yourself. QUICKLY

    Jujucat September 29, 2023 10:57 am

    ….I hate it here

    memoooo55 September 29, 2023 11:13 am

    what the actual FUCK is wrong with u!?!??!

    Iliketoreadstuff September 29, 2023 11:41 am
    Dude…kill yourself. QUICKLY PusheenVibes


    Right infront of my salad? September 29, 2023 12:02 pm

    They need to put you UNDER the prison. Just behind bars ain't enough.

    Daintyy September 29, 2023 2:38 pm

    No way all those like r not accidental cause that is actually fucking feral

    NewDestiny September 29, 2023 3:06 pm

    You're gross person. Stay away from kids.

    Boo September 29, 2023 8:30 pm

    Sewer slide plz :3

    Aila September 29, 2023 10:58 pm

    Actual pedo in the comments

    PolarBear September 30, 2023 3:09 am

    Imagine getting this mad over fiction lmao
    Little Hyo-un should fuck Taehyuk('s past life) and get him pregnant. That's how Taehyuk's family came to be.

    HELLO? POLICE??? September 30, 2023 11:04 am


    hanie October 6, 2023 12:06 am

    kill yourself

    PolarBear October 7, 2023 9:30 am
    kill yourself hanie

    No u

    gyarucorpse October 27, 2023 11:52 am
    ….I hate it here Jujucat


    peenie November 13, 2023 12:26 am
    Dude…kill yourself. QUICKLY PusheenVibes

    lmfao so real for that (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Kaizen November 23, 2023 2:48 am

    Oh…that’s not-

PolarBear September 2, 2023 6:19 am

Loved this, I kept hoping they'd include his son. Oh well...

PolarBear July 23, 2023 9:07 am

Love the art, nipple bandaids are the absolute best!

PolarBear February 10, 2019 1:32 am

So... where are those side stories?

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