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Manta ray want to do ( All 1 )

make a webcomic or webtoon

Manta ray's experience ( All 0 )

Manta ray's answer ( All 3 )

yes every single day, but my laziness prevents me to anything so i keep saying to myself maybe tomorrow, but you need someone to talk too just chat me this is an ironic thing to say, but I want you to be strong about everything and lets continue to fight our own demons inside us.   2 reply
19 08,2018
Manta ray
19 08,2018
sureeeeeeee   reply
19 08,2018
for the present cuz we will never know what the future holds but for now I don't want to get married and its physically and mentally exhausted   reply
19 08,2018

Manta ray's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did character obsession

If I read a story I like a LOOOT I mean A LOOT I have a attachment with that character (^.^)

1 minutes
did test your personality type

INTJ/ISTJ I took the test several times on more than 2 websites.

2 minutes
did stay up too late reading yaoi

I always end up staying late to read yaoi cause I just looove yaoi so much ONG I CAN BEVER GET ENOUGH OF IT (^ν^)

8 minutes